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Slam Poetry Night Part 2, Lets Talk About...

Posted on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 1:35pm by Ensign Annika Wiseman
Edited on on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 1:50pm

1,386 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19 Coffee Hound
Timeline: MD C17 1930 hours

Annika looked over at Sarah, "The commander and Mr Elliot, were 'having a quiet night' from what I overheard, I just hope the fighter guys don't show up, they're a bunch of maniacs."

"The fly boys ain't bad," Bella laughed. "Of course, coffee bars aren't their usual scene. So I doubt we'll see them." She slurped the cream from the top of her latte. "I don't have to worry about my boss- his daughter's having a couple of friends over. So he'll be busy chasing little girls around."

Annika choked on her Latte, "Two pilots, two electronic warfare operators, the deck crew, Intelligence looked like a frat house when they arrived, their 'leader' a Lieutenant Pranjic also known as 'Raven' nice enough guy, he and Lieutenant Elliot have some serious history from what I gather." Annika lifted her hand "I'm sure I'll learn more."

Sarah chuckled. "A quiet night for those two?" She said, a bit unconvinced. "Sar's been doing the propulsion upgrades on their fighters," she said. "They certainly seem to be rather...rowdy. Maybe someone suitable for you, Lissa?" She asked, curiously. Lissa didn't show much interest in anyone on the ship, though. Sarah did understand, it was messy sometimes. She just hadn't counted on her Vulcan.

Lissa choked on her coffee. "Me? It would take someone pretty special to catch my interest right now. I am just so busy with work and studying, I don't have much time to look... maybe if there were no strings..." Lissa pondered again in a singsong voice. "But again, where to find them. Annika's not doing a hard sell on her coworkers," she added with a laugh.

V'lal had spent time finishing up work in the main shuttle bay before taking time to decide if she wanted to attend the poetry event and took her time mulling what to wear before deciding on jeans and a shirt. She finally made her way down before noticing some of the other ladies and walking up. While from a distance she heard the mention of Sar's name, she gave no comment otherwise considering they'd yet to even greet one another. As she came up to Sarah she gave a smile "How are you doing?"

Sara looked up and smiled. "I am ok," she said. "Do you want to join us?" She asked the Vulcan.

V'lal gave a nod. "I would enjoy that, yes. Thank you." She made note of coffee that was available and took one for herself before taking a sip and finding it to her liking before taking a seat.

"V'lal, you didn't prepare anything for tonight did you?" Lissa asked. "You know the group ones are kind of fun, what if we found something to write about - like Crewman Sampson's cat that always escapes and did it together like." Lissa suggested an amused look on her face.

"Someone has a cat?" Sarah asked, her interest piqued. She'd wondered how that happened-that was a privilege normally only reserved for senior officers and families.

"I did not. I wasn't even sure if I was going to make it to be honest. If there is something you would like me to participate in I am happy to do so, but if you already had something planned for you and the rest of the ladies I would be excited to see the performance." V'lal was fluid in the decision making of the group. She was here to decompress and allow everyone else to do the same.

The Vulcan's arrival had thrown a monkey wrench into Sarah's planned segue. She'd tagged along to get her friends' advice. Anyway, she took a long drag of her coffee, and then cleared her throat.

"So uh...ladies, I have a bit of a problem. Can you help? Anyway...if Sar and I want to, ya know, take our relationship a bit you think that Vulcans do it, ya know, like humans do?"

She felt herself blush as she looked at the table. She wasn't used to talking about romances with her friends. In her culture, it was all pretty private, but the Starfleet girls seemed to be pretty open about sexuality.

Bella gave Sarah a warm look before speaking, "I've never been with a Vulcan, but I've heard they're quite passionate in the right set of circumstances. It takes a lot of patience and maturity to have an interspecies relationship. I've found when dealing with Vulcans just speak what is on your mind, you don't need to worry about embracing him. Your concerns are logical." Bella thought about how her friend Kas had been with T'Lura and how strange the relationship seemed from the outside looking in.

"Oh, yeah, your friend, the one who's seeing the Counselor, he's got a Vulcan friend, right? Wait, how does that work? Is he dating them both?"

"He's not with either of them, that I'm aware of and he usually tells me about such things." Bella shook her head. "Kas was
with T"Lura they aren't together, but the split was amicable. As far as the counselor goes; I don't think they know what's going on."

Sarah nodded. "Oh! Ok!! That makes sense." She asked no further questions but wondered if the two women knew of each other. She wasn't sure how she'd respond if one of Sar's ex girlfriends appeared. Not that he had any, but in case.

V'lal raised an eyebrow but then grinned a moment later "Well, I can't entirely speak for the logical Vulcans but I can say that we are quite energetic in those private moments. I would dare even say the more rigid and logical a Vulcan is, the more expressive they are with their partner. You'll find the experience to be similar in regards to how things work with humans. I think you'll do just fine Sarah. I've been with a number of human males and there weren't any sort of complications that arose."

Sarah blushed, but nodded. "That's good to know," she said, quietly.

"You gotta be sure you really like him, though," Lissa said while chewing on a pretzel. "When they have sex they can get ya with that telepathic connection. Once they mate, there's an instinct to mate for life that's usually passed along to their partner as well."

Sarah nodded. "Sar explained that. I think it's...time. Ya know?? I think I am...I mean. I am not like you all. I was already planning to settle with my academy boyfriend but he ended it when we graduated, and I know it's only my first posting, but I want to start a family before I am thirty..." She trailed off. "In my culture, women are still sort of expected to marry well, then have children. At least a few," she said. "To carry on the bloodline. It's carried maternally," she said. "The fact that I went to school first AND started working is enough of bucking the system for me." She sighed deeply.

"I mean you do you," Lissa said. "I don't think I could commit right now personally. Too much to see, I wanna have some fun before I decide if I even want kids, ya know."

"There's something to be said for being for being a free agent," Bella said with a wink.

"I mean. I did go on a couple of dates before Sar, but...I like him. He makes me feel like...what's the phrase? Birds in your stomach? Like that." She got a glazed-over look in her eyes, as she often did when he came to mind. She wished she was better at controlling her emotions, but she wasn't.

Annika hid a giggle, poorly. She'd never been with anyone, half out of embarrassment she usually tried to stay out of these conversations, there was a small disturbance over by the entry to the coffee bar, "What's going on over there?"

"Friends of yours?" Lissa asked. Annika's department, and the adjacent department seemed to have a lot of characters, as Lissa was learning.

"Crap!" she whispered, "It's the damn fighter jocks!"

Lt. J.G. Isabella Rodriguez
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign V’lal
Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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