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It's time

Posted on Sun Jul 9th, 2023 @ 12:42am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

569 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Inglewood, Calgary, Alberta, North America, Earth
Timeline: TBD


Jason sat on the front porch of the small house, it was a strangely warm morning, he'd received his orders to depart for USS Columbia soon as a transport could be arranged. He'd moved into the small early twentieth century house in the old neighborhood while he was on hiatus from intelligence. He loved the old house, he'd spent a few weeks making some much needed upgrades to the house as it hadn't been occupied in several years according too the agent he'd worked with to get this house. He'd tried to put the past aside from that night, going so far as too move too another part of the continent.

He sat on the old porch with a steaming cup of coffee, he'd been approached by the enigmatic Rear Admiral Wallace about taking the assignment, at first he wanted to hand in his resignation from active duty, then after attending the briefing he agreed to return to duty.

David put the cup back into the replicator and picked up his bag. He locked the door on the house and stepped out too the front walkway,

"Elliot to Transport ship Moyie, one to beam up." Jason said.

Moments later Jason was in a transporter room of the transport ship, a steward stepped forward, "I'll show you too your quarters."

The short walk to the guest quarters was basically uneventful and the small quarters were as unremarkable, a small double bed, a small table and a replicator, he set his bag on the bed and sat down next to it.

Jason tossed his uniform jacket on to the chair at the table, he'd decided to travel without a rank insignia mostly too keep some level of animosity while he was traveling. Although the grey division color on the jacket I'm sure drew a few whispers after he entered his small accommodations.

Looking at the travel time to catch up with the Columbia he decided to try and get up to speed on the small mountain of after action reports and other data he figured would be essential, plus he looked over the mission briefing for their assignment to Campor three.

The small remote colony was in the early stages of development, the mission outline looked to be what would be a second or third phase of settlement, with the expansion and additional development of essential infrastructure. It looked to be fairly simple, even for the most inexperienced in this type of work.

He made an effort to update his notes on a few things, and looked at the clock on the wall, it was very late and they were just over twelve hours away from catching up with the Columbia which was taking on additional supplies before departing to the colony.

Jason woke about seven hours later, the tiny washroom had an iffy sonic shower. He put on an intelligence field uniform, blacked out rank insignia.

He was notified they had arrived at the starbase where USS Columbia had arrived to take on supplies and crew.

Jason hadn't been in the field much beyond single missions now he was a section chief, the term used within intelligence of a department head aboard a starship. He collected his bag and made his way too the transporter room.

"One too beam over too the Columbia." he said too the transporter chief.

Lieutenant JG Jason Elliot
Chief intelligence officer
USS Columbia


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