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A Special Assignment

Posted on Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 11:27pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus

1,279 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ayesha's Quarters
Timeline: MD 14 - 0745 hours

Ayesha woke to the tinkling of traditional Pharaoni wind chimes. The sound was produced by her PADD, of course, similar to but obviously not quite the real thing. She had always found the replicated version far less harmonious than the actual deal. Or perhaps, just perhaps, those were her trained ears talking, able to differentiate with little effort one noise from another - such as the crunching of leaves under the foot of an animal, or under the foot of an enemy masquerading as a wild animal.

Here in Starfleet, where no such deception was possible on the metal deck plates, she'd learned to listen for other things instead - but that was besides the point.

Ayesha performed her daily ablutions faithfully, dressed and made her bed, which led her to the final, and very last, part of her morning rites. She carefully unrolled the intricately woven reed mat rolled neatly beneath her bed and knelt, eyes cast reverently to the ceiling above, to symbolize looking upon Ra, the symbolic representation of the Sun. "Computer, activate program Ansapata Three Beta." She whispered.

She could never get used to the sound of her mother's disembodied voice, soft and sweet, wafting through her quarters like the gentlest summer breeze. It brought tears to her eyes, as it often did, invoking memories of her once rosy life on Pharaoni, right before the Acolytes of Set brought it down in flames. Literally.

"The light of Ra shine upon you."

"And also upon you. " The catechism had been engraved into the very core of her being by now, thanks to her mother's efforts. Warm memories of her mother dressed in white priestly robes draped over her elegant frame came to mind, as did the sensation of her warm fingers against her cheek.

"Why have you risen for another day? Why has your ba not departed for the Du'at?"

"For wise Osiris, ruler of the Du'at, has decreed that I may live another day."

"Why do you rise with your mind and wits intact?"

"Because my Lady Sekhmet-" The sound of the door chime rattled the woman out of her thoughts. Ugh. One clear disadvantage of living in a communal setting such as this one - someone else could visit at practically any other time. Ayesa stood, and bid the visitor to come in.

Ryhl entered slowly, looking around. He could hear the mature voice of a woman still speaking in the background as he stood in the entrance.

"Is now a good time?" Ryhl looked to the Pharoni woman. "If you're busy I can come back.. I've got a covert message from Starfleet to pass on."

The truth is that Ryhl felt very awkward about coming to Ayesha's quarters. Normally he would have visited an officer at their departmental office or had them report to the ready room. This information needed to be passed on as quickly and as quietly as possible.

The notion of having covert, possibly clandestine, news for her ears only made Ayesha raise an eyebrow. Had the Claws somehow managed to contact her, even out here? "No. No bother at all. When duty comes knocking, I must place that above all." She replied, after ending the program and coming to attention before Ryhl. "What is this message about, Commander?"

The Andorian walked inside, eyes focused on Ayesha's. "It's about your work aboard the Columbia. Starfleet has a need for somebody with your skills." He had reviewed her record, including her commendations.

"I understand you had a conversation with Commander Chalan about unconventional operations", Ryhl continued. "She spoke of you working with highly trained Tactical and Security personnel."

Commander th'Zeles smiled slightly, but stood focused with military bearing. "Starfleet has a need for a team with even more capability. Have you ever heard of a Hazard team?"

Ayesha's keen chestnut eyes watched the Commander carefully as he stepped into her quarters. "I have. My previous assignment had one - though they were rarely ever utilized." She focused on his face now, aquiline lips setting in a thin line. "If I were to guess, you intend to establish one aboard the Columbia, and you would like me to be a part of it."

"Commander Chalan and I think you're the right person to run the team." Ryhl's antennae moved slowly from left to right, occasionally turning in different directions. "You'll also be moved to Chief Strategic Operations Officer."

Ryhl reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny case. It could be recognized as a container holding rank pips. "This also comes with a promotion to full Lieutenant, effective immediately", he said as he handed Ayesha the case.

Ayesha's hazel eyes widened in shock as she stared at the tiny black case that'd been placed in her hands. The Claws of Sekhmet had never, never believed in rank - power, they said, vested in the individual, not the insignia which they wore upon their uniform. That being said for the Commander to recognize her as worthy of wielding power was a great honor - she would've been a fool not to accept.

The Pharaoni's coppery hands closed around the box as she looked up at the Andorian with a steely gaze fit for a woman of her standing. "I accept this new responsibility." She intoned, purposely avoiding the subject of rank. Leadership was, above all, a great responsibility, a calling. "May my Lady Sekhmet guide me, and bless my journey as I head forth into this new position of leadership. What do you require of me at this juncture?"

Ryhl felt his posture ease, shoulders falling as he looked to the side in thought. "I'd like you to review the Security and Tactical rosters.. Pick two officers and three enlisted to train to the highest standards."

For the first time, she could see clear emotion in Ryhl's face. He smiled a somewhat heavy smile, with dark emotion in his eyes. There was still warmth in his voice as he spoke, "I have the utmost faith that you, of all our crew, can prepare them." He knew it would be a daunting assignment, but one that she was prepared for.

Ryhl suddenly added an, "Oh!" He shifted his weight and took a step to the side. "Your team will occasionally include attached specialists capable of expanding the team's capability. For example, Commander Chalan and I will look over the manifest and see who might be up to the task.. We'll look for your input before including them."

The Commander felt even more confident in Lt. JG binte Ansapata after meeting her. There was something about her presence. She matched the quiet professional reflected in her somewhat classified and redacted record.

"I shall prepare a list of prospective candidates for you by noon, and have it on your desk in the ready room by then as well." Ayesha picked up her PADD. Promptness was a trademark of hers - when she promised something to deliver she would get it done as soon and to the best of her ability. Her previous commanding officer had noted that about her. "I'm sure there are some individuals capable of the appointment - though I suppose I could possibly train one or two from scratch if necessary. Do you require anything else from me, Commander?"

"That should be all", Ryhl said. "I apologize for stopping by so early. I'm just about to head to the bridge." His neck bobbed into a quick nod. "I look forward to your report."

With a wide smile, Ryhl turned and exited Ayesha's room.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Ayesha binte Ansapata
Chief Strategic Officer
USS Columbia


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