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Slam Poetry Part 3, The Fly Boys

Posted on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 1:51pm by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić & Ensign Annika Wiseman
Edited on on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 1:52pm

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19 Coffee Hound
Timeline: MD C17 1930 hours

Sarah's eyes followed Annika's. "Oh!! That's Sar's boss's boyfriend's best friend," she said, shaking her head. "Lt. Elliott," she explained. "Is he not doing poker with the others?" She was confused. Maybe this was part of poker? She was pretty sure that was a card game, but she'd never actually played it.

"Who's the cute one?" Lissa asked to no one in particular.

Annika looked up hoping they wouldn't get noticed, "The guy at the counter ordering is Mario Pranjic, callsign: Raven, he's the recon flight leader, the Vulcan is...What's his name,callsign: 'Numbers' Mario's back seater, He's quite nice, the redhead is Ensign Kelly 'Buster' Reigns , and the skinny guy is Ensign 'Crunch' Greyson Kelly's back seater." Annika slammed back the drink "Raven and Lieutenant Elliot have some history from their respective first assignment and some bad stuff."

"I'm sure they're here for the poetry," Lissa commented, leaning back in her seat and taking in the information that Annika had given her as she checked the boys out.

Annika looked over at Lissa, "Maybe Numbers but Mario is a bit of a party guy, I'm surprised too see Kelly" Pointing too the redheaded female, "She strikes me a more of a 'no days off' kind of gal, always at the gym and such." Pausing as she lifted the remains of her drink "Crunch he's the mystery man, he doubles as the groups training supervisor kind of the quiet one, even more so than Numbers."

Hmm. Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Well, whatever you do, I would suggest keeping the pretty redhead away from Commander F'rar. Sar says she's a bit...well. He said she isn't always logical, but I think he meant insane," she said. "With respect, of course. She's nice, and friendly, but I think she just doesn't tolerate fools well. Sar really likes her, and I think that's why," she said.

Across the way the four pilots, were ordering drinks. Kelly spoke first "This place is more like a starbase than a ship, hey Raven get me a black coffee, nothing fancy tonight." Her eyes were scanning the room when she saw a familiar face, "Hey Numbers isn't that Little sister from the intel office?"

Strock- known as Numbers to many of the recon team -looked in the same direction "Yes, it appears that Miss Wiseman is out with some acquaintances." He had a hard time accepting the use of nicknames or callsigns outside of the fighter ranks, even if they were honorary, "Raven, I'll have tea if possible."

Mario looked up, "Okay so two large Latte's one tea for my Vulcan buddy, and what the hell did you want Crunch?" talking with the barista.

"A damn red eye!" Crunch said as he dodged some excited NCO's, "This place is popular...hey that is little sister!" Crunch waved to Annika, "Should we make ourselves social?"

Mario looked away as the barista was getting the drinks, "She has some interesting company, but I would like to make a decent impression on the new Captain in the morning so maybe no major shenanigan's tonight."

Kelly looked back, "Damn, I was hoping we could broaden Numbers' horizons on humanity tonight." she said with laughter

"Why does my lack of a female companion seem to be so important of late?" Strock said as he took his tea, "I find the human need for pair bonding to be troublesome."

"Okay guys, let's just go be sociable to little sister and her friends and get outta here, I wanna look sharp for the new CO and not get our asses in trouble, plus I promised Ghostrider we'd behave." Mario said passing the remaining drinks and taking his.

Annika's face went red, she even started to panic a little, "They're coming this way..." she said looking too the floor.

Sarah smiled. At least she knew how to interact with a Vulcan now. She smiled as the pilots approached, and raised a hand in a friendly wave. "Hello," she said. "You guys are the new pilots, right?" She said. "I am Ensign Sarah bet Ira, Ops," she said.

With a roguish smile "I'm Lieutenant Mario Pranjic, this is my humble EW operator Ensign 'Numbers' Strock, gesturing to his left, my wingman Ensign Kelly 'Buster' Reigns, and her backseat rider Ensign Mark 'Crunch' Greyson." Mario concluded with a smile.

Lissa kicked Annika lightly, "What is the matter with you?" she whispered.

"Cool nicknames guys," Lissa said brightly. ""I'm Lissa, trauma nurse, Bella and V'lal are also pilots. And I think you know Annika," Lissa gestured around the group. "Why don't you have a seat. We can make room."

Mario sat down opposite Lissa, the Vulcan Strock sat beside Annika who suddenly visibly relaxed, Kelly pulled up a stool along with Mark, "You clearly haven't been around many pilots, those are our callsigns, it's a lot easier than calling out someone's name during a fight, especially if there are a half dozen Mark's, or whatever."

"It is pleasant to see you again Ensign Wiseman" Strock commented

"You too Strock." Annika blushed.

Bella smiled at the flyboys, her father was an engineer who had designed a lot of fighter systems so she'd grown up around test pilots. She flew a lot of fighters, "what's your assignment on the Columbia?"

Mario smiled "We're part of the fighter unit here on Columbia, more accurately the recon flight, although I feel like a flight instructor some days." he replied with a laugh.

Sarah looked at the other girls. Annika was acting weird. She studied her friend's face for a moment. WAITTT. Did Annika fancy this Vulcan?! Interesting turn of events. She grinned cheekily. "I've heard of you all; my boyfriend's boss is dating yours," she said.

"Lissa, isn't Numbers here a cutie?" She asked, pointedly.

Lissa winked at Sarah, and gave Annika a quick look. So a Vulcan might be her type. Lissa had been trying to figure that out.

V'lal took a sip of her drink and simply observed. She was more curious to see if any tone would be set one way or another by the full bloods. But not wanting to stoke any sort of negativity she did give a genuine smile and a nod to the men "It's great to meet all of you."

Mario looked over at Lissa, "So is there always so much going on aboard or is it just one of those planned nights?"

Lissa leaned forward as she responded to Mario, "These little things have been popping up these days. It was a shy ship at first, but now people are doing open mic nights all over the place." Lissa grinned playfully. "So did you come here for the poetry or the girls?"

Mario smiled, he found her interesting, "I wanted a real cup of coffee and to mingle with the crew so here I am."

"Well now that we are in mixed company, we'll have to tone it down a bit, won't we Annika?" Lissa asked nonchalantly, still eyeing Mario curiously.

Annika giggled, drawing a curious stare from Strock, "That doesn't always stop you, even when your boss is near."

Sarah smiled. "No, it doesn't, but it does me," she said. If you didn't know the Ops officer and/or Ensign Sar, you'd never know they were dating. She'd only recently begun to even refer to him as her boyfriend, anyway. "It can't be the poetry, Lissa, this is horrible," she said. "I've heard better Klingon opera!"

Lt. J.G. Mario “Raven” Pranjić
Recon Flight Leader
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Isabella Rodriguez
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign V’lal
Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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