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Team Work is Dream Work: Intel and Security Meeting Part Two

Posted on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 10:41pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

884 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD5 After Initial Briefing

"Lt. Elliot, you said your primary skill is research. So how might that help Lt. Sava and her team when they are on the ground at Campor III?" Chalan asked, she wanted to get the two departments to start thinking and operating like a team.

Jason didn't really think too hard on this, "The Captain and I spoke earlier about some 'concerns' for the colony and he wanted me to do some evaluations based on some criteria we were briefed on before our departure, we clearly have some overlapping duties that we could coordinate on."

"Have you been able to pass anything useful along to the security teams yet?" Chalan asked, looking at both of the officers.

"The majority of reports are about some low level piracy, mostly theft, I'm still compiling reports." Jason said leaning forward.

"Piracy," Chalan repeated. "Tell us more about that," the First Officer asked, interested. Even though the Columbia was a well-endowed vessel, it would never do one well to underestimate even low-level piracy. "Sava, feel free to jump in, if you have any information to add."

"Most of the incidents are small scale, medical supplies, weapons, ship parts, the level of violence has increased though." Jason said "I'd have to recall the remaining reports to provide a proper rundown."

"I've got them here." Sava's slender fingers danced nimbly across the PADD in front of her and held out the report for all present to read. "They're growing bolder. And better armed. There's one report of them wielding stun grenades now. I didn't even know those were commercially available. There's another report of one of them owning a TR-11B... though the veracity of that claim is dubious at best."

"They aren't in wide use, the 11B has a private security version that has a smaller effective radius and tends to leave a smoke cloud, but if some are probably on the grey market, like older type two phasers, there's mountains of fleet surplus in circulation these days." Jason commented.

The First Officer looked concerned. She rubbed a spot behind her ear, a habit she'd picked up that she often did when she was thinking. "Pirates are a different type of criminal to contend with. Unscrupulous, opportunistic, and they are very good about not showing their full hand. Even though your reports are only showing small scale activity, that doesn't mean they aren't capable of more, and the Columbia is sure to draw attention."

Chalan turned to Sava, "Has Security began to come up with ideas on how to protect our officers while they are on the planet? The initial plan was to have teams in several locations - but if we don't have the manpower to do that, and have the areas be secure, we need to figure that out soon," Chalan stated.

"We're working on it - but what we do have is to have small highly trained teams posted at key areas. I'll co-opt tactical officers to join us if we have to," The Kelpien replied.

"Yes, that may be necessary," Chalan agreed.

The First Officer looked at her Intelligence Officer and Security Officer, "I'd like for the two of you to collaborate on a joint report to present at the senior staff meeting next meeting next week," Chalan stated.

"I think we can do that, it would make it easier to do a planned intelligence briefing." Jason commented.

Chalan nodded, smiling at the Intelligence Officer, "Excellent. We're missing our Chief Tactical Officer yet, but I'll make sure the ranking officer from the department is there as well. I think we should touch base every week to see if there are any new developments, and we can decide from there how often there is enough new information to make it worthwhile to take it to the senior staff meetings," Chalan stated.

She looked at both of them, "Is there anything else we should know about? I'd like to give the Captain a brief rundown of what's going on before the meeting."

"I'm still finishing my work ups, this sector has a large number of small factions that don't have full history in any single intelligence file, I'm going to need another twenty four hours." Jason said with some certainty in his voice.

"That's understandable," Chalan responded. "Take your time. We'll touch base the day before senior staff, I usually meet with the Captain an hour before," Kendri assured him.

"If there's nothing else, we can all get back to work. But please, my door is always open, I want to hear if anything major comes up in your research right away. But also if there are any other work or personal issues that you need assistance with, I can be a resource for you both. Understood?" Kendri asked.

"Understood, Commander. I'll keep you posted." Sava replied. "As and when I get new information."

Seeing nothing from the less outgoing Intelligence Chief, the First Officer decided to wrap the meeting up. "Ok, you are both dismissed. I'll advise the Captain of what we know and maybe he can pull some strings for us."

Kendri stood up and straightened her uniform. "Thank you both for coming in today. This was informative. Keep up the good work." She gave a quick nod and the two officers exited her office.


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