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Holodeck Safety Protocols On: Part 1

Posted on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 12:46am by Commander Chalan Kendri
Edited on on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 2:02pm

909 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD 12

Kas was walking in the corridor, he'd had another awkward interaction with his daughter Keena, she still wasn't speaking to him. His friend Bella had come over and gotten her into bed, he wasn't sure how he was going to make this work. Bella had given him her holodeck time slot as a chance to blow off some steam, he made a mental note to give her his holo time in return. He activated his parkour program.

Kendri had checked the computer to see where she might be able to find the Chief Flight Control Officer, and so she made her way to the holodeck, to find him dangling from the ceiling several meters in the air. He was deep in his thoughts and didn't hear the commander enter.

She had acquired a bat'leth from a Klingon during a mission a few years ago, but the most practice she had with it was doing holodeck simulations on her own. She was finally working up the courage to see if someone who might know what they were doing with one would be willing to give her some pointers.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting. You parkour too?" Kendri said noticing the layout. "I should try to catch you at a better time," Kendri said as she turned to leave.

With one smooth motion, Kas let go of the bar he allowed himself to drop and rolled to break his fall. He came up on his feet near the woman.

"Please Commander I could use some company." He smiled softly.

"Thank you, how very gracious of you," Kendri said with a courteous bow of her head. "I was actually wondering if you could teach me how to spar," Kendri explained. "I was gifted a bat'leth a little over a year ago, and I've only ever gone through holodeck training programs." She narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists. "I was looking for something a little more real, a little less computer generated, if that makes any sense."

"I understand," Kas nodded. "I should tell you only my father was Klingon, I was raised by my Bajoran mother among the Quath’Mar. I've learned much about about Klingons, but I haven't spent much time with them."

"Do you know how to use a bat'leth?" Kendri asked, giving Kas a sly grin.

"Yes," Kas smiled. "I warn the bat'leth this is not an intuitive weapon and takes a great deal of skill. It was invented to give the user bragging rights. I've taught many how to defend themselves against the bat'leth. I have dueled with the Bat'leth before, Klingons will respect anyone who masters it more."

Kendri spread her feet a little wider, taking a steady and firm posture as she made her request to the Klingon/Bajoran hybrid again. "Then will you teach me?"

"I would be honored," Kas smiled. "Computer Razka 306."

The parkour gym disappeared and was replaced by a dimly lit room with a padded floor. There were various melee weapons hanging on the walls, Kas took a bat'leth off the wall and handed it her.

Kendri felt the weight of the weapon in her hand and practiced swinging it to her sides a few times. "So I have my own. I'll bring it next time," she said studying the blade. "So, I've had instructors, but like I said, they were all holograms, so feel free to treat me like this is my first time. What should we do first?" she asked.

"Let's begin with footwork," Kas said. "Balance is key take a step forward on every attack and sidestep every parry. Especially if you're attackers larger than you, the best defense is not be there."

Kendri nodded, "Understood," she said. Kendri took a wider stance and began shifting her weight, moving side to side. She practiced ducking a few times, and then popped up, kicking her legs a few times, and rolling her neck to stretch it out.

"Ok, should we practice you coming at me? Or do you have more instruction for me first?" Kendri asked.

Kas suddenly swung bat'leth at her to test her reflexes. He'd noted that her stance was a little wide so he want to see if she could adjust or...

Kendri yelped in surprised as she tried to maneuver away from the assault while using her blade to stop the bat'leth coming straight for her. When Kas' blade hit hers, her center of gravity was of off and the force knocked her to the ground and she landed hard on her left hip and elbow. She grunted involuntarily, but said nothing about the pain.

Kendri gritted her teeth and stood up shaking it off as she stood up. "Ok," she said looking at Kas with a stone expression. "What did I do wrong?" she asked, bat'leth in hand, ready to receive more instruction.

"Your stance is too wide to maintain his balance," Kas explained. "You need to work on falls if you hadn't landed on the mats you would be seriously hurt. The captain would be mad at both of us."

Kas looked at her for a moment, she reminded him of some of the women of his people. To the Quath'Mar combat skills were part of survival he'd been training since childhood. If he'd kept his daughter with them she'd be in regular training by now. However...

Lt. Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia


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