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Chez Sandrine Part 1: A Night Out

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 9:28pm by Thrita sh'Qirhess
Edited on on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 9:52am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: TBD

Shan approached Thrita's door and hit the chime, and waited patiently for her to come to the door. He was wearing a solid black button down shirt and light gray pants.

Shan wasn't entirely sure what the rules of courtship in their situation should be, especially considering at least one member of their arranged bondgroup had backed out. And he and Thrita both agreed they weren't one for traditional rules either way. Tonight, Lissa had invited him and a few others to try out a new holodeck program, and it seemed like a good opportunity for her to meet his friends.

Thrita was extremely nervous for the encounter. The chime caught her off guard, her voice sounding frenzied as she called out to Shanir. "Ah, come in! I'm nearly ready." The door whisked open to beckon him inside. It wasn't long until the Shen entered the room, fumbling with a set of blue crystalline earrings.

"There are various rules you can add to make it more difficult, but if we start with the basic rules, you use the soft end of the cue there to hit this white ball into the other balls." Zeke held up the cue ball. "Try not to get this into any pockets when you play."

"The person who goes first gets to break - hit that triangle of balls there and hope you hit some into the pockets," Zeke continued. Lissa rolled the triangle a bit for effect.

"We can just play that the first person who gets a ball in will play that ball type. So if you break and you get a striped ball in, your goal is to get all the striped balls first, while I'm trying to get all the solid balls. The black 8-ball is what you don't want to pocket until very last," Zeke continued.

Lissa jumped in. "Once you've got all your balls in, then you can go for your opponent's, and finally the 8-ball. You can learn as you go."

"Hey you", she said as her warm glance locked onto him. "How has work been?" Her gaze quickly turned to a tall mirror in the corner of the room. She moved towards it in an effort to give her makeup a final once over. She was interested in hearing about Shanir's day. Thrita often thought about his life as a red shirt, command branch Ensign. After a quick glance over, she moved to grab a small bag.

She led him towards the door, dressed in comfortable dark blue pants and a matching tunic that rested high on her thighs.

"You look great," Shan commented as he followed her to the door. "My friends are pretty relaxed, you'll fit right in." Shan gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Lissa said someone else new is coming tonight. A newer officer she met on her last away mission," Shan talked as they walked, taking Thrita's hand into hers. He relaxed a bit in her presence. "Work's been a little hectic, but it makes the day go faster. I'm sure you've heard, we're staying longer than expected."

"Aww thanks!" She blushed a bright teal around her cheekbones, leaning in to kiss Shanir on the cheek playfully as they left her room. She took a final moment to adjust a small necklace, turning the small silvery-blue metal chain around so that the pendant faced forward. Its crystal matched her earrings. "I did hear that the mission is getting complex. I thought you were all just dropping off supplies. I heard there were a few violent incidents." She looked at him with slightly increased worry, fearing for his safety.

"How about you? How was your day?" Shan asked as they made their way toward the holodeck.

"My day was eventful." The walk to the turbolift was quick, as the pair made their way through a few tight corridors twisting around to the access hub. "I studied the space that I'll be setting up the training center." Thrita and Shanir had discussed her plans to open a facility where crew and civilians could train in the ways of Andorian martial arts. "The space was smaller than I expected, but we can make it work."

Thrita led them at a fast pace. They soon approached the lift, Thrita looking up to Shanir warmly and smiling as the doors closed. She clenched onto him, wrapping her arm around his and embedding herself at his side.

"That's great, I can't wait to see it," Shan said, his voice soft as he relaxed even more as Thrita nestled into his side.

* * *
Vevi had gotten an invitation from Lissa. She was unsure why she had been invited but none of the rest of the group had, but whatever. She wasn't in any position to pass up a social invitation right now, being new and all.

She turned up at the Holodeck dressed casually but nicely-a pair of khaki pants, a white blouse under a green sweater, and clean sneakers. She wore gold hoop earrings, but no other makeup or jewelry. Her white-blonde hair was combed neatly, and pulled back behind her antennae in a long ponytail. She leaned towards what the humans called "a tomboy", but she also was a Marine and took that life seriously, and all the gendered bullshit that came with it, for good and bad. She leaned against the wall, waiting for the others.

"Ambassador Spock or Admiral Kirk?" Lissa could be heard asking Zeke as they walked down the corridor approaching the holodeck. Lissa had worn fitted black pants with black riding boots and an off-the-shoulder mustard colored top that accented her green skin.

"Admiral Kirk. You?" Zeke responded. He had dressed comfortably in navy pants, with cardamon loafers, and was wearing a maroon shirt with a light pinstripe and a hint of shimmer.

"In his prime? Kirk for sure," Lissa agreed, nodding her head emphatically.

"Chin-Riley or Uhura?" Zeke asked.

"Hmmm... lemme think. Oh hey, Vevi," Lissa smiled seeing that Vevi had already arrived. "This is Zeke, Security. Zeke, Vevi - Marine Intelligence."

Vevi smiled. "Uhura," she said. "Hey, Lissa. Is this your boyfriend?" She asked, seriously. "Nice to meet you. I am the Infiltration specialist," she said. "Thanks for inviting me." She was glad this was going to be a co-ed thing. She wasn't really ready to hang out one on one with other women-she was, oddly, shier than she presented and didn't want to have to talk about her polycule situationship. Always awkward.

Lissa laughed lightheartedly. "No, not at all. Just friends, he's all yours for the night if you want him," Lissa teased. "Shan's bringing a girl he just started kinda dating. I'm not sure that they've given it an official status yet, so I wasn't going to embarrass them in front of each other, but if you get one cornered..."

Vevi nodded. "I see! Friends are good," she said. "I am sorry, Shan, but you're not exactly my type," she said. He was too skinny. Though "type" wasn't always an important factor for their cultural relationships, was it?! "Ah, one of those things!! Say no more," she said.

"Speaking of," Zeke cut Lissa off as Shan and Thrita turned the corner in the corridor and became visible in the hallway.

"Oh, hey!" Lissa waved at Shan and Thrita. She hadn't met Thrita yet, but had heard quite a bit about her from Shan.

Vevi glanced up at whoever Lissa had called out to. "Hey, I know the female, she came over when I did," she said. "Thrifty or something? Thirita, that's it!" She raised a blue hand and waved.

"Looks like they're waiting on us," Shan commented to Thrita, seeing the three friends standing outside the holodeck.

"Come on over," Vevi called out.

Thrita waved back to Vevi, eyes beaming happily at sight of the other Andorian woman. He remembered their shared part of the trip. The pair quickly approached the others. "Hey everyone! I'm Thrita. You must be Lissa. I've heard so much about you. And Vevi! Hi, how are you?" She looked to Zeke next. "Hiya. Hope you're well!"

Vevi smiled lightly. "I am! Good to see you again. Lt. Elliott has me busy these days," she said. "How do you know the others?" Andorians DID tend to stick together but her hours were so crazy that she hadn't had much time to meet anyone, Andorian or otherwise.

Lissa smiled warmly, "So glad you could come. I've been hearing about you as well."

"We can start this up now if you want," Lissa said, typing the code for the program into the panel. "I thought it would be fun if we all went in at the same time. I haven't tried it out yet, Its an old Earth bar, billiards, piano performers, some other surprises too. It was originally written by one of the Voyager crew, had some modifications since then."

The holodeck doors opened. "Everyone ready?"

"I'm Zeke by the way, nice to meet you, Thrita," Zeke said quietly after Lissa finished talking.

"Zeke! Nice to meet you." Thrita smiled heavily towards him. "I've never really met a Trill before."

"If Lissa is just saying 'surprises' this oughtta be fun," Shan commented to no one in particular.

Vevi nodded. "Sounds...interesting," she said. "Let's do it." She took a deep breath inward.

>> to part two >>


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