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Making the best of things

Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2023 @ 1:16am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Annika Wiseman

492 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: MD 2 1622hrs


Jason was going on several too many cups of coffee, and even less sleep, as he walked down the corridor past several crews maintenance, he turned left too see someone in a medical uniform pacing and seemingly nervous.

Jason paused, "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a lieutenant Elliot." she said

"Ensign Wiseman I presume?" Jason said as he walked through the door into intelligence's small offices.

"Uh...yes...but I'm a nurse!" she exclaimed.

"And I'm a historian," Jason said trying to cut the tension.

"What?" Annika was now very confused.

"I do mainly historical study for Starfleet intelligence and data analysis." Jason said "I've been on leave for the last year and a half, I didn't want to go back to the basement at HQ so here I am."

Annika looked around, "This isn't exactly what I expected when I graduated from nursing school."

"It'll be pretty boring, reports, maybe a phaser fight and other hell breaking loose." Jason said walking over too the replicator "Coffee or something stronger?"

"Stronger?" half asking

Jason opened a small cupboard and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, "I think you'll need this." setting down the glasses as he opened the bottle.

"How am I supposed to do whatever intelligence does as a nurse?"

"Watch, study, record, report." Jason said

Lifting the glass without thinking Annika took a sip followed by violently choking. "What is this stuff?"

"Real whiskey, aged fifty years." Jason said then downed the whole glass. "I'll get your clearances sorted out tomorrow, for now, tell me something about yourself."

"I graduated from Nursing school a few weeks ago, I thought I was going to be assigned to some small sickbay dealing with skinned knees and exotic viruses, not doing something I have no clue about." she said holding the glass.

"Look at it this way instead of seeing things in the aftermath you get a front row seat." Jason said pouring himself another glass.

"That sounds kind of scary." Annika said taking a small sip from the glass "I've never fired a phaser, I don't even have one."

Jason leaned back in the chair "While we're enroute too our mission, we can spend some time learning some reporting standards and I'll see if I can get someone from security to get your certified on a hand phaser."

"Wait! I'm just a nurse not an intelligence officer, now I'm supposed to abandon everything?" Annika said feeling a collection of fear and anger.

"No, who knows maybe you'll get that nursing slot after this short stint with, I'm kind of on my own." Jason said look around at the empty office.

Annika looked up from the glass of whiskey "I'll do the best I can sir,"

"That's all I can ask ensign." Jason said downing a second glass.


Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence officer USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman RN
Intelligence Officer USS Columbia


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