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Time to start this...

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 4:43am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Annika Wiseman

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: blank


Annika looked in the mirror, the intelligence grey, blacked out rank pip, just felt awkward. She wasn't exactly an honors student, let alone did she graduate at the top of her class, more in the middle, the lower part. When she applied for the Columbia she thought it was for a medical position, not intelligence. But here she was, an intelligence officer, on a starship, with a department head she knew nothing about. She'd tried to find his biography only to find half of it redacted. There was a mention of a wife who died under some uncertain circumstances. the file was sealed. The eighteen months he was inactive, file sealed. She had a feeling as she made the walk down the corridors that she would find more mystery than she could handle at times.

As she entered, the offices she found Lieutenant Elliot at his desk, two phasers on the desk next too a steaming cup of coffee, Annika looked over to Jason.

"Ensign, good timing." Jason said standing "I tried to find someone to help with some basic phaser training, everyone is busy with the preparations for our mission too the Campor Colony so it'll be you, me and the holodeck, these are just training versions for the holodeck." he said handing her a phaser.

"Uh..." Annika froze

"I get it, didn't join starfleet too get into a phaser fight, and so on." Jason paused walking around his desk "It's not always the situation but there are times where things just go wrong."

"Sir..." Annika stumbled out "I'm thankful you want to help me adjust, but do you think I'm ready for this?"

"Ensign, you've wound up in some extraordinary circumstances, make the best of it, maybe you'll make a reputation for yourself." Jason said as he walked too the office door.

"So the holodeck, what exactly are we going to do? just some target practice?" Annika asked with some anxiety.

" practice." Jason said

A few moments later they were standing on the hologrid, "Computer load Elliot target practice one, level one."

The hologrid generated three pillars with digital targets, "Learning to control it is the first thing, try a simple short burst at level one." Jason said showing her how to set the phaser to a very low stun setting "Just aim and press the trigger."

Annika's phaser struck the target to the low left corner, Jason looked at the bloom on the target "Not bad, I know that was a little intense, now slow down a little, pick your shot and...." The phaser fired again this time high from center.

"better, considering hitting the target is the objective for you are improving, so let's elevate to something a bit more closer to real life." Jason turned slightly "Computer load level three."

"We're jumping to level three?" Annika drew his phaser mimicking Jason

"This push your phaser to level three to register a hit." Jason said as the holodeck layout changed to what looked like a street, "Begin level." Jason called out

Three humanoid characters emerged from a side are randomly firing their phasers in the direction of the pair "Duck and cover ensign!" Jason said as he ducked into a doorway.

Annika panicked as she ducked behind a stack of shipping containers, "Fire back ensign!" Jason called out.

Annika screamed, stood and fired haphazardly towards the holographic targets when she realized the simulation was over she found herself standing there panting. Jason looked at her, "Okay, that didn't go to well, take five." he said as he sad on a nearby bench.

"Sorry sir, I...panicked."

Jason walked over, "This was a simulation, there will be a time where it won't be, keep your head down, pick your shot."

"I know, I just wanted...." Jason raised his hand

"Don't impress me, just do your best." he replied "When a phaser fight breaks out, the safest place is behind cover with your phaser is drawn, I remember my first phaser fight."

Annika looked over to Jason "You must have been calm and collected."

Jason laughed "Not really, I was sweating, breathing heavy, I missed my first few shots, then stuck an overhead light giving the away team a chance too escape."

"A lucky shot." Annika said

"Far from it, I just fired hoping I'd hit something or someone and I did, a street light." Jason laughed

Annika sat for a second realizing that she wasn't any different, "Does it get easier?"

"No, but the adrenaline does get a little more manageable." Jason said with a vacant stare.

Annika looked at the slightly older officer she didn't quite understand, "Should I do more target practice?"

Jason snapped back to the moment, "Not right now, let's secure these and go back to the office for now, I don't think this mission is going to turn into a fire fight, just be aware of the surroundings, watch, question, report."

Annika nodded, "I could use a shower, I didn't realize I was sweating so much."

"Yeah, get a shower and some lunch, I'll see you back at the office." Jason said as he secured both practice phasers in their case.

Annika left the holodeck and made her way back too her small quarters, she threw her uniform coat and pants in a heap next to her bunk and she began to cry, this wasn't what she signed up for, but she knew that she could do it, even with the struggles she had just getting through nursing school, she stopped crying and grabbed a towel and that shower.


Lt Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Columbia

Ens Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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