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Posted on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 2:33am by Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 11:58am

1,735 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Shuttle Bay
Timeline: MD7, 1000 hours

Kas stood in the shuttle bay next to the Holana, outwardly it had been returned to its standard Starfleet appearance. His people put a gray alloy on the outer haul and added ceremonial markings. The engineers at the starbase had made haul white again and the ship's name was now painted in Federation standard and USS was added to it. He had insisted that a shaman put the ceremonial markings back on the haul. If or when he left Starfleet the vessel would go with him, the Holana was his lady. He was waiting for the science and engineering teams that were going to examine the vessel for its use in the upcoming mission.

Paisley was first in the door-the Engineer prided herself on being on time, if not early. And the only reason she wasn't early was because she had gotten a bit lost. But here she was, ready to work. Her stupid yellow tunic was neat and fresh, but she toted a tool bag, and a tool apron hung on her waist. She was old-school like that, preferring to touch and feel things rather than rely on a computer. "Lt. F'rar, reporting, sir," she said. The blue-eyed, black haired woman smiled lightly, and sipped the coffee she clung to. It wasn't exactly regulation but the life of an Engineer meant the she was oftentimes up early or late, sometimes even overnights, and she was fueled by coffee.

"Good to see you," Kas nodded. "I'm Lt Razka"

As Lt. Razka greeted Lt. F'rar, Johanna walked in. She carried her science tricorder. She would have to analyze the sensors of the Holana and determine what modifications had been made and could they be applied to the Columbia. She was right on time.

Paisley smiled lightly. "Nice to meet you, too, Lt. Razka," she said. Paisley glanced at the other person. A science officer. "Hello," she said.

"Ah Lt. "Lyngstad," Kas smiled. "My I present Lt. F'rar, our Chief Engineer."

Paisley raised her right hand in a friendly gesture of "hello". "Nice to meet you," she said. "Just call me Paisley, it's fine."

"Nice to meet you as well, Paisley. I'm Johanna."

"Johanna," she said, with a nod. She was going to lose her mind trying to keep track of names, she just knew it.

"Very well Paisley, I understand the Captain wants you to examine the modifications that have been made to 'my lady." Kas smiled. "We'll need to Come up with a way for Columbia to keep track of her position in the nebula."

"Yes, I think if we both examine the Holana, we should be able to determine what sorts of modifications have been made." Johanna gestured to the Holana. "After you, Lt. Razka."

Paisley nodded her understanding, and put her cup in a nearby recycler. "Ok, I can do that. What sort of modifications were necessary?" She asked. She just liked to be as prepared as possible. She followed the other two officers onto the deck of the shuttle. Small craft engineering wasn't her forte but she could probably figure it out.

"Well let's start the changes that seem to make Fleet Engineers nervous," Kas said. "We don't vent the engine plasma. We store it to arm the anti-torpedo cannon. I've been told we need better containment tanks, but we've been doing this for years."

Paisley let out a sigh. "That's going to fry your systems FAST," she said. "If not cause an explosion eventually. I'll see what I can do for containment tanks," she said, noting it on her PADD.

"That's certainly dangerous. Practical but dangerous." Johanna wondered who would do something like what Lt. Razka had described. Apparently whoever owned the shuttle before the Columbia acquired it would.

"The Quath"Mar in live space danger is something we except." Kas smiled. " We also waste as little as possible. The gathered plasma can also be a back energy source. It doesn't make the Fleets safety standards, but it could keep the shuttle crew alive a lot longer during a catastrophic failure."

Paisley shrugged. "That's technically true, until there's a leak. Ok, is there a masthead or something where I can access the inner hulls?" She wanted to get into the belly of the ship, see what she could see, and get her hands dirty.

"Of course ," Kas smiled. He showed her the access panels, "This vessel was owned by respected Quath'mar chieftain. It was well maintained. If there's a way to make the system safer without compromising, it's efficiency that would be good."

Paisley nodded, and followed him to find the access panels. A moment later, the tall, lithe Carjoran had disappeared into the vast darkness.

Johanna went to the sensors. She began to record the settings. The configuration made sense for the most part. But there were components that weren't supposed to be there. "This dedicated processor isn't standard equipment here. Any idea on what it is supposed to do?"

"Yes it's wired into the deflector dish, it allows a dish to emit a sound frequency that the sense array can interpret into data. Similar to sonar it's how the vessel navigates in nebulas. I don't know how or if it can be done with the Columbia's systems"

"Very interesting," replied Johanna. "I am familiar with the theory behind radar and sonar. The Columbia might be able to home in at the signal to keep track of the Holana's location."

From the tubes and hollow hulls, Paisley was able to access some wiring. "How old is this thing?" She exclaimed, her voice barely audible through the walls. "I am going to a few quick repairs while I am in here," she said. She got to work, changing out some damaged wires. The inside of the thing looked like it was from the late 21st century. A bit later, she popped out of the walls the same way she'd gone in. "Ok, let me see the holding tanks," she said. Her hair and uniform had dirt and dust collected on it, but she didn't care or notice. It was just another day at work.

"She's about Twenty-five years old," Kas chuckled. "I emptied the containment tanks before I brought her on board. That should make it easier."

She made a face. "That explains a lot. I'd recommend a full wiring upgrade when you have the time and crew. Also, reinforcing the Jeffery's Tubes. They DO wear out over time. Before we leave, I will also check your docking hoses. Is she Slip Stream ready?!" She followed the man to the containment tanks. "You have a General replicator, perchance?" The Engineer asked. If not, she'd have to do it the old-fashioned way, which was more effort and time but not un-doable.

"I believe she is Slip Ready," Kas said. "The replicator could use some work."

Johanna completed her analysis of the Holana's sensors. There were two choices, modify the Columbia's sensors to work the same way or use the signal produced by the Holana to navigate. Following the Holana's path exactly.

"I have completed my analysis. How do the containment tanks look?" asked Johanna.

Paisley was busy at the Replicator. Not only was she updating it, she was also replicating new holding tanks. "Terrible. I am having to make new ones. I'll probably be finished up here soon; maybe fifteen minutes? Use the Replicator and get yourself a drink," she suggested. She disappeared, lugging a metal tank behind her. She could probably use a anti-grav lift, but why? She could just scoot it and save time. "I can't do a deep fix today; we simply don't have time. But man, I could spend HOURS updating this bathtub," she remarked behind her.

"Wow," answered Johanna. She said to the replicator, "Coca-Cola, cold, in a glass with ice." The replicator actually worked correctly and gave her her drink.

Paisley worked quickly, transferring tanks and tubes from the old to the new. When she thought it was satisfactory, she returned to the other two. "Alright. You're at least able to stay in the sky," she said. "How on EARTH did you find this thing? How in the Prophets is it still RUNNING?" These were mostly just musings the young Engineer had.

"My people have an approach to engineering that the Federation finds unorthodox." Kas chuckled.

"And what approach is THAT?" Paisley asked, incredulously. To her, it seemed like the approach was "duct tape and pray" but she didn't say that. She hoped. Did she?!

Johanna listened to the engineer and the pilot talk to each other. "I always thought engineers believed in the one right way to do something. Apparently, the one right way depends on your point of view."

"This is true," Kas nodded to his colleague. "There are many ways to achieve a goal. Starfleet standardized many things, it works for them, my people improvise which works for us."

Paisley nodded. “There is no one “right” way to do anything-but I do admit that I can be a bit narrow minded to the way that I was taught. My father was an engineer in the Cardassian militia, and he taught me first. Star Fleet has their way. I think mine has become a mix of both, but I like the ease of newer tech,” she said. She realized-too late-that maybe she’d been a bit rude but she was just excited to learn more about this ship. The best way to be the best in your field was to learn about everything possible.

"Well, I have all the information I need here, so I am off to examine the Columbia's sensor array. Hopefully, we can just follow the Holana through the Nebula. However, we can also modify the Columbia's sensors to work like the Holana's as a back up." Johanna nodded to Paisley and Kas as she left.

She nodded. "Ok, let me know if you need anything more. I am done, I think...simple upgrades but they were needed. Mostly the holding tanks. You should consider getting some made of Latinum," she said, to Kas. She crossed to the replicator and got herself more coffee. "Anything else you wanted from me?" She asked.

"I look into it," Kas smiled. "I appreciate your aid."

Paisley nodded, and sipped the coffee. "You're welcome. If you need anything at all ever, you can find me in Engineering, most likely," she said.


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