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"This is fun for me" - Holodeck Shenanigans

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 3:54pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,913 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 1 to the Bolian Restaurant
Timeline: MD C18; Holodeck Time: June 12th, 2156

A thunderous boom echoes through the canyon. The flash of pulse mortars and the various trails of green disruptor fire and blue pulse fire filled the air. It was a variable no-man's land in the valley of Steader’s Canyon on Berengeria VII, a United Earth colony, now under siege by the Romulan Imperial Guard.

The air was tense. Dirt and smoke rising as the battle grew heated, desperate. The battle thus far had lasted more than an hour with no measure of movement from either side, save for the exchange of energy weapons fire.

The only real oddity out of the battle was the Caitian at the center of the line. Dr. J.R. McEntyre, the Columbia’s Assistant Chief Medical Officer, clad in full MACO gear, armor, weapons and all. He fired another burst from his EM-47 particle rifle as an oncoming Romulan, sending him down into the ground, twitching from the heavy stun of the bolts impacting him.

Kevin went to the holodeck, wondering why J.R. hadn't answered his communicator. He typed the code on the control panel to open the doors.

The doors open, allowing Kevin to see the raging battle going on inside of the holodeck. It would take a moment for the doors to close and disappear, leaving Kevin in the middle of things.

J.R turns to engage an enemy on his right most flank, and sees his wonderful boyfriend, dazed and confused about the whole ordeal he sees before him. J.R gets up, bolts for him as a round of enemy fire screams overhead, pushing Kevin into the ground. "Fancy meeting you here. What you doin here in the middle of Berengeria?"

J.R. smiled happily, resting on top of his boyfriend. J.R's full outfit included gear, and patches of a United Earth MACO, even a name tape that said 'J. McEntyre' on his chest.

"Computer, Pause Program." The scene froze, as silence filled the holodeck.

Kevin had the wind knocked out of him from the fall to the ground. He was pinned to the ground by J.R. in the middle of the frozen battle scene, his arms were out to his sides and he lifted his hands up helplessly, and craned his neck to get a better look around.

"You didn't answer your comm. We were supposed to meet in Ten-Forward half an hour ago. I just came to see what you were doing?" Kevin said the last part as a question, still somewhat thrown - literally and figuratively - by the scenario he found himself in.

J.R looked confused, clearly having lost track of time.

“It’s already 1900? I’m sorry, my love. I got off duty and saw a message from my old academy friend with this program he wrote for me.” He got up and helped Kevin onto his feet, noting his confusion.

“This is a recreation of the Battle of Berengeria, one of the first actions of the Earth-Romulan War. It’s a months long seige that went from June 2156-January 2157. One of my ancestors was a Major in the 5th MACOs that were deployed here, hence the uniform.” J.R smiled.

"It's no problem. I just came down to check on you. We can reschedule for later, if you want to uh ... keep fighting?" Kevin asked sheepishly.

"I promised you a date, and I am a Cat of my word."

J.R smiled, picking up the EM-47 he'd dropped earlier and pulled Kevin into a hug against his side, nuzzling the top of his head with a purr.

"Computer: Save and End Program."

The computer beeped as the battle disappeared and the two walked out of the holodeck.

"I bet if we hurry, we can still catch the happy hour special at Boomerangs. Onion Rings and Beers," J.R. suggested.

"You really like that place don't you?" Kevin teased.

"It reminds me of home." J.R nuzzled Kevin again as they walked close together, hand in hand. "Though if you don't wanna go there, we could go get some takeout, go back to my quarters and cuddle on the couch."

"I don't mind," Kevin responded interlocking his arm under J.R.'s. "I just wonder if you've even tried the other places sometimes," he laughed.

"Aside from Boomerangs and Ice, are there any other restaurants aboard ship?" J.R asked curiously.

"You're joking right?" Kevin asked. "Right? We walk by at least twelve of them everytime we go to Boomerangs."

J.R gave him the kitty eyes.

“Alright, I get the message, where would you like to eat tonight? He nuzzled Kevin again as they got to the turbolift.

"What about the Bolian restaurant?" Kevin asked sweetly.

J.R purred in the affirmative, kissing the top of Kevin’s head. “Anything you want, my love.”

The turbolift opened, and both stepped inside as J.R keys the destination.

“You know, you haven’t even commented on my accurate MACO uniform. It took me a week to get the replicator pattern just right. All the old Holoimages were very grainy.”

"Really? I wouldn't have imagined that," Kevin responded. "War history wasn't something I studied much beyond the required courses. More of STEM guy myself."

“It’s more family history than anything else, my great-great grandfather was a Major in the MACOs along with his Two Brothers. One was a Colonel in command of a Yorktown Class Battleship. The other was a Sergeant who was lost on the Atlantis NX-05.”

"So you like to like to run programs of the battles they fought?"

J.R. turned to face his boyfriend.

"It's more...walking a mile in their shoes to learn about my family history. Like Eli McEntyre, he's the most tragic of the McEntyre brothers. According to the logs of his brothers Josiah and John, their father was a massive asshole. Apparently, their father, Charles McEntyre disowned Eli and tossed him on the streets when he was 16 for being gay. John and Josiah never got to speak with their brother again until about a month before Eli reported aboard Atlantis and disappeared with the rest of the crew of Atlantis NX-05."

"I thought humans were over that by then," Kevin commented as they stopped in front of the Bolian restaurant. Kevin made a gesture with his head asking if it was still okay to go there.

J.R nodded his head before his spoke.

“It was a long road, getting from there to here…so to speak. Humanity was only a century out of the Third World War. I think his father was the last of a dying breed that should had ended when WW3 did.”

"At least we didn't have to live in that time. It seems so long ago, I guess I forget that it was even real." As they were standing waiting to be seated Kevin told J.R., "I heard they just got in a shipment and their eel shark salad is fresh, the greens and meat all came in today. What are you having?"

“Salmon rolls, maybe some of that eel salad.” J.R says as he came up behind Kevin and wrapped his arms around Kevin’s waist, purring as he softly nuzzles his boyfriend affectionately while they waited for the host to seat them.

A short Bolian man smiled at the two of them. "Right this way, gentlemen." The host placed menus in front of Kevin and J.R., the Bolian's attention mostly focused on the Caitian. He held his hands up in excited little fists. "We do have several meat lovers sampler plates for the carnivores among the crew," he said with a little giggle. "Can I answer any questions for you?" he asked looking back and forth between the two men.

"Can I get the Eel Shark Salad, the Salmon Roll platter and the Bolian Beef Pho, please"

J.R asks with a soft disarming smile before looking at his boyfriend with a soft purr.

Kevin regarded the bubbly Bolian with some interest. "I am here for the eel shark salad, unless you recommend something else. And there's this tea I've had at Bolian restaurants before, to Humans it's a bit tangy - kind of orange in color. I can't remember the name."

The Bolian seemed to grow a few centimeters with pride having been asked for his opinion. "I most certainly do recommend the eel shark salad. A most excellent choice, if I do say so myself. Especially today, as we just received a fresh shipment of all the finest ingredient!" he answered gleefully.

"And the tea, why I believe you might be thinking of the beverage, Ginkfrth, I'll have some prepared for you straight away. But if it is not what you are looking for, don't be quiet now, we shall remake it for you until it is exactly what you would like." The Bolian smiled again and almost seemed to be doing a slight dance, though without moving his feet.

"And you, kind gentleman, can I get you a beverage as well?" the Bolian asked turning back to J.R.

“Tea would be lovely, thank you”

J.R replied with a smile of his own and his tail swishing softly back and forth.

As the Bolian teetered off, Kevin watched with endearing amusement for a brief moment before turning back to J.R.. "Isn't he fun?" Kevin asked. "The staff here are always so bubbly and eager to please."

J.R grinned at Kevin, nodding in agreement.

"He seems to really enjoy his work. Speaking of work, Anything new happening in the world of Astrometrics?"

J.R asked curiously, as he put a hand on the table for Kevin to hold. Kevin took J.R.'s hand and smiled. "Well the Federation hasn't spent much time in this area space with sensors as equipped as the one on Columbia, so we are getting a lot of new information on scans for further study. A lot of our resources are being used to regularly scan the solar system for any anomalies that would indicate signs of cloaked vessels." Kevin signed tiredly. "A little more tedious than our usual research."

"Has sickbay been busy?" Kevin asked.

"As busy as it usually is. The cure was a lot, but we managed to nail that down. It's shown some progress, which is encourging. The looming shadow over us now, is Dr. Takanashi being due anytime now. Still half expect to get woken up in the middle of the night for that one."

"A new baby would be exciting though. Something happy in sickbay for a change, right?"

"Quite Right! First baby to be born on the Columbia." J.R smiled happily.

"That's true. I keep forgetting how new the ship is," Kevin remarked.

As he was responding a trio of Bolian servers arrived with their food and drinks and bustled about busily presenting their plates and glasses and tableware. The head server stood proudly at attention at the table.

"I hope that you find everything to your liking," the server said happily. "Please taste, let me know if anything is displeasing to you. Do you require anything else? We would be happy to prepare anything for you, of course," the chipper Bolian man offered.

"Thank you, this looks wonderful" J.R. says excitedly, before he looks back and gazes into Kevin's eyes as he starts to eat.

Kevin met his gaze and smiled before taking his first bite.


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