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About Last Night

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 12:28am by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Lissa's Quarters, Deck 10
Timeline: MD: C18 0600 hours

Lissa woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it took her a few minutes to remember why. She rolled over to catch a glimpse of Mario still sleeping in bed next to her. She took note of his muscular chest before quietly slipping out of bed to put on over-sized t-shirt and shorts.

Mario felt something rustle he rolled over to see Lissa getting up, "Morning...." he said realizing his mouth felt like a cactus.

Lissa spun around at the sound of Mario's voice. "Morning," she said taking in a breath. "Coffee?" she asked, as she finished pulling the shirt over her head.

"Yeah, Black please." Mario said as he shifted his feet out of the bed, he found his pilots watch on the floor, he had an hour before his day started. He found his shirt and pulled it over his head. So is this where what happens.... Mario thought to himself.

Lissa walked to the replicator, "Two 24 ounce coffees, black, thermal cups." She carried them back into the bedroom and handed him one. "You're going to need your energy today," she commented, giving him a playful wink."Food?"

Mario didn't think "Oatmeal with brown sugar."

"Alright then, I like a man who knows what he wants," Lissa teased. She took a drink of coffee and set her cup down on the nightstand before walking back to the replicator. She laughed a little as she ordered the oatmeal for Mario and ordered herself apples and peanut butter.

Lissa handed Mario his bowl and spoon. "Here you go, breakfast in bed. How's that for service?" She remarked lightheartedly as she plopped back down on the bed next to him.

"Best kind of service, I don't eat much on days where I'm starting the day on standby, especially with only two fighters available I don't need to be fighting fatigue from over eating and possibly flying into a fight." Mario said filling his spoon.

"That's why I avoid anything heavy," Lissa said, showing him her bowl. "There can be a lot of down time on a nursing shift, but when it's time to move, you move." Lissa normally hated this part, the awkward morning after, though it hadn't been so bad.

Mario smiled after shoving another spoonful in his mouth, "I should see if I can get you a ride some time, you can feel the rush of a high speed turn at full impulse, plus you'd look quite cute in a flightsuit." 'Not to mention dead sexy' Mario said keeping that final thought to himself for now.

Lissa raised her eyebrows at the suggestion. "Sounds fun." She took a bite of one of her apple slices. Lissa leaned back against the headboard and looked over at Mario. "Last night was fun too."

Mario smiled as he tried to eat, "That was absolutely fun last night." he said using his free hand to run his fingers from her bare knee to just inside her shorts. "What time does your shift end today?" his mind was thinking back to last night while thinking ahead to later on.

"2000 hours, working a twelve today. You?" Lissa took a sip of coffee wondering where is was going.

"If the ship doesn't go to red alert, maybe around the same time." Mario wolfed back the last mouthful, "Most of my day will likely be in the office or in the bunkhouse though, the less glamourous part of being a pilot, the waiting."

"And when you aren't waiting, it's only just one of the most dangerous jobs in Starfleet. No big deal, right?" She gave him a knowing look and set her bowl to the side. She turned toward him and sat cross-legged on the bed.

"I don't know how to say this, but you know things don't have to be awkward if you don't wanna," Lissa used her fingers to gesture back and forth between them. "You're new here, and we literally just met, I didn't invite you over last night with any kind of expectations."

Mario looked over at Lissa, "I get it, how about we take it one day at a time, not every day is going to be us flying head first into a fight, or fearing the worst about some away mission, let's take it slow, let's keep the expectations real."

"Oh! I don't care about that. I'm sorry bad timing. I'm not very good at this. I'm a trauma nurse, been training to get dropped into war zones," Lissa said trying to explain. "I just meant, I respect what you do. Putting your life on the line for the rest of us." She paused. "I'm so awkward, I'm sorry. I really don't bring a lot guys back to my quarters like this, but I just meant, entirely separately, that you know, you don't need to feel like you owe me a second date or anything... If you didn't want to..." she trailed off. She looked at him somewhat nervously, hoping he understood, but still feeling like she hadn't made any sense whatsoever.

Mario laughed, "How about this, we take it one step at a time, yeah I don't always run off and sleep with the first woman who strikes up a conversation with me, actually I don't, I learned that lesson after Hong Kong, that's not really my thing, if things don't get crazy how about dinner after we're both off shift, maybe go from there, I'm not going anywhere, not without a fight for sure."

Lissa laughed as well, as the tension -entirely caused by her of course - subsided and she relaxed. "Sure, you can tell me what went wrong in Hong Kong," she suggested back to her usual playful demeanor.

Mario smiled "It's one of those stories about Jason and I, we were on leave on earth after the whole Blackburn thing, so we decided to spend a couple of days in Hong Kong, we had done some exploring around, wound up at this bar, he disappeared with some girl and I wound up having drinks with the Klingon woman, which turned into a return to her hotel room, and well, Klingons are quite rambunctious when it comes to sex...we totaled her hotel room." he said with a laugh.

"If you made it out of there without any broken ribs, you ended up better than most Human men do," Lissa said laughing. She held her hands up, "What trauma nurses do when they aren't on the front lines somewhere. I wish I were joking."

Mario gave a crooked smile, "I lost two teeth and a cracked rib and the trashed hotel room I guess I got off lucky." he paused picking up the coffee, "I'm not going to sit and brag about my exploits, since there aren't many."

"Ah... there's the rest of the story," Lissa teased. "Your teeth look great by the way. They did a nice job."

Lissa shifted onto her knees and leaned forward. She kissed him passionately, like they had kissed the night before. She stopped somewhat abruptly, but didn't pull away. "So, we still on for dinner later?"

Mario smiled and said, “Even if it’s in the squadron ready room, at a card table next to a bunk, I can’t think of anything else but it being with you.” He leaned forward and kissed her back.


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