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Welcome Aboard, Security Chief Tomm

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 2:38am by Commander Chalan Kendri

904 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: First Officer's Office
Timeline: MD 8 Two Days Before Launch

Lt. Commander Chalan was pleased to see that Starfleet had made arrangements to pull Lt. Tomm from his current assignment early so that he would be with them before launch. Her latest meeting with representatives from Intelligence and Security had her concerned about potential security threats for their next mission, and having him aboard and at his station was going to be a relief, and less strain on the First Officer. She had directed him to report directly to her office after dropping his personal items off at quarters, and she was expecting him any minute.

Tomm was eager to begin his assignment and meet the command staff. He eagerly entered Commander Chalan’s office when she responded to the door chime.

“Lieutenant Kobi Tomm reporting for duty, sir,” he said as he greeted her with a handshake.

“It’s an honor to be here, ma’am. My first host, Tajod, spent some time on Columbia. Not this one, course. I have to say, Commander, this is impressive.”

"Indeed, the Odyssey class has a lot to offer. When we are done here, you should check out Deck 19. There's a lot of restaurants and entertainment located there. Deck 10 has a few things as well," Kendri stated, "Please have a seat, Lieutenant," she said gesturing to the guest chairs in front of her desk. She pulled her anti-grav chair around so that she wasn't behind the desk when they began their discussion.

"So, first off, welcome to Columbia," she said gesturing with open arms. "We're very glad to have you ahead of schedule. I know Starfleet was intending to have you stay at your current assignment a few more weeks before joining us, but as you are aware, we're about to go on a deep space assignment and our Intelligence Department as already picked up on some areas of concern, so I am thankful that we will have our Security Chief present at launch," Kendri explained.

"Lt. J.G. Sava represented the security department at a joint meeting I called with Intelligence a few days ago," Kendri told her new Security Chief. "They informed me that they have both found reports of 'low level' piracy on Campor III." Kendri used air quotes when she said low level. "I personally consider any pirate activity whatsoever to be a major threat, not a minor one. I've ordered Security, Intelligence, and Tactical to coordinate on this." Kendri explained. "I've asked them to prepare a report for the next senior staff meeting. I know that will normally be your job, but unless Lt. Sava feels uncomfortable, it might be good to give her this opportunity, and you can take over from here."

“Thank you, ma’am. Any chance to be a department head on an Odyssey-class ship. Piracy? I read the briefings before I arrived and it’s troublesome to me that anyone would want to prevent the development and prosperity of a colony such as Campor III. Whatever I can do to help, Commander. I concur that this a major breach. I wouldn’t object to having Sava work on the report. I would, however, insist on approval before official submission. What else do we know, Commander?”

"I'm still waiting on more information from our Intelligence Department. Before we are in their airspace, we need to know who they are affiliated with, and what resources they have," Kendri responded. "You and I well know that piracy usually only remains low level when there are only low level targets. Not only are they likely to find out about our destination before we arrive, we intend to be there for some time. Plenty of opportunity for any pirates to bring in reinforcements to bring in reinforcements before."

Kendri took a heavy breath. "So you can see why I'm relieved to have you here ahead of schedule, Lieutenant."

"Like I said, Commander, I'm eager to be here. I'm not disappointed in the least to be starting earlier than expected," Tomm responded. "Given that the initial assignment is turning out to be not so routine as initially anticipated, it is crucial that I begin work on security measures as soon as possible. Apologies for being so colloquial on my first day, but it would have been a nightmare to jump into this three weeks in and try to play catch up."

Kendri smiled warmly and chuckled softly, "You'll find my command style pretty relaxed, especially when among senior staff and more trusted junior officers as well. I want you to be yourself, Lieutenant. Once we get into a routine I would like to get into the habit of meeting with each of the senion staff - informally - at least twice a month to check in on how everyone is doing. Could be here, or out for coffee."

Kendri handed him a PADD with the most up to date information that security and intelligence had provided thus far. "Feel free to use whatever resources you have to dig a little deeper into this, Lieutenant."

Tomm nodded his head knowingly, "Oh, I will. You have my word on that, Commander."

Kendri smiled. "Great. We're great to have you aboard. If you need anything at all, my door is always open," she said walking him to the exit. "We're not launching for a few days. Take a look around. It's a fantastic ship."

Tomm stepped out onto the Bridge. "Thank you, Commander. I'll do that."


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