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The Kelpian Security Officer

Posted on Wed Aug 2nd, 2023 @ 1:53pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 2:02pm

1,384 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 13 Security Suite
Timeline: MD 11: One days after launch

First Officer Chalan Kendri had a crew check in meeting with Security Officer Lt. JG Sava, the only Kelpian currently on board. So far everyone was doing great, but Chalan had made it a point to check in early, and often.

She walked in to the Security Complex on Deck 13 and found Sava busy working at one of the LCARS terminals. "Lieutenant, are you ready for our meeting?" Chalan called out.

Sava looked up from her console with a bright smile. She certainly didn't seem very rattled at all by the immense amount of work she'd had to put in; the only possible indication to the contrary was a big cup of tea sitting on the console itself. "Ready, Commander. Would you like to move elsewhere on this deck? There are plenty of empty offices if you like."

"The Chief Security Officer's office is empty, let's just use that," Kendri said, gesturing with her head toward the office space.

Sava had never felt comfortable using the security chief's office, considering the was quite the furthest thing from one at the moment. She sat down in the chair across from that meant for the chief himself, fingers steepled together. "Well. What shall we be discussing?" She asked, cheerfully.

The First Officer took the Chief's chair, but wheeled it around so that she wasn't behind a desk. "Just checking in. How's morale on Deck 13? Everyone getting along okay? Have enough to do? Workload isn't too much or too little?" Kendri asked.

"I'm pleased to say that everything's going well so far." Sava replied. "Morale seems to be high and so far the department seems to be getting on well all things considered. We haven't had time to organize that party I talked about yet, I'm afraid, but we shall soon enough! That's for certain."

"What about you? There aren't any other Kelpians on board, but that doesn't seem to stop you from making friends," Kendri said observingly.

"Why should it? People in this day and age see aliens all the time, don't they? We're not all so different." Sava remarked cheerfully. "Besides. I find that people tend to gravitate towards people they find attractive - in personality or otherwise. People seem to like me enough, so I take it."

"That's a great attitude, Sava. I just know that sometimes people like to spend time with people of their own kind as well. Shared history, culture experiences, things like that can make people feel more at home," Kendri said thinking out loud. "When you were planning to go into Starfleet did you know many others from Kaminar with similar plans?" Kendri asked.

"Not really. It was only me in the team and honestly the whole town. Kelpiens don't leave Kaminar very often, you see, most of us are a little too scared to step off world. Maybe one or two might follow, but otherwise... I wouldn't count on it," Sava quipped. "Though I met one more at the Academy. He'd work so hard he'd forget to eat sometimes."

"How old were you when you knew you wanted to join Starfleet?" the first officer asked.

"Twenty-one. Let's just say it took quite a lot to get me to switch from intergalactic sporting competition to Starfleet and security." Sava said quite simply, and honestly quite wistfully. "If not I might've never left the sporting world."

Kendri smiled. "So was there a turning point that pushed you to leave?" she asked.

"Well, yes. Not a particularly pleasant one, but yes, you could certainly call it that," Sava replied, seeming a bit distant. Perhaps the memory of that fateful turning point wasn't very pleasant to recall at all. Like, really, really unpleasant. "It did teach me that everything and everyone is precious, though. I've been taking better care of myself since then at least."

"What was it?" Kendri asked. "If you don't mind me asking..."

Sava shook her head, blue eyes mournful. "I don't like to talk about it, Commander, if that's alright. I still dream about it at night occasionally, once in a blue moon as the humans say - but it doesn't affect me otherwise."

"Of course, Lt." Kendri said understandingly. "So what was it like growing up on Kaminar?"

"Well, it depends on where you grow up, exactly. Where I grew up it was rural, quite like a rustic town you'd find on Earth. I enjoyed it, really, though my days usually began with hard work right after breakfast." Sava recounted fondly. "My father would put me right to work tending the farm afterward; I'd till his fields or water his crops or pull them up to sell at the local market. Lovely times. It was quite relaxing, really, until I decided to become a sportswoman."

"Sports wasn't relaxing, then?" Kendri asked.

"Well, less so, but it was more of something I did because I could. I had a scholarship, sort of. I think that's what humans call it. I competed on the national team while the government sponsored my studies. We needed a new sports team after the last one disbanded after all."

"So what sport what that? I'm afraid I don't know much about Kelpian society - just the basics. And basically nothing about their sports culture," Kendri asked.

"I did track and field and basketball. We do take part in a few Earth sports." Sava replied with a grin. "'Course, we tend to excel at anything that involves running. I personally branched off into basketball when I moved to the intergalactic stage. We do have a few other sports that are only just beginning to become popular - maybe one day I'll introduce it to the crew as a form of recreation. I've a few awards to my name; you'll find them in my file. From before and during Starfleet."

"You should definitely do that. It would be good for the crew to get some sports activities up and running. Not just for fitness, but camaraderie as well," Kendri commented, nodding enthusiastically.

"You seem to like the idea. Will you come?" Sava asked with an eyebrow raised. "I'm sure the rest of the crew will be happy to see you, and perhaps the captain, there. Don't worry, it's not that hard at all."

Kendri laught good-naturedly. "Well, I can give it a try, but I'm not sure I can take the word of someone who played professionally, when they say it's not that hard," she said with a wink. "Spring ball and Racquetball I can play alright, but I'll give it a go."

"I do think getting some sports teams up and running is a great idea, and whatever support you need from me, don't hesitate to ask. I'm happy to help," Kendri promised. "I just wanted to check in."

"Our new security chief just arrived a few days ago. Are things going well now that you have some leadership here? Any conflicts that I should know about?" Kendri asked.

"We're just getting to know each other at the moment - but he seems fine to me! I think we'll get along." Sava said with a smile. "'Course, if things do crop up I'll let you know, whether if it's from me or any one of my boys. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"No," Kendri said with a pleasant smile. "Not unless there is anything you think I should know about. I'm just trying to get to know as many people as possible. I'm hoping we'll all be together for a long while out here."

"I don't think so - as to things you ought to know, at least." Sava replied with a smile. "I shan't keep you, Commander, if you have elsewhere to be. I'll send you details of that party of mine."

Kendri stood up. "Sounds great. I look forward to hearing about basketball as well. I know we have a few other players on board," Kendri said with a smile.

"Excellent. If you'd be so kind as to help me get word out? I'd love to have people to play with." Sava replied cheerfully. "Until next time!"

"Absolutely," Kendri said with a nod as she left the Security Department.

Lt. Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia


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