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We all need somebody to lean on...

Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2023 @ 1:24pm by Lieutenant Sava & Commander Chalan Kendri

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: One week after the initial mission briefing

"Seven... eight... nine..." Sava puffed as she executed pull-ups in the gymnasium's sole pull-up bar. The fact that the entire room seemed to only have one was honestly a little shocking - but then again, who in the world did pull-ups that often these days? Sava did, that's who, but the fact that it wasn't more popular than it was was a teensy bit surprising.

The gymnasium doors hissed open then, admitting someone familiar. "Well, hello. Come to get some exercise in?" She smiled to the familiar face mid-rep.

"The gym is a necessary evil," Kendri said selecting the appropriate weight on the adjustable barbells. "I prefer to exercise on the holodeck, but there are some things you just can't stay on top of without coming in here a couple of days a week." she commented. She positioned the weight on her upper back and began to do squats. "For example, I need to know I can carry one of you guys in an emergency."

"I'm sure you can, Commander. Though if need be I can fill in that role for you." The Kelpien said with a smirk. "Well, probably. I've had to evacuate people before. Kicking, flailing about, screaming, the entire battery of difficulties. It shouldn't be all that much of a problem." Confident, this one. Fascinating. "Well then. You come here a few days a week, you said? I'm here almost daily - I suppose we'll be seeing each other somewhat more often, then!"

Kendri upped the weight on her barbell, and moved on to deadlifts. "Possibly," Kendri said. "Like I said, I try to avoid the place though." She grunted slightly from the weight as she did a couple of reps. She took a quick break, "So how are things going in Security?" she asked before continuing her reps.

"Going well, all things considered. I've been meeting my colleagues of late, inviting them out to lunch and all that. I'm happy to have them at my side." The Kelpien responded with a smile. "We'll be working together for the next few years after all! I like to build rapport early." Sava dropped to the ground and moved on to the treadmill, starting it up to a nice, manageable jogging speed. She did, however, still keep an eye on the first officer, lest she hurt herself. Those grunts had not gone unheard.

"I don't pretend to know what it is like for our first officer - but I imagine it isn't very much easier than ours." She commented. "If anything it's probably harder, isn't it, looking after all of us unruly lot?"

Kendri looked at Sava half-suspicious, half-amused. "Well hopefully the lot doesn't become unruly. Everyone has been behaving themselves thus far. It will be easier once we get up to full staff. I'm afraid this extended trip into deep space is going to delay the arrival of the rest of our staff by several weeks." Kendri racked the barbell and set the weight for overhead presses. "I'm mostly concerned with keeping an eye on you all and making sure you don't burnout, picking up the extra work." Kendri stated.

"I'm happy to have you looking out for us, Commander. I wouldn't have it any other way." Sava replied with a smile. "Don't worry. We'll take care of ourselves - though I'll make sure to do whatever you need me to do first! I'm no stranger to doing hard work for what I want, I promise you." Three steps later she quipped, "I'll help keep the rest in check, too."

Kendri finished twelve reps of overhead presses and reracked her weights while she waited to start the next set. "I appreciate your enthusiam, but an officer's greatest strength can be knowing when to ask for help. We're all a team here, and need share the load together," Kendri reminded her.

She picked the weight back up to start her second set of reps.

"I know. I'll ask for help when I need it." Sava replied. "I'm actually thinking of organizing a get-together for the department sometime - food, drinks, possibly a few games. No alcohol. Don't want things to happen." She shrugged as she turned up the treadmill even further. "What do you think? I don't have a security chief to clear it with."

"I wouldn't see why you would need to clear something like that with anyone," go for it, Kendri said with a shrug as she put everything back where she found it. She leaned casually against a piece of equipment. "Need anything from me? I'm about to head out," Kendri asked.

"Only your presence at the party." Sava suggested playfully. "It'd do us a lot of good to see you there, Commander. It'll raise morale, I do think."

"Sure, let me know when and where," Kendri responded. "Good to see you today." Kendri gave a small wave as she left the gym.

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia


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