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Talking With Trees - Part I

Posted on Sun Aug 6th, 2023 @ 2:35am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Sun Aug 6th, 2023 @ 2:35am

1,142 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 9, Arboretum, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 11, 1035 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Ryhl stepped into the expansive arboretum aboard the USS Columbia, the doors parting to reveal a breathtaking sight. The air was crisp and fragrant, carrying the mingling scents of a myriad of alien flora. It was an immense space, stretching out before him like an untamed wilderness bathed in soft, diffused light.

The arboretum was a botanical sanctuary that seemed to defy the confines of the starship. Gigantic Bajoran pine trees, with their lush green foliage and towering heights, dominated the landscape, their slender trunks reaching towards the ceiling far above. Their presence gave the arboretum a sense of grandeur and tranquility, as if it were a sacred forest hidden within the confines of the starship.

Around the Bajoran pines were various other plants from across the galaxy, each contributing its unique charm to the tapestry of colors and textures. Velurian orchids, known for their delicate, bioluminescent blossoms, cast a gentle glow in the corners of the arboretum, adding an ethereal touch to the enchanting surroundings.

The soft sound of water trickling drew Ryhl's attention to a gracefully meandering stream that wound its way through the arboretum. The stream was flanked by Tandaran lilies, whose vibrant petals gleamed with a subtle iridescence, and Alvanian lotus flowers, which released a soothing fragrance into the air. The sight and sounds of the stream brought a sense of serenity to the arboretum, making it an oasis of calm amidst the vastness of space.

As Ryhl ventured further into the arboretum, he discovered nooks and alcoves adorned with diverse flora, inviting visitors to pause and reflect in their natural splendor. Ktarian jasmine vines gracefully climbed the walls, filling the air with their sweet, floral perfume. The fallen, velvety leaves of Xanthan vines carpeted this part of the trail, creating a lush green carpet beneath his feet.

Vibrant Farian tulips showcased their striking array of colors, while the delicate tendrils of Trill orchids spiraled towards the artificial light far above. Both plants spiraled together and bloomed around the other, expressing the beauty of two worlds.

Ryhl approached a particularly lush divide between this section of the arboretum and another. A wall of tall plants which stretched across the trail's point-of-view hindered his vision. He was excited to see what else he'd find, antennae impatiently rocking back and forth, as he prepared to round the trail's bend.

Commander th'Zeles was taking quick time away from the bridge, having started there at 0500 hours. Everything had been routine along the voyage thus far. A bit of brisk Arboretum air would serve him well. He wanted to visit the Science deck and assess their needs.

Feeva had had a particularly difficult past two days; her daughter wasn't adjusting well to the changes, and while Fee had anticipated that, she hadn't anticipated the sleep regression that would accompany it. She'd gotten a grand total of nine hours' sleep in the past two days-simply because Leena wasn't sleeping, either. The small amount of sleep she did manage was when she'd finally pulled the girl into her bed with her, and they cried over their grief together.

She was taking an early lunch in the Arboretum to rest her brain. She was overwhelmed already and had only been aboard for nine days. She ran SMACK into someone, though, as she walked along towards a bank of benches and picnic tables. "Ow," she said, quietly. Then she looked up. "I am sorry, sir," she said, flushing red. "I am not normally this absent minded," she said. How embarrassing was that?!

Ryhl had been walking with his head to the side and up just enough to miss the diminutive woman. "I apologize", Ryhl said. "I was distracted." At just 6'0, Ryhl sometimes felt short. Now he felt awkwardly tall standing in front of Lt. JG Drylo, especially after almost walking over her.

She smiled and nodded. "It's ok, I am used to being sat on or ran into regularly-I think people think I am someone's child," she said. One of the terrible side effects of being so small is that she was often underestimated.

"Oh, you must be.." Ryhl paused for a moment as he tried to remember the counselor's name. "Lieutenant Drylo. Ah, I apologize that you missed the chance to see the launch from the bridge. Consider yourself invited, as a personal advisor to me." He quickly added, "How are you enjoying the arboretum?"

"It's lovely. I came for an early lunch; my daughter is having a difficult time with the change and isn't sleeping well. The walls were closing in," she said.

Ryhl's left antennae cocked to the side quizzically. "I understand things are really tough after your loss", he said, having reviewed her personnel file. "I hope the Arboretum gives you somewhere to spread out and reflect."

"I was just looking at the variety of plants here", he said.

Feeva nodded. "Sometimes the nature effect helps one to clear the mind," she said. "I sometimes even conduct sessions here or or outdoors if we're docked someplace that allows it," she said.

Johanna entered the Arboretum as part of her inspection of everything under the Science department. The fresh air of the place was very refreshing. It reminded her of back home in Sweden. She would walk in the forests to the north, amongst huge pine trees and wildflowers.

She spotted the Captain and someone else. "Captain? I hadn't expected to see you."

Fee smiled lightly. "I don't think either of us did; it's mid-shift. I thought it'd be empty down here," she said. "I don't have a patient now so I thought I'd take my lunch early, amongst the trees."

Commander th'Zeles laughed awkwardly, "Hello, Miss Lyngstad. It is great to see you here. We're running a skeleton crew on the bridge. I took some time away to savor the fresh air here."

"I took a quick pass of the Botany Bay as well. There are some interesting plants there. Miss Drylo was just telling me she conducted sessions here." He turned to Fee. Johanna was slightly taller than Ryhl, but they still stood at eye level.

Feeva nodded. "Occasionally, I do. My former posting was a Starbase, so that helped," she said. "Anyway, if you'll excuse me," she said. She turned away to head for the picnic area. She should bring her daughter here. Leena would enjoy it, and it might help her to take her mind off of the changes.

"It was nice meeting you, Counselor", Ryhl said as he turned to see her off "Do stop by the bridge", he called out after her. "Especially as we get closer to Campor III."

Feeva turned and nodded once. "Yes, sir," she said. She would do that.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia


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