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Slow Motion

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 7:08pm by Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

1,670 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ice-F’rar’s cabin
Timeline: post-ICE party


She was, admittedly, a bit drunk. Not sloppily so, but she was giggly and airheaded, a sure sign that the normally-even keeled Engineer had partied a bit TOO hard. She returned from the head to whisper in Ivy’s ear. “Come back to mine?” A moment later, the two women left the lounge, one tall Carjoran standing next to a shorter Andorian.

A bit later, Paisley had the door to her cabin open and led Ivy into the room. It was sparsely decorated for now; she’d been busy and planned to unpack and decorate on her day off.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Paisley said, tugging off her heels, and tossing them in a chair. “Jumja tea?”

"Jumja tea would be lovely." Ivy was a little buzzed herself; the two women had engaged in light conversation all the way to Paisley's quarters, and she was just about ready to kick back and relax. She tugged off her heels and tossed them aside, then proceeded to sit in the Carjoran's sofa. Ahhh. How comfy. The soft, sybillant tone that Paisley had used when whispering in her ear to invite her here said quite a lot about what the woman might've wanted - and honestly, Ivitha herself didn't much mind.

"So tell me about yourself, Paise." She said. "I want to know... everything." Her antennae twitched and swivelled towards the other like dowsing rods.

Paisley crossed to the replicator and ordered up two steaming mugs of the sweet Bajoran root tea. She returned to the couch, and settled in. "Here you go," she said, handing the other woman one of the mugs. "Well. I was born on Cardassia Prime. My mother was a Bajoran captive... my father was one of the guards who watched her camp, and said he took an immediate interest," she said. What Paisley believed to be the REAL truth was that her mother was young, only 18, and pretty, and would look good on his arm. "I was two when she died, giving birth to my brother, who also died." She sighed lightly. "He raised me until I was old enough to go to school, then I was raised by nannies and his girlfriends. I had a a pretty regular childhood, I guess, though. I went to school, and had friends, all of that." She said. "I know your people need a quad to procreate, but what about to recreate?!" She said, cutting to the chase.

Honestly? Ivy's heart went out to her. She herself had had three loving parents, with a fourth abnormally hard-nosed one, but she too had had a normal-ish childhood. For a parent to die was always a tragedy - though perhaps for Paisley it hit a lot less hard considering she might've been too young to remember it in full detail. "Oh, casual fun? Nah. Takes just two to tango." She replied with a snicker. "As my Deltan friends on Duo III say..."

Paisley smirked. "Excellent," she said. "I was just wondering." She sipped the tea again. "How about you? You're from Duo 3, I guess? What's it like? I've only heard of it, never seen it or been there," Paisley said.

"It's a Deltan colony where Andorians and humans also happen to have settled down - at least, that's what my charan always said. It's really nice, actually, for an industrial colony. The living area's in the middle of this beautiful forest and it's like paradise. Oh, and the Deltans there are simply amazing. They're smart, kind, funny and best of all, hot." Ivitha giggled as she scooted closer to the Carjoran woman. "They also give excellent massages, by the way..."

Paisley smiled wickedly. "So I've heard..." she said. "I knew a Deltan woman who was a counselor on a previous assignment. Fun to flirt with," she said. She looked at Ivy for a moment, right in the eyes, and raised her hand to the woman's face. "Kind of like you..." she trailed off.

"Hmm? Do elaborate..." Ivitha smiled back at her, somewhat enjoying the attention, in fact. She scooted closer, eyebrows raised. "...I'm curious to know what brought you to that conclusion, Paise."

Paisley shrugged. "Well, you seem fun to flirt with, and it seems to be working," she said, indicating the space that was rapidly lessening between them. "You have beautiful eyes," she said. It was lame as hell, but she didn't care. "Can I kiss you?" Her head was mere inches from the other woman's now.

Ivitha's response was to grab her head and kiss the woman fiercely before pulling away a second later. "You have amazing lips." She complimented with a giggle. "Really soft and warm. I'd kiss you again if you'll let me..."

Paisley smiled. It was a nice kiss. "That was nice, indeed. Sure," she leaned in and planted one on Ivy this time. She moved her hands lightly to the other woman's waist. Something in her brain was screaming that it was a bad idea this soon, but Paisley never listened to the little voice in her head, anyway, why start now?!

So they were getting to the good part, then. Ivy grinned and ordered the lights put out.

Ivitha couldn't work out what time it was when she next awoke. Every part of her ached oh so pleasurably, though, and tingled all along the edges, and best of all, there was a beautiful Cardassian hybrid in her arms under the covers. Best night ever - even if the details were fuzzy for now.

Paisley stirred when she felt Ivy awaken next to her. Unlike her bedmate, she wasn't in pain; she had a strong libido and a high tolerance for pain, anyway-the lizard part of her. UGH, her head was pounding, though-how many Springwines had she had?! She sat up gently. "Good morning," she said.

Ivy mumbled and rolled over - something intelligible, but quite close to 'five more minutes'. Apparently even blue alien women with white hair and antennae desire more sleep in exactly the same way as humans did - right down to the way they asked for it.

She chuckled. "Ok, if you want to," she said, climbing out of the bed. She wasn't much for sleeping in-she had things to do, but she didn't deny anyone else the privilege. She used the bathroom, and started to get ready for work. A bit later, she tried to rouse Ivy again. "We should get ready for work; you can use my replicator for a fresh uniform, if you want to," she said. "Or use one of my extras, I don't care," she said. She forgot what Ivy did. Did she wear yellow?

By now Ivy was mostly awake; she roused more readily this time, stretching and yawning softly. "I can replicate a blue uniform, no problem." She said with a soft smile and a quick peck on Paisley's lips. "Did you sleep well?" With that she got out of bed and waddled to the replicator to acquire a new set of clothes - and possibly food, too. She was HUNGRY. Yay for Andorian metabolism!

Paisley nodded. "Are you...ok?" She asked. She could get a during love-making activities and had a strong libido. "Sometimes I get a bit...ah, excited," she said. "I apologize if you are hurting. I forget my strength sometimes," she said. She had muscle mass that would impress a body builder-half of it was the Cardassian lizard thing, and half of it was years of pulling herself through tubes, hoses, small spaces, and airlocks with just the sheer will of her motivation and her two arms.

"I'm okay. I've survived worse." Ivitha gave her a sly smile as she climbed out of bed, got dressed and ordered breakfast from the replicator. The dish she ordered seemed to be some kind of porridge, dark brown in color and savory-smelling. "You should try this. It's really very good." She commented, sneaking a glance at her new... friend? Lover? What were they, really? She wondered to herself. "Deltans eat this on Duo III. It's filling, and it tastes so good, too..."

Paisley finished dressing herself, and replicated herself some more coffee. "Good, ok. Still..." She was a bit embarrassed. "You weren't complaining, though, so there's that, I guess," she said. "Well, if it's good enough for Deltans, it's good enough for me," she said, taking a small taste. "Not bad!" She replicated herself a croissant. "However. It has entirely too much protein," she said. "I need the fast hit of sugar and carbs; gotta climb into hulls today," she explained. "So...what now?" She asked. "Do we want to do this again?" At "this", she waved her pastry between the two of them. "Or just chalk it up to the wine and see each other around? I don't care, really," she said. And she didn't.

"I do." Ivitha said with a smile, a tired one, but a smile nonetheless. "I want to get to know you better... in many senses of the word." The briefest sly smile flickered its way across her lips then. "We don't need to roll in the hay to do that, don't you agree? Why don't we hang out again sometime, and see where that takes us?"

Paisley nodded. "Sounds good to me, and no. I don't need to sleep with everyone I want to just get to know," she said. "But it was fun anyway." She looked at the Chronometer. "Alright, well. We should probably get a move on; I can't be late, the damned Computer Engineer will give me shit," she said. Blasted Calvin Turner. She made a face. "I'll walk you to the Turbolift," she said, standing up, and putting her mug into the recycler.

"I can get behind that." The Andorian smiled at her new friend, stood and recycled her plate. "After you, gorgeous."

Paisley laughed but escorted her out, heading off for the corridors. It would be a good day, if the morning was anything to go by.


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