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Meeting the Grayshirt

Posted on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 6:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Transporter Room 7, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 1341 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles stood at the corner of the bustling transporter room aboard the USS Columbia. His dark gold eyes surveyed the scene, taking in the constant stream of crewmembers materializing on the pads. Incoming transports arrived with precision, their intervals carefully timed to maintain the efficiency of the operation. Ryhl leaned against the wall, his presence unobtrusive as he quietly observed the controlled chaos unfolding before him.

Crewmembers hurriedly disembarked from the transporters, each one carrying out their assigned duties with practiced ease. The room hummed with activity, the air filled with a palpable sense of purpose. The Commander's gaze flickered from one transporter pad to another, watching as the crew seamlessly transitioned from their arrivals to joining the ongoing activities aboard the ship.

As Ryhl's eyes continued to scan the room, he marveled at the diverse tapestry of Starfleet personnel that surrounded him. Uniforms of various colors mingled together, representing a myriad of species and backgrounds. Despite the crowded environment, a sense of order prevailed.

In the midst of the organized chaos, Ryhl found solace in his quiet observation. He was waiting for the Chief Intelligence Officer. The unclassified details highlighted on his record showcased a lot of promise.

The Columbia was headed deep towards the outer Alpha Quadrant. This was quite close to Breen space. Commander th'Zeles had to get patched into the latest information about them, as quickly as possible.

Jason materialized in the transporter room, "Permission to come aboard?" he said in a semi-formal tone.

"Permission granted", Ryhl replied in a tone that was half formal and half playful. He couldn't help but smile.

"I actually wanted to chat it up for a bit. We're headed towards a pretty interesting area of space."

Not wanting to throw everything towards Jason at once, Ryhl said, "I take it your voyage here went smoothly though?" The sentence was voiced like a question.

"I did manage to read the mission overview, I haven't done any breakdowns of the potential problems we might encounter, but I did notice our location withing operating distance of the typhon expanse powers." Jason said factually.

"Let's walk", Ryhl said with a gesture. They began moving away from the transporter and towards the door. "You're right about the Typhon sector. The Typhon Expanse itself is just across the border in the Beta Quadrant, but.."

As they exited the transporter room, Commander th'Zeles switched his conversation to another topic. "You are the first person I want to tell this. Something is happening on Campor III. We are seeing sabotage on a large scale. This colony should be much further along than it is."

Ryhl led Jason towards a nook in the corridor he'd spotted earlier. It was right by a large viewport overlooking Starbase 74.

"It should be noted that Romulan refugees also have a small presence on the planet. The Breen are not far. They've never liked that colony. There are also several local native populations which could potentially feel threatened... Truth is that all we have is speculation."

Making a turn away from the main corridor, the viewport was in view.

"I take it you're up for the task of a good mystery", the middle-aged, but impish Andorian said with a wry smirk.

Jason processed the information "There wasn't anything in the reports, I'll start digging right away."

"There aren't many reports from that far out into the Alpha Quadrant". The CO had an excited look about him as he spoke. "That's one of the reasons the Columbia is headed towards that general region."

"Starfleet needs you to put some fieldwork in on the colony. Keep an eye on things. You could pose as a colonist and blend into the populace. Or you could mix into a team as an engineer or scientist and watch how outsiders interact with a project."

"The fleet will be the one reading your reports." Commander th'Zeles hinted at the importance of the work.

Confirming his suspicions Jason spoke "Commodore Wallace made it clear that I was to assess the situation at the colony for future affairs, his words." Jason added to emphasize what he did know.

Ryhl nodded. That could mean several different things. The Commander knew that the Federation truthfully wished to make Campor III a Federation colony. This would expand Starfleet's territory in this direction.

"Understood", Ryhl said with a cryptic expression upon his face. "It makes sense that if we should build for the future, so too should we observe and assess."

"In some ways, we are being sent to scout out the outer Alpha Quadrant. Your role will be integral. I may even call you onto the bridge from time to time as an advisor", the middle aged Andorian continued.

"Related by side question are any support ships going to be joining us or are we going solo?" Jason asked.

"We are going solo", Ryhl responded. "There will be a few ships in the general area, but they'll likely be a few days away at best."

"Is there anything you need from me? Perhaps for your department?" The Commander was checking to see if there was any piece of equipment he could ensure the department has access to. Ryhl wanted the Intelligence department to be both well-staffed and well-equipped.

"I'll get my staffing requests submitted, but intel is stretched thin in this sector, I might just tap into the staff aboard ship if I get out of my league with something, I was going to ask if we could call on the talents of a young intel officer, but he was promoted so for now I'll manage." Jason said factually.

The Andorian looked surprised. "Excellent idea", Commander th'Zeles said. "Let me know who you have in mind, to work with you."

"I'll keep you filled in with reports I receive from higher", Ryhl promised. "

With a nod, he added, "It was nice meeting you, Lieutenant. I know you have a lot to do. Expect a meeting within the next 24 hours. We will answer any concerns there."

"Understood sir." Jason said as the two officers went their separate ways.


Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant JG Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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