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Logical Maintenance - Part I

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 11:38am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 2:50am

1,581 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 21, Main Engineering, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 8 - 1115 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Ensign Sar stood focused and composed in Main Engineering on Deck 21 of the USS Columbia. The soft hum of the warp core filled the expansive room as numerous the Vulcan meticulously worked on the antimatter fuel pumps, a critical component of the ship's propulsion system. The dim glow of console displays illuminated his golden features as he delved into the intricacies of the sophisticated technology before him.

With precise movements, the ensign accessed the diagnostics panel. He scanned the antimatter injector's subsystems for any irregularities. Sar carefully adjusted the magnetic containment fields, ensuring the stability and efficiency of the antimatter flow. The rhythmic beeping of the diagnostic instruments accompanied his actions, providing crucial real-time feedback.

As he continued his work, Sar occasionally consulted a PADD containing detailed schematics and specifications of the antimatter injector. He cross-referenced the data to ensure that every adjustment he made was in accordance with Starfleet's strict engineering protocols.

Sar reached for a finely calibrated plasma flow regulator. His steady hand made minor adjustments to the plasma flow. He carefully realigned the precise specifications towards those required for peak performance.

Nearby, Paisley was working on a Turbolift that needed a minor repair. From the corner of her eye, she could see the Ensign's work. He was methodical, precise, exact. She liked that. She was much the same way. Even now, she had a panel open, but wasn't rushing. She worked with the care of a mother handling a newborn, or a chef holding an egg. Wiring was tricky-you had to work fast enough that things wouldn't be affected elsewhere, but not so fast that you made things go "boom." Or burn yourself. That was no fun.

She checked the schematics on her PADD, too. Everything looked good. She closed the panel, screwed it into place, and then scanned it with the Tricorder, as a third step to ensure she was correct, the panel was completely working, and everything was fine. It was.

The Carjoran woman turned her head. "Hey, Sar. Do you need me to sign off?" She asked. Usually, it was put it into a general system and then she or her assistant checked the tickets off at the end of the day, but since she was here, she may as well.

Sar was in the process of completing his final adjustments on the antimatter fuel pumps. His PADD was in hand as he looked up from the data readouts.

He greeted her with a respectful nod and spoke in typical Vulcan fashion. "Indeed", he replied in a monotone voice. "I have conducted a thorough inspection and recalibration of the antimatter fuel pumps and fill ports, Lieutenant. All systems are operating optimally, and the plasma flow regulators have been fine-tuned for peak performance."

Ensign Sar tapped a button to his PADD to run a final status scan. The diagnostic panel displayed a green status indicator, signaling that the antimatter injector was functioning flawlessly.

Although he showed no outward emotion, the Ensign was curious about the Cardassian and Bajoran woman. The Vulcan wondered about her story. His dark eyes coolly looked over her, the colorful lights of Main Engineering's many panels reflecting off his metallic golden complexion.

"I must admit", Sar added as a curious look swept across his brow. "I find my work here quite satisfying. The Odyssey class makes for an intriguing vessel."

Paisley finished her task, and closed the gap quickly. She nodded, and tapped his PADD. "Good work, Ensign." She smiled. "Me, too. I agree. This is the first Odyssey class ship I've served on. My last was a Connie, and before that was a Cenatur." It was always weird how they did that-name, rank, former postings. It was sort of how you related, she supposed. "Let's knock this off and get some coffee, if you'd like," she said.

Sar inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement as Lieutenant Paisley F'Rar praised his work. "Thank you, Lieutenant," he responded in his characteristic Vulcan tone, an air of respect and professionalism in his voice.

When she had mentioned her previous postings, he'd become mildly intrigued by the different starship classes she had served on. He made a mental note to study the specifics of the Constitution and Centaur classes.

At the mention of coffee, Sar's curiosity resurfaced as he considered the idea of trying the beverage. His logical mind quickly weighed the pros and cons, recognizing it as an opportunity to explore a new aspect of Starfleet culture. "I am open to the experience, Lieutenant," he replied, his words carefully measured as always.

Although his expression remained stoic, deep down, the young Vulcan was intrigued by the prospect of tasting the Earth beverage.

"I am curious", the Vulcan paused for a moment in thought. "How were you first introduced to this human beverage?" Sar followed Lieutenant F'Rar as they set off.

Paisley chuckled. "Believe it or not, my father did. He learned to like it through, diplomatic work with the Cardassian Union," she said. If diplomacy was what you could call it. "Anyway, it's good, it's hot, and it keeps me going. You are free to have...whatever it is that Vulcans like to drink." She said, with a slight shrug. She didn't know their culture well; she knew they could not process chocolate and a few other Human foods-and Paisley didn't LIKE chocolate. It was too sweet for her half-lizard tongue.

"Lieutenant F'Rar, I must admit...While I appreciate the logical efficiency of coffee in providing a mild stimulant to humans, my people indulge in a more tranquil beverage known as Plomeek Tea. Its roots can be traced back to ancient Vulcan rituals. Its preparation embodies our pursuit of inner peace and harmony."

"Its taste is subtle, with earthy undertones that evoke a sense of calmness and balance", Sar continued. "It is an integral part of our culture, best enjoyed during moments of reflection or meditation."

Paisley nodded. "I understand. My Bajoran half enjoys Jumja tea. It is sacred to us-them-and the Prophets," she explained. She didn't know much about her Bajoran heritage, actually.

The pair continued to walk. Sar wondered exactly where Lt. F'Rar planned to go for coffee. There were numerous options, including a simple replicator.

She led them towards the Engineering Office. Normally, she’d opt for the Mess Hall or something but the closest place was the main office from where they were currently working.

“I hope the office is ok with you,” she said. “It’s just close. And I need the pick me up if we have to do more of this,” she tapped a panel as she walked past it, to emphasize her meaning. “Plus, we can chat a bit more about ourselves. I like to know who I’m working with.” The tall Carjoran was a very social person; she thrived best in situations with a lot of people and she could mingle. But being the Chief meant she also had to be one on one with her team, so she better learn a little bit about each person.

"The office is the most logical selection", Sar replied, secretly pleased with the choice.

"As a Vulcan, I find great satisfaction in seeking knowledge and understand", Sar replied in his monotone, yet singsong voice. Sar paused for a moment, considering the Chief Engineer's query. "The intricacies of starship systems and warp mechanics are endlessly intriguing to me. I believe there is so much to learn, and I am eager to explore every aspect of this discipline."

"Beyond my professional interests," he added, eyes subtly lighting up, "I also have a passion for poetry. The rhythmic flow of words and the beauty of expressing emotions through verse have always resonated with me. Poetry allows me to explore the complexities of the universe and reflect on the philosophical aspects of our journey through space. It is a form of art which brings me solace... and helps me connect with my inner thoughts and emotions."

Paisley cocked her head to the side slightly as she let them into the office. They both made their way to the replicator. "That seems an odd choice for a Vulcan," she said, "But what do I know? I guess being in StarFleet is an odd choice for a Cardassian/Bajoran hybrid," she said. To the computer, she spoke. *Coffee, please. Hot, black.* A moment later, a cup appeared with her drink. She crossed to the large table that served as the engineer's desk and gathering point at the beginning and end of each shift, and she settled in. "I have read some interesting poetry, though all of it was old stuff from Earth." Paisley pursued other interests-reading, but she also liked to tinker around with ancient Earth technology like things called "radios." Amazing that they could come up with THAT but not Warp technology.

"I have found that poorly replicated Plomeek tea lacks the essence of the genuine brew. Its meditative properties are lost in the process, making it less logical for me to indulge in such a substitute. Indeed, much of the fulfillment found in Plomeek tea comes within its ritualistic preparation."

"I believe coffee might provide a chance to experience something new." His head turned, dark eyes locking onto hers as they approached the office. "For better or worse". His blank facial features still carried an almost quizzical look.


To be continued...

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley (mUra) F'rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia


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