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The Facts are with Science

Posted on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 @ 2:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Commander Chalan Kendri

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Science Labs: Deck 9
Timeline: MD 12: 1700 hours

First Officer Chalan had been so wrapped up with security and intelligence meetings lately, she hadn't had an opportunity to check in on their new Chief Science Officer, so she made an appointment to check in with Lt. Lyngstad at the lower science labs, which also happened to be where Lyngstad's office was as well.

Kendri entered the science labs to find Johanna was sitting at her desk, reviewing something. She was singing quietly to herself as the First Officer walked in. The song was in English and seemed to be about singing in the rain. She looked up to First Officer Chalan. She thought, another Bajoran/Cardassian, like Paisley. The First Officer seemed young. "XO. Good to see you." She stood up and offered her hand.

Kendri extended her hand and shook it. It was a greeting foreign to her until she moved to Bajor, but found it fairly widespread among Starfleet.

"Good to see you as well, Lieutenant," Kendri said warmly. "I really just wanted to check in, and see how things are going in the Science Department. I'm trying to make a point to be accessible to the senior staff, make sure everyone feels comfortable reaching out for anything from the start," Kendri explained. "But also, we'll be entering the Mutara Nebula soon, so I definitely wanted to do this before we reached that area of space," Kendri said seriously.

"So, how are things going generally? I know we all just got here, but initial impressions of the facilities and you staff?" Kendri asked.

"Well," began Johanna, "I hadn't expected the ship to be this well equipped. The facilities are quite extensive. I haven't been been able to think of a situation that would arise that the Columbia's labs could handle. Which is a relief. As far my staff goes, I have met with them twice now. This is my first posting as a Chief Science Officer, so I am still getting used to being the one in charge. Simulations are different than the real thing." She smiled at the XO. "With the Holana leading us, I am confident we will be able to navigate the nebula successfully."

"Absolutely, Lt. Razka is an excellent pilot, with supereior tactical knowledge as well. We'll be in good hands," Kendri agreed. "But the Science Department is equally important for the safety and well-being of the crew, during our time in the nebula, and I wanted to personally extend my appreciation for your leadership and the extra work that your department will be putting in while we're passing through," Kendri said, sincerity in her voice.

"Thanks, XO." answered Johanna. "Hopefully we can get some good information while we are travelling through the nebula. Who knows, we might learn something that no one has learned before." Johanna chuckled.

"If you'd like to staff the Bridge with a second science officer for all shifts during those ten days, it may give the junior officers some good experience, and I wouldn't mind have a second pair of eyes looking for anomalies within the anomaly so to speak," Kendri suggested.

"That's a great idea. Four eyes are better than two." In her youth, Johanna had worn glasses for a few years. But she had outgrown them and now had 20/20 vision. "I have enough staff so no one will get fatigued from overwork, which is important."

"I certainly agree," Kendri replied. "Speaking of which, I promised Lt. Sava I would mention something to you. She's hoping to get enough people together who might be interested in a basketball league, or at least some regular games going. Any interest?" Kendri asked.

"Absolutely!" Johanna replied. "I would love to play. I would be great to see what kind of talent we have on ship. I used to play on a fairly regular basis." Johanna's size and ability probably could have gotten her a spot on a 21st century women's college team or even the WNBA, the old professional basketball league. In her 20s.

Kendri smiled happily. "I remembered that from your personnel file, it's how your name come up when she mentioned basketball. She'll be happy to hear it. I think even the Captain might play."

"The Captain? He said he had an interest in basketball. And yourself? What sorts of sports hold your interest?"

Kendri nodded, "Apparently the Captain enjoys a variety of sports, though I am still getting to know him," Kendri responded. "I've never played basketball, but I promised Sava that I would at least give it a try, so you can expect to see me there, If it turns out to be a disaster, it may just be for moral support," Kendri said laughing. "I'm more into springball, racquetball, parkour, sparring... Kas has been working with me on the bat'leth, though if you were to watch ten minutes of it, I'm sure you'd find it comical," Kendri said laughing at herself.

"If any of your staff are interested in the basketball thing, please spread the word. Or if you know of a group of people interested in getting something sport going, let me know if you need anything to get it up and going," Kendri offered.

Johanna nodded. "I certainly will. Racquetball has held an interest for me, great way to improve hand-eye coordination. Springball is a little too violent for me."

Kendri laughed. "Well it was the sport to play when you were a teenage on Bajor if you can imagine," Kendri responded. "Well I can let you get back to work. Racquetball - we should play sometime then?" she asked.

"Sounds good. But let me get a few points. Getting shutout might mean we will never play again." Johanna had mostly gotten over her childhood anger issues about getting beat at sports.

"Let you?" Kendri asked dubiously. "I'm pretty sure you can hold your own," she said with a playful wink. "I only picked it up because there weren't as many springball players at the Academy. I may be the one asking you for mercy," she said playfully as she made her way to the door of the science department. Kendri stood in the open door, "I'll look at our schedules for the next couple of weeks and send you some options and see if anything works."

Johanna smiled. "OK, I will see you later then. Have a great day."

"Same to you," Kendri said, nodding politely as she let herself out.

Johanna went back to her work at he desk. Hopefully, there were some interest in the ancient sport of basketball on ship. It was one of the few sports that had a definite beginning. James Naismith had invented it in the winter of 1891.


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