
First Glance

Posted on Sat Jul 8th, 2023 @ 9:25pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Crewman Yaves Lasa
Edited on on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 10:01pm

899 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Approaching The USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 0910 hours

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles sat comfortably in the Danube class runabout as it smoothly cruised through the vast expanse of space. He gazed out of the viewport, his eyes captivated by the celestial tapestry stretching before him. The runabout, acting as a ferry from the USS Merrimack, carried three passengers, with Ryhl and his Yeoman, Crewman Yaves Lasa, being two of them.

Crewman Apprentice Lasa, a young and vibrant Bolian, sat beside Ryhl, her misty green eyes filled with curiosity and excitement. Her lips, vibrant purple-violet, curved into a playful smile as she animatedly shared a humorous anecdote. Yaves was known for her lighthearted nature and tendency to overanalyze situations, often finding humor in even the most mundane circumstances. Her presence brought a touch of cheerfulness to their journey, balancing out the weight of responsibility that Ryhl carried as the Commander of the USS Columbia.

As the runabout hummed along, the distance between them and their destination gradually diminished. The USS Columbia, their final destination, appeared on the sensors as it came into range. Ryhl's gaze intensified, his dark gold eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and readiness. The Columbia, an embodiment of technological marvel and Starfleet's dedication to exploration, represented a new chapter in their shared mission.

Ryhl glanced towards Yaves, their eyes meeting for a brief moment. They exchanged knowing smiles, understanding the significance of the approaching moment. Yaves, always keen on sensing the emotions of those around her, offered a reassuring nod, her vibrant lips forming words of encouragement. It was a silent affirmation, acknowledging their shared purpose and the challenges that awaited them aboard the Columbia.

After several hours of travel, the Merrimack shuttle crew sent a message over the comms of the passenger compartment. “Attention Columbia crew. We will be dropping out of warp and approaching your vessel momentarily.”

Ryhl tapped his commbadge. “th’Zeles to shuttle crew”, he began. “Thanks for the notice. Smooth flying.”

“Thank you, sir”, replied the pilot with a laugh.

“Are you ready to see your new ship, sir?” Crewman Lasa approached the commander as he stood by a viewport.

“The Columbia is our ship, Crewman Lasa.” His emphasis was on the word our. “Not mine.”

“You know what I mean. It has to be exciting for a commander. That first moment when you see your ship for the first time.”

A smile cracked over Ryhl’s cerulean face. “I am sure every crew member will have their moment of realization. The truth is that there’s so much work ahead. We have to hit the ground running.”

“Absolutely sir”, said Lasa. “I’m excited for my first starship posting.”

“I see you’ve been aboard Starbase 400. How did you enjoy that?” th’Zeles had carefully reviewed her record, noticing that it had been her only assignment.

“It was a fun place to be”, she said. “Truthfully though, there was so much waiting around. I was an administrative assistant. Put in for a Yeoman’s posting to try exploring more of the galaxy. It took forever for my posting to be approved.”

“Well the Columbia needs you. I specifically requested you to be my Yeoman. I can be pretty unorganized at times. I will appreciate the support.”

At that moment the runabout rocked and shuddered. The view of streaking stars was replaced with that of the Titus system. Starbase 74 was in the distance as they gazed out the viewport.

“I’ll do what I can”, she said.

The runabout banked, turned and brought the USS Columbia into view. The Odyssey class starship was sleek and modern. Ryhl felt shock and a sense of awe upon seeing it.

As the runabout neared the majestic starship, the sense of purpose and determination swelled within Ryhl's chest. The hours spent in transit had allowed him to reflect on the responsibilities that awaited him as the commanding officer. He knew that his leadership would play a pivotal role in shaping the ship's future and the lives of the crew members under his command.

The Columbia, a testament to Starfleet's commitment to exploration, research, and diplomacy, loomed before them. Its vast corridors, bustling with the energy of the crew, beckoned Ryhl and Yaves to embark on their shared journey. They took their first steps, the Commander leading the way with purpose and vision, while Yaves followed closely, her supportive presence ensuring that Ryhl never felt the weight of his duties alone.

The third crew member, a human engineering officer joined them. “I see we’re here”, he said.

“Indeed”, said the Commander. “Stand by for transport.” He tapped his commbadge. “This is Commander th’Zeles to the USS Columbia. Prepare to beam us out of approaching runabout… Party of three.”

=/\=“Aye Commander… Welcome to the Columbia”=/\=, replied a gruff voice over his commbadge.

The trio exchanged warm looks as they pondered what lie ahead. They were about to move aboard a new ship where they’d work with new people. Different experiences were in the near future. This ship was set for a long trip into the deepest parts of the Alpha Quadrant.

It was going to be a journey.

Light washed over the trio, breaking down their bodies into particles which rematerialized onto the Tokyo.

Commander th’Zeles was now aboard the Columbia. The countdown to departure was officially underway.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia



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