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Frosty Reception

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 12:37pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

2,365 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ryhl's Ready Room
Timeline: MD C21, 1035 hours

Ryhl sat at his desk reading reports of recent crew transfers. The diplomatic team had begun to expand, including Lieutenant Torin and his staff. An Andorian contingent had also recently transferred from the USS Mendocino.

=/\=Sir, Captain th'Rinnhir has arrived.=/\= The voice of the Bolian Yeoman, Crewman Lasa, cut through the still air.

He tapped his commbadge. "Send him in." Ryhl stood to meet the ambassador.

The Andorian thaan that stepped through the door was the very epitome of proper Imperial Guard bearing. So much so, in fact, that just looking at him was an eye-wateringly aching affair. Not a single crease was present anywhere on his dress uniform, which was itself immaculately fitted to his stocky frame. Medals and decorations of all colors and shapes adorned his breast, each polished to such a degree that it shone like a mirror and reflected light painfully into your eyes if you looked at it at just the right angle. The scabbard at his side hung empty of the ceremonial ushaan-tor that it normally carried; he'd presumably been asked to keep the weapon somewhere more appropriate for this meeting.

"Captain Ryhl th'Zeles." God, even his voice simply screamed military, professional to an ear-piercing degree and cold as ice was in your palm before it burned you and left a nasty scar behind. Whether he sounded that way normally or had simply practised the tone of voice till it'd become him was unclear. "I am Captain Kanoss th'Rinnhir. My compliments to your crew - they have been nothing but professional with ambassador zh'Tavash and I thus far - a far cry from what the previous ship that sent us, at any rate."

"Of course, the crew of a starship are reflections of her captain, as you and I both know. It warms my heart to know that even here Andorian professionalism burns bright and hot, as it should."

Ryhl crossed the space behind the wooden desk to stand alongside Kanoss. The decor of the wall had changed a few times since Ryhl had taken up shop. He still wasn't comfortable with it. A finely engraved axe carried a blue sheen to its polished blade. Figured wood had a shine of its own, giving the handle a quilted appearance. Known as a kal'hris, the weapon was common to the miners and frontiersmen of the city of Uskit and the rural Irinari province. A sharp pick jut from the top of the axe, a tool which was sometimes used during ice climbing.

Ryhl looked to the Andorian officer with respect in his eyes and bit his lip to fight back a smile. Ryhl did not envy Kanoss. The world of constant uniform inspections and ever-present ceremony seemed alien to him. The Imperial Guard was meticulous, but the diplomatic arm was under an even larger microscope."

"You represent the Imperial Guard and our people very well. I am glad to have you and the ambassador aboard. Your work is very important to the Federation", said the Captain as he approached.

"My leadership style is different to many. I give the team room to work and get things done. You'd be surprised how productive and close-knit people become when they are the ones holding each other accountable." Ryhl bowed to Kanoss. "Welcome aboard the Columbia. I've been hoping to have this meeting for a while. Let's ensure this stage of the assignment goes more smoothly than your trip aboard the Mendocino."

Kanaoss did not comment on this statement of his. There was a subtle shift in the look in his eyes, though, and the slight twist of his antennae, that suggested something very much akin to a warning: it had better, or else.

"Tell me. How can we be of help? How are things looking with the ambassador?"

"For a start, it would be very much helpful if your crew could remind her that she is a dignitary of the Andorian Empire and as such should not partake in endeavors that might compromise her safety. The Ambassador is a free-spirited, um. What is the general word the humans use. Woman. Yes." Kanaoss' nose wrinkled in mild distaste, the only imperfection to his otherwise cool facade so far. "There is only so much I can do as aide-de-camp. Her last orders were for me to find something to do with myself other than to be her shadow before disappearing to that entertainment deck of yours on her own. Ugh." Kanaoss shook his head.

"You won't mind if I have a look around, of course." Kanaoss turned, and began to walk in slow, measured steps round Ryhl's ready room - the very same kind of walk a commanding officer might perform when inspecting his troops' barracks for imperfections. Perhaps it was habit, or perhaps he really was assessing Ryhl as a fellow commander - which it was was not clear. Of particular interest to him seemed to be the kal'hris, which he examined in silence. His fingers twitched as if dying to pick up the tool and inspect it further, but his hands stayed firmly at his sides.

"This craftsmanship is excellent." He proclaimed, after a long few seconds. He glanced back at the other with the same frosty calm he'd been displaying so far - though the relaxing of his antennae suggested a mild warming of his emotional state. "Tell me, does your family hail from Uskit, Captain? The miners of that region hold themselves to the highest standards when it comes to the maintenance of their equipment - the very same exacting standards I observe here."

Since the room was in the midst of a redecoration, the walls were fairly Spartan. There was a framed holo-poster of the Columbia jumping to warp, with Starbase 74 in the background. The image was taken during the Columbia's launch by a friend of Ryhl's. A model of a steamrunner ship designated the USS Cairo also hung on the wall, wooden pegs supporting its weight.

"Very perceptive", Ryhl said as he stood alongside Kanoss. His own mannerisms were relaxed, antennae swinging calm and free. He recognized no judgement from the other Andorian and felt no pressure to impress him. "My keth has ties to mining that region since Kieloth." Ryhl had mentioned that his clan had been involved in the profession during what was known as Andoria's 'Middle Ages'. In that time there were wise priests, sorcerer kings and mounted, armored warriors. In those days the Thalassan and Bish'ee Andorians clashed for territory, sometimes having to cross icy seas to do so.

"We've since started a small fleet to mine and trade resources harvested from Andorian space. The family has also made a run into Starfleet. Working with the Federation is important to our people. It's really exhilarating to make a difference here. I am grateful that you appreciate the work that went into this weapon. It's been handed down to us for over three centuries." Older weapons were kept on Andoria with more senior members of Ryhl's keth (clan).

"So tell me. What does the Andorian delegation hope to garner from this posting on the Columbia? Exactly what are some of your key interests. If I know what you're looking for, I can be sure to keep you in mind when I feel something relevant comes up." Ryhl became slightly distracted for a moment, thoughts of the room's design popping into his head. He should be able to brew fresh katheka here, his favorite warm beverage. He moved to the replicators and made himself a drink.

Ryhl motioned for Kanaoss to help himself to the replicator, motioning towards it and stepping aside. He remained silent, listening to his response. The Andorian captain had begun to grow on Ryhl. His expression warmed into a half smile.

"The Andorian government believes that there is much to be gained from your mission. What exactly that 'much to be gained' is, I do not know. I suspect my superiors in the Imperial Guard are in the same boat as I. Why we could not carry out this mission aboard an Imperial Guard ship instead is beyond me." Kanaoss, in fact, did not use the replicator. Instead he continued to watch Ryhl carefully, his brown eyes not once leaving the captain. "I suppose they want the usual things. Diplomacy, opening trade relations, garnering allies and all that lovely unnecessarily tedious work. I am familiar with all of it."

"Now, captain, there is something else I'd like to talk to you about. Perhaps it is by mere coincidence, or perhaps not - I do not care which it is - there is one member of your crew that interested me in particular as I browsed your crew manifest." Once again Kanaoss smiled, professional and nearly devoid of warmth or friendliness, but practised to seem amiable. "Her name is Ivitha zh'Vaoreth. She is my zhei(zhen-sexed daughter), with whom I have not spoken for some time. Tell me. How is she? I trust she serves with all the professionalism and competence expected of her?"

Ryhl's face bubbled with excitement. The drink may have helped, as its stimulant like effects increased the surprise of the revelation. "Ensign zh'Vaoreth is your zhei? I had not put two and two together." He warmed his hands on the mug, posture fully relaxed. "She's fitting in well, making her way. She has provided lots of information to our team with knowledge of water treatment designs. We had to familiarize ourselves with the alien infrastructure. I also ensured she has time to conduct studies of her own. She has a small team she works with... Exciting stuff."

Ryhl looked to the attaché, eyes meeting his with ease. He speculated on whether or not the man forced himself to be here to be in his daughter's life. Such family matters were not a concern of the Captain. "I hold her in the highest regards. It is an honor to help guide young Andorian officers like Ivitha at the beginning of their Starfleet career."

"I am sure having an Andorian delegation on board will also benefit the Columbia.. especially as we return closer to Andorian space. It wouldn't hurt to call up a team of Am Tal, or request assistance from Andorian ships in the area." Ryhl sipped from his mug. Am Tal were Andorian special forces known for their swift movements and reconnaissance gathering skills.

"Mmm. You wouldn't mind if we invited my daughter here, would you?" Kanaoss' chilly smile took on a slightly more unsettling edge. He seemed to have ignored the rest of what Ryhl said - at least, for the moment. "It pleases me to hear that she is doing well for herself-" Amicable as his tone might've been, there was the very slightest hint of disapproval edging his tone of voice. "-and I'm sure she wouldn't mind telling me how she has brought honor to our people in person."

Ryhl noticed how the other Andorian moved on from his topic. He took a step closer towards Kanaoss and sipped loudly from his mug. "Actually I may be inclined not to disturb her during her work." His eyes searched deep into the other Andorian's. The man's expression, mixed with wording that made it seem as if they hadn't been in contact made Ryhl hesitant to intervene.

"Just remember, Captain." Ryhl brought his mug closer to his face. "You are here through the blessings of Starfleet Command. It would be best that you make yourselves just useful as you are welcome." Ryhl took another step closer to the Andorian, wondering where his priorities lie. "Or I will personally see to it that your delegation is reassigned somewhere that they can be more helpful." The Captain blinked as he contemplated the other's stare. He set his mug down alongside the replicator.

"As you wish. This is your ship, after all." Kanaoss seemed mildly chagrined that their interaction had soured, but he tried not to let it show - his expression remained cordial as he made for the door. His business here had concluded, at any rate. "I believe I should seek out the Ambassador and make sure she hasn't gotten herself into too much trouble. You'll agree that it would help no one for her to have caused someone trouble, I'm sure." He smoothed out the creases that'd appeared in his uniform and turned to face Ryhl once more. "I look forward to working with you, Captain. The Ambassador's delegation and I would be pleased to assist wherever possible."

"Listen", Ryhl's expression fell into slight regret. "It's just that there are protocols. I'll let her know you're on board. I just don't know how she'd feel about the surprise. Please make yourself feel welcome." He walked with the man towards the door, ready to resume his posting on the bridge.

"We will stay in touch", Ryhl added with a nod. "I do hope the Ambassador is well and does manage to avoid trouble. For her sake and safety, above all else." He offered an anxious smile. "You know, my shei is also aboard the Columbia. Some day we should all share a meal and get to know each other better. The Ambassador would be invited, as would my Executive Officer, Commander Chalan."

They exited the ready room.

"Please do inform me when you'd like to have that. It'd be an excellent opportunity for us to share stories, I think - and for the Ambassador to gain some insight. Good day, Captain. I shall leave you to your duties. Thank you yeoman for being so indulging, please." With that Kanaoss was gone, walking by the edge of the bridge on the way to the turbolift.

"I do look forward to the chance to learn more about you and your family. Until next time." Ryhl bowed deeply to the other Captain before he left.

Yaves looked a bit concerned as she thought of how quickly the meeting had ended. "Take care, Captain. I'll be reaching out to you soon."

CAPT Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

CAPT (IG) Kanaoss th'Rinnhir
Aide-de-Camp to Ambassador Raika zh'Tavash


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