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Take Us Out - Part III

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 2:47am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Crewman Yaves Lasa & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 2:49am

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Main Bridge, USS Columbia
Timeline: Following Part II

=/\= Back on the Columbia =/\=

Proximity alarms still sounded as they pulled away from the station. Enough room had been left between the station to not only be safe, but to provide the best view to those aboard the top section of SB74.

"Excellent work", Ryhl exclaimed as the Columbia resumed level flight. The viewscreen was now lined up with their path towards Campor III.

Starbase 74 rapidly shrunk in the distance behind the sleek starship. Lights from a distant star positioned overhead reflected off the Columbia's hull, giving it a slight golden tint as it streaked ahead.

Crewman Apprentice Lasa spun around in her seat. A nervous expression crossed her face. "Sir, a message from Starbase Command", the Bolian said anxiously. She knew the message came from admiralty.

"They instruct you that such maneuvers are unadvised", Yaves said, carefully choosing her words.

"Acknowledged, Crewman", Ryhl replied in a sheepish tone. "I shall make a note of it", he said jocularly. He knew Command wouldn't approve of the maneuver. Ryhl also knew the stunt likely inspired a spaceport full of crew serving lightyears away from home.

"Aye, Captain", she replied while giving the Andorian a quizzical look. She didn't take him for somebody who would push the rules. She turned back to her station and fought the urge to smile.

"Watch my hulls!" Came an exclamation from the Chief engineer. "She's not made for that kind of thing!" She shook her head. They were a heavy cruiser, made to annihilate the likes of the Dominion into nothingness, not do aerial ballet. She sent a message over comms to her two junior officers. ==^==Everything good down there? Enjoy the view, gentlemen==^==. She smiled. Launches were always a good time.

=/\="Systems operating within normal parameters, Lieutenant."=/\= Sar's Vulcan voice broadcast over Paisley's commbadge.

"We're just warming up the controls", Ryhl said, implicating Kas while stifling the urge to chuckle. "Lady Columbia can dance", Ryhl said as the ship surged forward.

The Engineer snorted but didn't say anything. She just shook her head. "Luckily, Ensigns Sar and Turner have things under control down there," she said, referring to the docking ports. She'd left them alone to handle the hoses; they seemed to work together fine, at least in the hour she'd observed, and felt confident that they were ok. She turned back to the computer, scans telling her that everything was OK. "All systems go...Slip stream online...Ops, you got a read on anything funky?" She asked, but didn't raise her head from the screen. Ops and Engineering often worked hand-in-hand, and her next goal was to get to know them, too.

Shan smirked at the way the question was phrased. "No ma'am. Nothing funky, systems are all still fully operational," he reported.

The Odyssey class starship streaked past a moored Nebula class which sat across the way from SB74.

"We are on course", Ryhl confirmed based on several astrometric landmarks he could see on the viewscreen ahead of them. One of which was a tiny violet and crimson blob in the distance, the Mutara Nebula. "Mister Razka. Take the Columbia on its course to Campor III at Warp nine point five."

Commander th'Zeles pointed with his closed right palm dramatically, "Engage now". This was the final order needed to take the ship to warp.

Lt. Razka nodded and made a symbolic gesture, his hands glided crossed the console. He felt a surge of excitement as the vessel moved into warp.

The ship's exterior lights flickered momentarily, as the surrounding stars elongated into dazzling streaks of light. The Columbia surged forward, warp nacelles glowing brightly in the vastness of space. Stars blurred and streaked past the view screen, part of the routine spectacle associated with interstellar travel.

"And now we settle in for the long flight", Ryhl said as he crossed his calf over his knee.

Watching the tiny blob of crimson and purple in the distance, Ryhl said, "By the way... Lieutenants Lyngstad, F'rar, Razka.. I noticed, on the docket, that you all collaborated on the Holana. I take it she's ready for the nebula?"

Paisley looked up. "Yes, sir, she is. Interesting boat, that one," she said.

"Yes, the Holana should be able to navigate the nebula with its current sensor setup. We will have to match her course and speed precisely while we are in the nebula." Johanna had thought about altering the Columbia's sensors to match the Holana's but had decided that following the Holana was a better course of action.

"Thank you Miss Lyngstad", Ryhl said as he turned towards her.

In truth, the team likely didn't have enough time to fully modify the Columbia's sensors. Ryhl had been briefed of this reality and was forced to accept it. The Commander still felt trepidation over that part of the trip because so many families were on board.

He couldn't help wonder if it were an unnecessary risk. "I'll make sure we get a solid beta-shift pilot up here to cover for Mister Razka while he flies the Holana", Ryhl mused. "Remember.. Our sensors are going to be extremely shortsighted. We'll have the Holana launch a chain of Class-6 microprobes. Those should cut through the interference."

"Our shields will also be affected", Ryhl said while studying the viewscreen. "We'll need to stay alert."

The hulking vessel sped off toward its destination as the bridge crew guided it along.

"I will be adjusting the Holana's shield harmonics manually to a count for the nebula's interference," Razka explained. "If you are able to watch what I'm doing it should aid the Columbia as well."

“A harmonics change might help a small pattern, like shielding over a runabout. The interference from this particular nebula is way too strong to compensate shielding with a minor adjustment.”

Without blinking Ryhl continued, “Our phasers and torpedoes will still work. With our armament, I doubt any ship would try to fight us.” Targeting sensors would be affected, but manual firing would still be an option.

“If we weren’t in an Odyssey class, I’d bypass the nebula. The Columbia though.. She’ll make it out the other side”, Ryhl said before sitting up in his chair. His antennae stood tall.. Alert.

The officers continued to discuss the upcoming mission as the Columbia sailed along.


Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia


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