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Plotting The Course

Posted on Fri Jul 14th, 2023 @ 3:22pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Edited on on Sat Jul 15th, 2023 @ 3:12pm

1,422 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck Six, Stellar Cartography, USS Columbia
Timeline: Day 2, 0935 hours

The Astrometrics lab was a haven of knowledge. It was a place where the mysteries of the cosmos came to life. The lab's centerpiece, an immense three-dimensional map, spanned the room from floor to ceiling. It was a holographic representation of the Galaxy. It showcased stars, planets, and celestial bodies in stunning detail.

Commander th'Zeles could almost reach out and touch the constellations as they shimmered overhead. Instead he looked down at a console, plotting data for possible routes to the Columbia's destination in Campor III.

The immersive nature of the map was awe-inspiring. It enveloped the room, depth and realism making it feel as though one could step into the starry expanse. Real marveled at the intricate details, observing how each celestial object was accurately rendered, capturing the vastness and beauty of the cosmos. It was a tool that allowed the crew to navigate the unknown, unraveling the secrets of the universe one data point at a time.


Kas sighed his daughter Keena had been in his room refusing to come out, he'd finally just some food and sat and waited patiently until she was hungry enough to come out and eat. She looked at the food and made a gesture of thanks. At least she knew some of her manners he thought. As they ate in silence, she had barely said a word to him since he had taken custody of her


Ryhl tapped his commbadge. "This is Commander th'Zeles to Lieutenant Razka. Report to the Astrometrics lab."

=^= Of course Sir, I be right there, Razka out

With a sense of purpose, Ryhl began to prepare the lab for their work. He meticulously calibrated the holographic projectors, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the map's visual representation. Data terminals hummed to life, ready to receive and process the vast amounts of information that would be analyzed within the lab's walls.


Kas turned to see his daughter looking at him curiously, "I have to go see the Captain, I need you to stay here, Bella will check on you in a little bit," Kas instructed before walking out the door.

He made his way down the hall, he pressed his Commbadge."Razka to Rodriguez, please check on my daughter when you get a moment."

Kas entered the lab and smiled at the holographic stars, "You call for sir?"

Ryhl turned to see the newcomer. "It is great to meet you, Lieutenant.. We'll be together quite often on the bridge.. Especially with the long trip ahead."

"I look forward to it, Sir." Kas smiled warmly. "Space travel has literally been my life, for many years."

Ryhl gestured to the map. "Speaking of long trips.. I figured we'd go over the route. You see, I first figured we would cut through the Alpha Quadrant.. But the computer is telling us to go up the Beta Quadrant... Cross over at the Omicron sector.

The three dimensional map showed how long of a voyage this was. From the lower center quadrant of the map, the route worked up from the Titus sector, through Zed Lapis and Mutara before pushing through more familiar places. Although it seemed as if a straight line would be fastest, the three dimensional reality of space changed this.

"This route actually takes us past Andoria, Vulcan and Sol. It might be awhile before we're back over this way", Ryhl said.

"Yes, we could be gone for some time," Kas agreed.

While he was alone earlier, Ryhl had fun asking the computer to highlight some of the spots along the way. There were a few things he wanted to point out along the way. The map scrolled up from the Titus sector, past sectors Atrea, Zed Lapis and into the Mutara sector. it focus on a glowing mass between the stars.

"This is something we'll want to avoid", the Commander told Lt. Razka. "The Mutara Nebula.. Its highly ionized gasses would disrupt our sensors and make shields inoperable.."

Kas just listened patiently as the Commander spoke, his people had ways to navigate through space hazards that the Federation was unfamiliar with. The Quth'Mar didn't use vessels of this size so he might be right to avoid it. He got out a PADD and began taking notes.

Ryhl scrolled the map upwards to the next sector... Rigellian. The map showcased the territory of different humanoids by highlighting their territory in different colors. This sector had large blotches of different colors from the Federation blue.

Ryhl zoomed in on this area, showing the planets Lysia and Satar. "The peoples of these two planets are at war. We'd best stick to Federation space and avoid their conflict."

Walking away from his console and turning back to Kas, Ryhl said, "Is there anything else along the route which stands out to you?"

From there the route went through the Andorian, and Vulcan sectors. The Columbia would bank left at Sol, Earth's star. The last leg was deceivingly longer than it would look on a two dimensional map. But it went through the sectors Muratas, Sierra and Typhon before washing out into unclaimed space.

"I understand avoiding the warzone," Kas said. "However I believe a few adjustments and an abundance of caution. I may be able to navigate us through the Mutara Nebula, this should shave about nine days off our journey. I'll need to analyze the available data, but it's possible."

Ryhl thought for a moment. The Mutara Nebula isn't just another nebula. If we fly through there, our sensors will be inoperable. You would be navigating through dead reckoning."

As his thoughts developed, Ryhl said, "But it is a well known anomaly. If you think there is enough data to navigate it through waypoints on file, I will allow this."

A readout next to the plotted route showed travel time was just over 8 weeks. Commander th'Zeles moved back to the console to adjust the route.

"What do you think about taking us on a long flight?" Ryhl walked back towards Las as he spoke. "The Columbia seems like she would be an exciting ship to fly."

"Yes Sir," Kas smiled. "I became a pilot and navigator among my people at the start of the Dominion War, we avoided a lot of conflicts by keeping our vessels in or around nebulas and other space hazards. This vessel is larger than any I've flown, however I'm confident in my skills."

Kas spoke with confidence as he made notes on the course the Commander was suggesting.

"Ah, so you've been flying for quite some time", Ryhl said while gazing up at Campor III on the ceiling. "In that case, it will be a routine flight.

Having only read a little of Lieutenant Razka's background, Ryhl turned to him and asked, "I'm sure even the young had to do their part in those days. I once knew a Klingon who served the Empire back then, when he was young." It went without saying that many Bajorans also fought at a young age during the war.

"Yes Sir," Kas said solemnly, he didn't talk about the War often. However, it had been the fire that forged him. "A whole generation of youths were forced to become adults, before their time. Those of us who lived anyhow."

Kas looked at the holographic maps, grateful the Commander seemed to understand.

"I am grateful Bajor was liberated", Ryhl added. "I am also glad you made it through your own battles to make it here. The Columbia needs your experience."

A pearly-white grin spread across the Commander's cerulean face as he spoke. "We've got a long flight ahead. Meet some of the junior officer and enlisted staff under your command... Set up the duty roster and all of that fun administrative stuff. We will be underway before you know it."

"I'll also have to enroll my daughter Keena in the ship's school and daycare. At the moment a friend and subordinate is caring for her now." Kas smiled. "Another reason you can trust me with the safety of your vessel."

"Very well", Ryhl said with a warm smile. "I hope she settles in well here. The Odyssey will be more than a starship. It will be our home."

"Well I don't want to keep you", the Commander continued. "We'll be talking more as the days pass. Spend time with your daughter. I'll be seeing you on the bridge."

"Yes Sir," Kas nodded. He turned and exited.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia


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