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A personal mission

Posted on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić & Ensign Annika Wiseman

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: MD 18 2030hrs


The lights in parts of the intel offices were dim, most of the staff were off duty except those who'd gathered in the main meeting room, Jason sat at the head of the table, the recon flight, and Annika made up the remainder of the participants. A number of pads, empty plates and half drank glasses covered the table, as the group sat. They'd gathered after Kelly had inadvertently discovered a number of refugee files while they were going through other records. Almost out of habit Jason had entered a search string that had yielded a result that he'd not expected.

Annika broke the silence, "Her name isn't exactly that common so there has to be more records."

"That's the big detail, but this is the first time I've had a lead in months, the arrival record shows she arrived with a child thought." Jason said looking at the records for what had to be the tenth time, "There's a reference to her boarding another transport ship about six days later, the transport was making it's way to Starbase three-three-seven then resuming it's normal trips."

Mario chimed in next, "She was at the starbase for two days, again with a child, they had medicals, blah blah blah..." Mario paused scrolling through the pages "She took the transport Sik si'ka to Vashti where the trail drops off again, her name appears on a registry there as a resident, but the records go cold again."

The group kept scrolling to no avail, Mark let out a sigh "This is like chasing a needle in a hay stack, if we had a big enough magnet we could just pull out."

Jason looked up, "What's the Childs name again?"

"Maleea." Annika said "Approximately 7 standard years old."

Jason smiled, then returned to the endless search. They'd come too the conclusion that she was there, but without evidence it was yet another collection of dead ends and incomplete files. "This would be so much easier if there wasn't such a high level of distrust." Jason said with irony, "So the trail leads us to Vashti then goes cold, what about the girl, maybe a school registry?"

Strock looked up "There are no records."

Jason slumped in his chair, "Dead end...." he paused "Try Malia Elliot."

Strock looked up, "I found an entry sir."

Jason almost jumped out of his seat, "Where?"

"Federation-Romulan primary school on Vashti, educational bridging program." Strock reported "How did you know?"

Jason smiled "Larell had a fascination with some of Earths languages especially Polynesian and Cree." he paused "Try Lauren Elliot in a search."

Strock keyed in a new search, "I have found an entry, she is a resident on the colony."

Jason fell back into his chair, after months of dead-end searches there finally was a lead "Let's keep this among us for now, if we end up in that sector I'll speak too the captain."

Mario looked across to his friend, "You know that's playing with fire, especially...."

Jason held his hand up looking around the room, "it stays in this room, it's not worth starting anything with anyone over a trail that could have gone cold and or coopted by someone else."

As the group broke up for the night Jason looked at the information they'd assembled, he'd found Larell, but she had a child and whose was it? like many questions that existed he had many more to those answers, he stood and walked back too his office.


Lt Jason Elliot
CIO USS Columbia

Ltjg Mario Pranjic
Recon Flight lead
USS Columbia

Ens Annika Wiseman
Intelligence officer
USS Columbia

Ens Strock
Recon Flight
USS Columbia

Ens Kelly Reigns
Recon Flight
USS Columbia

Ens Mark Grayson
Recon Flight
USS Columbia


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