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One Wrong Turn

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,184 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Intelligence?
Timeline: MD2

Feeva was lost. She thought she had remembered the way to her office; Turbolift 2C to Deck 5, then a right turn at the CMO's office. But she wasn't...there. She had no idea where she was, really. She knew where she had gone wrong-she took the wrong Turbolift after dropping her daughter off at the school room, but thought she'd righted herself at Deck 3.

She found an office, and knocked tentatively. Her small stature made her hard to see, though she tried to make her voice sound loud. It was still a loud whisper, though. "Hello? Can someone help me, please?! I am lost, I think..." She jumped up a bit so someone could see her, long red hair flying wildly as she did.

Jason rolled his chair back "Can I help you?"

She sighed deeply. "Yeah, maybe you could open the door so you can see me," she said. "But. I am lost. I am looking for Medical. I am the new Counselor," she said. "I had to drop my kid off at the school and got turned around."

Realizing he'd locked the door he mashed the button with his thumb and it slid open, "Medical you said?" Jason said standing.

She smiled in relief. "Yes," she said. She was half-considering putting a hand on her hip, but given her small stature, she usually just looked ridiculous instead of looking intimidating. Damn it, why couldn't she have at least hit a full five feet tall? "Medical. I am the interim Chief Counselor," she explained.

Jason looked at the smaller woman, "Your definitely in the wrong part of the ship, for a moment I thought personnel had sent another medical officer or nurse to fill out my staffing request." Jason said with a touch of irony.

She looked at him. "What sort of staffing request could you possibly require down here?" She looked around. "Where am I, anyway?"

Jason smirked "Intelligence, I'm Jason Elliot the Chief intel officer, and you are?"

Intelligence? She really WAS lost. "Um...Lt Feeva Drylo," she said. "How did I get this turned around?! I left the school room, and took Turbolift 5b, then took a left...I am very certain..." She shrugged. "How do I get back, Jason Elliot, Chief Intel Officer?" She asked.

Jason smiled, "It's okay, 5b puts you on the other side of the deck from medical, not an uncommon mistake, I can show you." Jason said pushing his chair back under his desk.

She smiled. "Thank you, I would appreciate it," she said. "I am glad I am not the first person to make that mistake, then," she said.

"Actually when you showed up I thought personnel had sent another nurse instead of an intelligence officer, I'm still trying to get that situation squared away." Jason said as he entered the corridor.

She nodded. "I could see why that would be a problem. I am a good Counselor, but you probably don't want me doing intelligence things," she said. "Everyone has the things they're good at; that sort of thing isn't mine. Normally, I wouldn't have had to drop Leena myself, but we haven't been onboard long enough for me to find another family I trust to escort her," she said. It was much easier at the Starbase, when she had a plethora of StarFleet, Federation, AND Civilians willing to help. "I BEGGED them to open the school a few days early, otherwise, she'd be in the office with me," she said. "I husband passed away a bit ago, and it's just her and I now. We make it work, but sometimes it's tougher than it needs to be," she said.

"I sympathize to some extent, I took a leave of absence after my wife passed, originally I was going to accept a teaching position with the academy but I was returned too field operations instead, not that being on a ship is all bad, I just didn't plan on having a nurse instead of two analysists." Jason said.

She chuckled a little. "Yeah, I bet you weren't," she said. "I took an LOA as well-everyone suggested I leave the Fleet and raise Leena back home, but...the Stars kept calling me. My father is waiting for approval to move aboard to help me. We'll see," she said. "Three Vissians aboard one Starfleet vessel might be three too many, though," she remarked. "Our people are a bit more advanced in things like the sciences and arts, but that old man NEVER shuts up," she said. "What happened to your wife, if you don't mind me asking. I AM the Counselor, after all," she said. Plus also, it was a THING they did-people who had lost their spouses. Name, rank, cause of death.

"The incident is classified, and still under investigation." Jason said telling a half truth. "That's turbolift five B, so...That means we're three sections over now." deflecting.

"I see," she said. "That's how it goes," she said. "Eion's technically is, too. "Classified and unspecified" she said. "He was an Engineer. Something exploded was what we were told," she sighed. "I see!! I think this is where I got turned around," she said, turning around herself. "Yes, this is it! Where I took the left."

"Looks like the signage hasn't been installed yet, I'll drop a line too engineering, " Changing topics "Have you ever done a personality biography on say a diplomat from a foreign government?"

Feeva smiled. "Looks like we're there," she said. "That would be helpful! I am sure Engineering is busy, though," she said. She heard his question.
"Well. I did one for the most recent Bajoran Kai who visited the last StarBase when I was there," she said. "They were overseeing a mission to Ordeve, and...she needed clearance. Why do you ask?"

Jason shifted to lean against the bulkhead "On occasion intelligence has been asked to evaluate certain persons of interest including a psychiatric assessment based on things like log entries, speeches and so on to assess possible risks or responses to any number of situations, I'm no expert in such things myself but someone with your background might be helpful."

She nodded. "Certainly. You know where I am," she said. "Ok, so from here, it's just down the hallway," she said, pointing, "correct?"

"yup, sickbay is straight ahead, I think the labs and the counseling offices are on the right." Jason said "I see the medical insignia on the one door there." pointing to the door the were approaching.

Feeva nodded. "Thanks again. If you need anything, I am usually here," she said, stopping at the door. She rang the chime, just to announce herself, and then opened the door. "It was nice to meet you," she said.

"Any time Lieutenant Drylo." Jason said waiting a second then turning away, He'd have too keep any eye on that one, she seemed to be smart and diligent enough to call on if things hit the fan, Jason looked at the time and decided to call it a day.



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