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Ice Ice Party: Part II

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 1:53pm by Thren ch'Yalorn & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Edited on on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 2:11pm

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10, Ice, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD10: Following Part 1

Glancing away from the small gathering of her people for a moment Ivitha caught sight of the scaly gray woman in her outfit for the night and whistled appreciatively. "Well, someone knows how to pick out something to party in," She commented out loud and with a soft giggle.

Paisley’s excellent hearing allowed her to hear Ivitha’s comment. She smiled but moved towards the group. “Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself,” she said. “Lt. Paisley F’rar, Chief Engineer.” She said, by way of introduction.

"Welcome, Lady F'rar. Please join", Thren said as he opened his arms wide, antennae mimicking the spread. "We were just getting to know each other."

The Andorian chef wore black plants with blue-gray pinstripes. A white jacket collared to his neck was worn clasped over a matching undershirt. Dark blue-gray boots adorned his long feet as they stood on the crystal floor.

"Perhaps I can offer a special and you can all bond over a warm meal", the chef said, finally getting down to business. "Tonight, we have cooked something very special for you... If.. you would like to hear about it, of course", Thren teased.

"I must admit, I've never had all that much Andorian food. Surprise us, tha Thren. I'm all ears, if my friends here are too." Ivitha said with a grin. The few dishes she'd had from her own parent culture, she'd thoroughly enjoyed - maybe it was her tastebuds that were accustomed to typical Andorian flavors rather than she herself. To Eveza she held out her glass, and smiled sweetly. "Could you top up my glass, lovely? Andorian ale, please."

The Carjoran smiled. "I have never had Andorian food, so please, do tell!" She said. She loved learning about new cultures, though, and she liked food-there were very few things she didn't eat.

Thren spoke as Eveza happily moved towards the tap and began pouring a fresh glass. This time it filled with Andorian glow-ale...

"If it's a surprise you are after, I have just the thing. Yes, exactly!" Thren spoke even more passionately than he had before as he said, "You must try duuploni. It begins with a delicate blend of savory Quallar cheese and zesty Velluvian spices, which are lovingly folded into a velvety pastry dough."

He clasped his hands together as he continued. "The surprise? Ahh... That comes in the fillings. "Some contain Tellaran fire peppers. Some are stuffed with succulent Rakella meat. Others are infused with the essence of Blue Blossom petals. Their taste is a burst of cool, refreshing sensations.. Savory and tangy."

Sounded good! Paisley nodded. "I'll take an order!" She was never one to pass up food, especially food that was made specially. It wasn't only rude, she had a very active job and needed to optimize calories and carbs in order to pull her whole body weight through Jefferies tubes and the like all day and all night.

"Very well", Thren said, nodding and backing away. "I shall have it prepared immediately." With a smile, he turned towards Shanir as others continued to speak.

"Ivathia, you look nice tonight," Paisley said. She was technically bisexual, though she didn't like to label herself. She was also a bit of a wild child, and would sleep around, given the opportunity. The Counselor on her old ship said she was trying to fulfill the love she'd never gotten at home. Paisley thought it was because she was young and had plenty of time. "Can I call you Ivy?" She asked.

"You can." Ivitha smiled up at the Carjoran. She was pretty, she thought, and knew how to show it off when she wanted to. "And so do you. You look amazing, in fact. Paisley, right? Can I call you Paise?"

Paisley nodded. "Yes, many people do. In Cardassia, the word is "mUra", with emphasis on the "ooo" sound, but that's actually the word for the cloth. I am named for a person who was named for the place on Earth," she said. "And thank you. I didn't know how formal this place was, but I am glad I wore this dress. I just got it; my old ship was on shore leave before I was reassigned here. Bought this on the Promenade there, and didn't have a chance to wear it!" She said. She sipped the Springwine. "When did you join us?" She asked. This was the maiden voyage, but Paisley had only come aboard literally fifteen hours before launch-it had been a long trip from DS21 to here.

"Only a few hours before, with you and the rest, I bet." Ivy replied, sipping from her Andorian ale. At least that tasted the same as the original, even if she wouldn't get blackout drunk from drinking too much of it. Come to think of it, that was a benefit, wasn't it? "So I'm new - to Starfleet in general, really. This is my first assignment!"

Paisley smiled. "I see. Must've missed you on Onboarding, but then again, I was busy as hell," she said. "Engineering always is, the day before a launch." Hell, they were busy MOST days of the year-something was always going wrong. "Your first assignment? Wow, get ready for the ride of your life!" Paisley laughed. "They really stuck you out there, didn't they? No starting at a Shipyard, just," she made a tossing motion with her hands. "There ya go, good luck!" She shook her head. "That's the Fleet for ya, though!! My first assignment was a refueler. Boring as fuck BUT fantastic experience. Oh, look, there's the new nurse!" Paisley was in her element here; she like people and parties, and she liked to be active, too.

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
USS Columbia

Chef/Owner - Ice
USS Columbia


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