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Posted on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 1:34pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Thren ch'Yalorn
Edited on on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 3:26pm

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10, Ice, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD4, 1800 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Ryhl stepped into the lounge called ‘Ice’. Wide, towering crystals were embedded into the wall, stretching from ceiling to floor. They glowed brightly, providing the establishment’s illumination. The floor was made of a glossy teal crystal that reflected the soft glow.

He was immediately greeted by Thren, the svelte Andorian chef known for his mastery of presenting Andorian cuisine. Thren's antennae swayed gracefully as he welcomed Ryhl with genuine warmth.

"Commander Ryhl, I am Chef Thren ch'Yalorn. It is a pleasure to have you here," Thren said, his eyes lighting up. "If I may suggest, tonight's highlight is our Alardi Partinna. It's a dish that celebrates the essence of Andorian wilderness and the bountiful flavors of our homeworld."

Intrigued by Thren's recommendation, Ryhl nodded in appreciation. "Ah, the Alardi Partinna! I've heard remarkable things about it. Please, tell me more."

Thren's smile widened, and he began to describe the dish with eloquence and passion. "At the heart of the Alardi Partinna lies succulent cuts of Alardi, a prized species of indigenous mountain game renowned for its tender and lean meat. We take great care in marinating the Alardi cuts with a rich blend of spices, infusing them with the bold flavors of native Telandra herbs. The meat is then allowed to rest, ensuring that every morsel is imbued with the essence of Andorian wilderness."

"The robust flavors of the Alardi are perfectly complemented by a medley of fresh Andorian vegetables harvested from our fertile lowlands," Thren continued. "Vibrant orbush leaves and crisp kelvari stalks lend a delightful crunch, while the tender Artamelan mushrooms add a distinct earthy aroma, evoking memories of the forest floor after a gentle rain."

Thren's passion for the dish was palpable as he continued, "We cook the Alardi Partinna in the traditional Andorian style, skillfully grilling the meat over open flames to achieve the perfect balance of smokiness and succulence. The sizzling fragrance of the Alardi fills the air, heightening the anticipation of a truly gratifying meal."

"With great care, we serve the Alardi Partinna on a bed of velvety velari root puree, paying homage to Andoria's natural beauty," Thren added, his eyes gleaming with pride. "To elevate the presentation further, we artfully brush a drizzle of savory Tashic glaze onto the Alardi, adding a hint of sweetness that beautifully complements the bold flavors of the dish."

Ryhl's mouth watered as he listened to Thren's detailed description. "It sounds exceptional, Thren," Ryhl said with genuine admiration. "Your dedication to preserving the true essence of Andorian cuisine while presenting it in such an enticing way is truly remarkable."

Thren's antennae swayed happily, and he replied with a gracious nod, "Thank you, Commander. Bringing a taste of home to my fellow Andorians brings me great joy. I hope you find the dish as delightful as I do."

“Thank you for the recommendation”, Thren said as they stood looking over the glistening lounge. The parts of the walls which were not made of crystals were made of rich, blue-gray ice. It too reflected the colorful glow of the crystal towers.

Thren gestured towards the bar, inviting Ryhl to join him. "Commander th'Zeles, you simply must try our finest Andorian brew," Thren said with a smile, his crystalline blue eyes sparkling with excitement. “Do you care for glow-ale?” The illuminated beverage was crafted from a blend of indigenous Andorian herbs and fermented with precision to create a refreshing and invigorating taste. It glowed a vibrant glacial blue and was served in a tall glass.

Ryhl nodded appreciatively, "Glow-ale, you say? It has been awhile.” he replied, curiosity piqued. “I’d enjoy that. Thanks.” They approached the long bar, complete with opaque stools made of smooth, soft crystal.

Thren reached behind the ice bar, his nimble fingers expertly navigating the crystalline surfaces. He retrieved a unique, iridescent glass that seemed to shimmer in the ambient glow of the crystalline walls. He poured a generous portion of the bright blue liquid, frothy foam forming a delicate cap on the surface.

"Here you go, Commander," Thren said, presenting the glass to Ryhl with a graceful flourish. "A glass of our finest Glow-Ale, just for you. May it bring you a taste of the wonders of Andoria."

Ryhl raised the glass to his lips, taking a cautious sip. The flavor danced on his taste buds, a harmonious blend of crispness and a subtle hint of sweetness. "This is exquisite, Thren," Ryhl remarked,

“Forgive me for taking your time”, Thren told Commander th’Zeles. “I will personally place your order myself.”

“I appreciate that, Thren”, Ryhl replied. “One last thing. What would you recommend for dessert?”

"Ah, Necreena," he began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "It's a true symphony of flavors, carefully crafted with the finest ingredients from Andoria's rich terrain. At its heart are delicate frostbloom petals, handpicked from the icy meadows, and infused with a delightful blend of honey and veliska nectar. The velvety smoothness of the nectar beautifully balances the subtle floral notes, creating a taste sensation unlike any other."

"The true magic lies in the ethereal ice cream," Thren continued, his passion for his craft evident in every word. "Made from the purest Andorian ice milk, the ice cream's texture is as smooth as freshly fallen snow, harmoniously mingling with the aromatic flavors of the petal-infused nectar. And to add a delightful crunch, we sprinkle in crushed dashki leaves, evoking memories of crisp Andorian mornings."

Ryhl's mouth watered at the thought of such a delightful dessert. "As a final flourish," he added, "we generously scatter a whisper of frosted vareth berries on top. These tiny frozen jewels provide a burst of tangy sweetness and an exquisite contrast to the delicate floral hues of the dish."

“That sounds amazing”, Commander th’Zeles said. “Please add that to my order.”

“I would not have it any other way”, Thren said before bowing and closing his eyes. His antennae swayed as he turned and walked through an arched opening leading into the kitchen.

“What a place”, Ryhl said to himself as he looked around. The room was cast in a mix of white and blue light. Reflections danced off surfaces where it was hard to tell the difference between crystal and frost. There were rows of booths and tables made of smooth, opaque crystal. Servers waited by the door, still not many guests arriving yet.

Much of the lounge’s staff were Andorian. Some were recruited from the civilian complement of families and travelers. The Commander knew the place had potential, but wondered if it would truly catch on with the crew.

Ryhl lifted his glass of glow-ale and sipped the neon blue liquid. He stood and walked towards a booth. The reflection of his drink reflected off the floor, providing a blue glow alongside his footsteps. He sat and stared at one of the crystal towers, noticing the detailed pattern within it and the facets along its side.

There was so much on his mind. It was hard being the Commander. He could sense many others were spending time with each other and bonding. Ryhl enjoyed his solace, though part of him missed the days when he could simply enjoy the thrill of being a young officer.

Now he was responsible for the wellbeing of every person aboard the Odyssey class starship. As he thought of this fact, he smiled warmly. There were days when he dreamed of being in this situation.

Ryhl slowly let his tension release, drifting away momentarily back to his homeworld.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Thren ch'Yalorn
Chef - Ice
USS Columbia


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