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You Show Me Yours... Diplomatic Talks Part 1

Posted on Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 9:33am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Ensign Dramin
Edited on on Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 10:29am

1,840 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: USS Columbia Bridge Conference Room 1
Timeline: MD C15 (After Bridge Duty Escalates)

Dramin's stomach was churning. He compared it to the same feeling he got on those days when he'd forget two meals in his business and get very, very queasy the next morning and proceed to shovel an entire plate of sandwiches down his throat - except this time he'd eaten, and he wasn't at his usual workplace. Oh, no. This time, seated at the negotiating table with the Vissian counsellor, waiting patiently (or perhaps not quite so patiently) for the Romulan and Klingon delegates to arrive, the feeling remained in force.

Why? What happens when you put together members of two sworn enemy races, of course. Call it Kelpien pessimism, but Dramin expected to walk away from this meeting missing a limb or two, assuming, of course, the two parties decided that hurling themselves at each other would solve things better than talking.

"I never imagined I'd ever have to do this." He said, quietly, to no one in particular.

Feeva smiled lightly. "I bet. Me, too, but you will be fine," she said, serenely. "I've only done something similar once-I was the assistant chief Counselor, but the Chief had just had a baby, so I had to do it. Feeling nervous is normal and natural, even if you've been well trained," she said. "Do not worry; the Command staff will do most of the work."

Commanders Rutrauka and Naleema and Sub-Commander Ulan followed Captain th'Zheles to the conference room. Naleema was proving to be the most vocal, making the expectations of the Romulan Free State known to the Captain since they had beamed aboard.

"And I trust that you will understand, that our colony's security and the security of all of the Romulan people as they remain scattered across the quadrant is of upmost importance here," Naleema said to the Captain, her delivery calm and matter-of-fact. "We are only authorized to reveal a certain amount of information, and only to the most trusted of Starfleet personnel. There will be no sharing of Romulan intelligence with the Klingon barbarians."

Ryhl sighed heavily. "We must all work together in the spirit of cooperation. As such, it's best that you don't hold anything back." His eyes locked onto hers. "Let me also tell you this. If you don't share your information, the Columbia will set sail out of here. You won't have any resources to help combat this worsening situation. Frankly, our supplies are delivered. I'm going to ask you not to insult our partners, the Klingons.. And keep an open mind."

Captain th'Zeles was not having it today. If the Klingons and Romulans wanted to be difficult, he had no qualms packing up and leaving back towards Federation space.

"We will be civilized, but they have given us no reason to trust them with sensitive information. May I remind you, Captain, we did not ask you to interfere," Naleema responded. She stood proudly with nose in the air. "If you wish to broker some peace among us, we will hear you out. But the Klingons have never been allies of the Romulans. You must understand our mistrust."

Ryhl thought on her words for a moment. "Commander Chalan and I only want what's best for the colony as a whole. You do have a point. History cannot be ignored. Let me just say this, on behalf of both the Romulans and Klingons. Neither of you came this far out into space.. to this beautiful, but desolate rock... just to hash out old conflicts going back to the 2260s. Just as you are here to build a better life after the terrible Hobus supernova, so too are these particular Klingons looking for a better way." His antennae twitched as he looked sincerely into Naleema's eyes.

Feeva, for her part, was sitting quietly, trying her best to be inconspicuous, but ready to hop in with some skills, if necessary. She was quietly taking notes, but with a pen and paper, as if it were a business meeting in the 20th Century. Sometimes, it helped her brain to calm if she could physically transfer thoughts to paper, which she could shred or burn later. She made a face at the woman's description of the Klingons. She didn't say anything, just cast a look at the Captain.

"I understand you may have a lack of trust with the Klingons and they feel the same way about you. To be honest, Campor III doesn't have time for this petty bickering. Neither do I. So I will ask you to respect the Klingons and listen to them in earnest. Is there any issue with that?"

"We will listen," Rutrauka responded. Naleema nodded curtly. Ulan stood obediently by.

"Is this where Starfleet wishes to hold the discussions?" Naleema said noticing a room that had been set up, a nervous looking Kelpian standing against a wall. "Shall we proceed?" She liked the idea of being seated before the Klingons arrived.

"Yes, just something simple we've set up," Ryhl replied. He led the group into the space as they spread out among the seats. Captain th'Zeles drew each breath with anxious tension. A lot hung in the balance with these talks. There was still also a lot of information they had to piece together. He looked to Kendri and smiled weakly, strengthened by her presence. Kendri still stood in the door, there had been a holdup, but the Klingon contingency was finally on its way.

Fee straightened a little as the Romulan contingency appeared. She smiled, and stood up. "Good morning. I am Counselor Feeva Drylo, please sit down. Refreshments are available, if you wish," she said, indicating them for the women.


At the same time the Romulans were arriving, at the other end of the hallway Kendri and Kas were trying to calm HoD Vurla down before taking her to the conference room.

"If it's not the Romulans then who? The Ferengi? I will rip their precious lobes from their tiny heads with my bare hands!" she growled through her sharp teeth, her eyes narrowing as she sought a new target for her anger.

"The Ferengi don't want a war with anyone. If you two kill one another, they would have no one to do business with," Kendri said said firmly. "Our scientists and investigators have been looking at everything that has been going on just since we've arrived. The Ferengi have had issues too. If we can all just talk with one another, all of us, we will get a better grasp as to what's going on."

"I will attend this meeting, but if the Romulans do not participate, neither will we. They are cowards without honor, who hide behind secret doors and fake names. It is difficult to trust what they say, when their entire society is built around subterfuge rather than honor," Vurla announced as she pushed her way out of the room and toward where she thought the conference area was.

Kendri jogged a quick step and then walked briskly to keep up. "Right there," she said gesturing to the door.

Feeva moved quickly when the Commander entered, making sure that chairs and water glasses were turned properly, and that PADDs were turned on. She sat back down, and fell silent again.

Kas and Brok'tan stood directly in Vurla's way Kas looked her in the eye. "If you wish to close the circle of vengeance you will need to hear us out. The Starfleet has done a thorough investigation. Let Commander Chalan question the Romulans, we get more answers that way. Remember they have as much trust in us as we have in them."

Vurla's first officer L'naan, stepped up to Kas speaking Klingon. "Why should we listen to an outsider like you!?"

Vurla slapped the woman, Only fools fight in a burning house, you will only speak when spoken too!"

The Klingon Captain turned back to Kas, "I will let the Commander handle the Romulans, but I will not stand insults or lies."

The Counselor moved quickly. In a flash, the small woman was on her feet, quietly but firmly stepping between the women. Her softly accented but decidedly "Mom" voice was low, and the others would have to calm down to hear her.

"Please remember that you are guests here; I understand that you have your cultural beliefs but please leave your personal problems at the door. If either of you would like, my office is free to cool down, have some refreshments, and collect your thoughts. We're all professionals here," she said. She looked to Kas and then to Kendri. She stepped aside when things seemed to have calmed slightly, and then spoke louder. "Captain, sirs, ma'am, that offer is for anyone. These talks may be a little...tense. You are all welcome to use my office as needed," she said. She sat back down quietly.

Kendri noticed the Romulan delegation seated in the room, and intensified her glare to the Klingon delegates. "Please, come have a seat. The Romulans have arrived and are prepared to listen."

One benefit of being a prey species: excellent hearing. One downside of being a prey species: excellent hearing. Dramin had heard the Klingons arguing with each other and snippets of the Romulans' conversation. Something told him that there was a pretty high chance that at least a little bit of blood would be spilled anyway - be it Romulan, Klingon or even that of one of the Starfleet officers in the room - which did not detract from the fact that he still had things to do within the room. Dramin rose to his feet, praying that no one could see that his legs were trembling. "Well, now that we've settled. Would anyone like anything to eat or drink?" He ventured, addressing the entire room.

Ryhl smiled to the Ensign. "Thank you for the offer, Mister Dramin. We may require something in a moment."

Kas and Brok'tan entered the room with the two Klingon women behind him, Kas was grateful they were being seated in a way that the Klingons could see the door.

"We are here to see the results of your investigation," Brok'tan said, "I for one believe Captain th'Zeles to be a man of honor he would ask us the sit at a table with our enemies. So we are as the humans say, 'giving you the benefit of the doubt."

Vurla looked like she wanted to say something but a look from the old Warrior kept her quiet.

With the Klingons and the Romulans finally in the same room, Commander Chalan looked at Captain th'Zheles as she took her seat at the opposite end of the table. "I think we can finally begin," she said with a relaxed smile, despite the obvious tension in the room.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Commander
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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