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What Do You Do In Outer Space? Intel and Security Meeting Part 1

Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 1:07am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: 4 Days After Initial Briefing
Tags: Jason, Sava

First Officer Chalan had called the Chief Intelligence Officer, Jason Elliot, and Security Officer Sava to a meeting in the conference room ahead of their arrival to Campor. Once everyone was situated she began the meeting.

"Thank you both for coming. "Lt. Sava, I apologize that our Security Chief's arrival has been delayed. I hope that doesn't create too much chaos in the security department. I'll be managing duty rosters and schedules for the time being. Since you are the ranking officer in the department, I wanted to make sure we all sat down together - given the nature of the upcoming mission, it will be paramount the Intelligence and Security departments are working closely together," Kendri explained.

"I know we're all new here. It can be helpful to get to know one another to build relationships and trust, before just jumping into an assignment right away. I know I don't really know much about either of you, other than what's in your Starfleet record. How about the two of you. Do you know one another?" Kendri asked opening the floor.

Sava had always wondered why intelligence officers usually looked sullen or shifty or even both at the same time. The bearded man that sat across from her right now was of the third kind. She was no mind reader, of course, and couldn't tell much else about him, not without chatting to him first. And maybe a good cup of hot chocolate. "Not before today. Though I'll be glad to get to know you both." The Kelpien replied with the signature craggy-lipped Kelpien smile.

Jason shifted in his chair, "I'm just a historian, I spent most of my time hidden in archives and libraries, I'm not really a spy."

"Well don't worry, we won't hide you in a tree somewhere and tell you to look out for anything suspicious," Kendri said, a playful lilt to her voice. "Let's get to know each other a little bit then. What do each of you do for fun or to unwind when you are on a deep space mission like this one? Do you have any favorite holodeck programs? Kendri asked.

"Gym, holodeck, cook something I like to eat. Assuming I can find the ingredients." Sava offered. "I do calisthenics on the holodeck at times, though sometimes I just relax under the sun. I do have to keep my suntan somehow."

"And what about you, Jason?" Kendri asked.

Jason leaned back "I've just returned from an eighteen month leave of absence, I was restoring a house, enjoying the hiking near by and just going through the motions of getting my life going again." he replied trying to be vague.

"That sounds wonderful! Restoring a house? I don't even know if I'd have the patience to do that." Sava remarked. "It has to be a passion project, surely. I know it can be a handful to get started."

"The house itself had been empty for about fifty years, it needed some updating, I got recalled by fleet captain Waylen, so the house is again empty." Jason said with some hidden sadness.

Kendri tilted her head to the side and gave the Lieutenant and empathetic look. "Well, I won't ask you how you feel about coming back. But, it's important to find something to do for yourself - that you enjoy while we are out here. It's going to take us eight weeks just to get to Campor III. Maybe a holodeck program, or a book you read - for fun, not work," Kendri suggested.

She looked at both of the officers. "I know you might be thinking that I'm just wasting time asking personal questions. But, it's a little unusual for a new crew's first mission to be sent on an assignment with such a lengthy travel time," Kendri said. "We are not only down a security chief, but our Counselor won't be arriving for some time either, so myself and Dr. Takanashi will be keeping a close eye on everyone's mental health. We need to take care of ourselves."

She paused and looked at them both. "I don't want you to just think of me as a commanding officer, but also your friend. My door is always open," she told them.

Kendri was hoping to get more from the Intelligence Officer, but it was clear that he wasn't keen on opening up. She made a point to follow up with him individually - and soon - to make sure that he was adjusting alright. Kendri knew from his personnel file that he'd had a rough few years, and she was concerned about any officer returning to active duty after an onslaught of traumatic events like the ones Lt. Elliot had been through lately.

"Okay, then I guess it's time to take a look at how we can best plan for the upcoming mission then," Kendri said, shifting gears.


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