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The Ferengi Medical Crisis Team Heads Back to Columbia with Guests

Posted on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 7:30am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

1,409 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD C12 1030 hours (After Attack and Price)

Commander Chalan carefully landed the shuttle back where it was originally parked, next to the Ferengi hospital at Grabok settlement. As the team walked out of the shuttle they were approached by Lissa. With her were two Ferengi, a male and a female.

Lissa noticed the team looked somewhat rattled, but her news was too important to wait. "Commander Chalan, we've found someone whose blood contains antibodies for the virus. I'd like to arrange to have him shuttled back to the Columbia as soon as possible. We'll need Sickbay's equipment to do the proper tests, and using the transporter is too risky. Even with the filters off, we could still lose important micro-cellular information about the anti-bodies."

Commander Chalan turned to Commanders Lyngstad and Tomm to make sure they were listening.

"Alright, Ensign. It's probably about time we get Lieutenant Foley into a proper laboratory as well." Kendri looked over at Sarah and Ivitha, "Tell Lieutenant Foley to find a stopping point, and help him start packing up."

Sarah nodded. "Right away, Commander," she said, turning back to the shuttle. She radioed ahead to Foley. ==/\==Sir, Commander Chalan needs you to stop where you are. Myself and Ivitha will meet you in place to pack up.==/\==

Turning back to Lissa and the Ferengi, Kendri asked, "And who do we have the pleasure of bringing back with us today?"

"Greetings Commander", said the Ferengi woman. "Nurse Kephi.. Thank you and your crew for your efforts. We've been having trouble sourcing the cause of the outbreaks. Nurse Kerr tells you all seem to have made progress."

The other Ferengi cut in quickly. "Don't forget about me! Krata... Laboratory Technician extraordinaire.. This is really quite the discovery. I don't want to get too excited until I learn more but..

"I think we're ready to acquaint ourselves with your ship, Commander." The Ferengi moved within the inner circle of Starfleet officers.

"It will take us a moment to pack up. Why don't you acquaint yourself with the other senior staff here. Commander Lyngstad, our Chief Science Officer, and Commander Tomm, our Chief of Security. I'll be right back," Kendri said, excusing herself.

“Hello, Krata. I’m Kobi Tomm. This antibody business is the best news we’ve heard since we got here. I’ve had enough of people or things shooting at us.”

"We heard there've been some incidents across the settlements. The illness caught us all off guard. We're grateful for your offer of a cure... At no cost to us at that!"

"Hello there," said Johanna. "I'm Johanna Lyngstad. That was some outstanding work, locating someone who has the antibodies for the virus."

The two Ferengi turned to Johanna, Krata beaming and Kephi peeking out from behind him. "Well I.." Krata started..

"Actually I think it was Nurse Kerr's research.. I just took her to Krata", Kephi said through a warm, toothy smile.

Krata recognized the teal highlights of Johanna's uniform. "Science department, eh? One day I'd like to try my hand at that.. Cadet Krata... It's gotta ring to it.. No?

"I think you would do very well in Science, Krata. Everyone thought I would go security, but I went with Science because my Dad is a chemist. Study hard and work hard." Johanna had been in the bottom 20 percent of her class, but she did graduate. "I would be happy to sponsor you."

Kendri went back into the shuttle to inform the Captain, and make sure that Sickbay could begin preparations. Kendri didn't like to waste and time. She tapped the communicator on her uniform, "Chalan to Captain th'Zeles we have another development. This time it's good news."

=/\=I sure hope so, Commander.=/\= Ryhl spoke while overlooking a tactical display of the surface back aboard the bridge. =/\=I hope there's been more progress made in the medical investigation. What's the word?"=/\=

Kendri responded, "While the rest of us were out this morning, Lieutenant Foley found someone with a positive hit on antibodies, and Ensign Kerr tracked him down. He's a lab technician at the hospital. We'll need quarters prepared for Mr. Krata and Nurse Kephi," Kendri stated. "We're bringing everyone back in the shuttle. I recommend a continued medical presence down here, perhaps in shifts. We can discuss it once we return. "

=/\=Great work, Commander! I'll see to it they get placed into VIP Quarters. I'll also get in touch with Doctor Takanashi and start planning the shifts. We'll plan a medical response as part of that operation, assuming we can work these antibodies into a treatment.=/\=

As the Senior officers met the Ferengi medical representatives, Sarah prepped herself and Ivy to transport out, using the coordinates that Foley had given her. She stepped forward a moment.

Kendri saw Sarah stepping into the shuttle. "Ensign bet Ira, before you and Ensign Ivitha transport out, I want you to take the drone we recovered with you. Get with Lieutenant's and Elliot and tell them what happened - including the Romulan shuttles we saw immediately after. They'll know what to do with it."

Sarah nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She retrieved the drone. It was heavier than she'd expected, but it wouldn't be long. "I will ask the Lieutenants to report back," she said.

"Commander Chalan, we're off. I have opened channel one as the general Comms chatter." She stepped back, and, a moment later, disappeared from the woman's viewpoint.

"So this starship", Krata said to the gathered officers. "Is there somewhere I can get a bite to eat? It's been a long time since I've tasted your hoo-man foods." Krata's sharp little teeth were revealed as he grinned.

Alex and Brad walked by carrying the last of the lab equipment into the shuttle. Alex chimed in, "There are places to get food all over the Columbia. We can show you how to find the restaurants, and you'll have a replicator in your quarters that can make anything you want."

Commander Tomm raised his eyebrows when the replicator was mentioned. “If I can interrupt for a minute, Alex. Krata, understand that as a guest aboard Columbia, your computer access will be limited. Standard security protocols. We wouldn’t want you to replicate anything….inappropriate. Eat and drink as much as you like. The prime rib and steak fries don’t quite do justice to the genuine articles, but I hope that doesn’t prevent you from enjoying your stay with us.”

Krata and Kephi both turned their attention to Kobi Tomm. "No worries. I understand that you have to keep an eye on guests. After all, I hope you guys keep us safe too while we're there.. I'm not one for all of this... Conflict. I am one for steak and fries though.. Yum!"

"There has been a lot of dreadful news," Kephi added. "A lot of us younger Ferengi came here to forge a new path. Before Grand Nagus Rom took office, these types of opportunities were not available for us females. "Here on Campor, we have even more freedom to escape society's concerns. I'd hate to see us lose progress here."

Kendri stepped out of the door of the shuttle and was pleased to the see the area cleared of their portable lab. "Okay everyone, looks like we're ready to head home. Let's get back so we can keep working on this thing."

The two Ferengi snapped towards the shuttle, moving behind Johanna and Tomm. Krata turned to Kephi. "Let's just hope we can find a solution." Krata looked up to Johanna as they moved towards the shuttle.

"Do you think the odds are good?" Krata paused momentarily. "...that you can do something with my antibodies?"

"Yes, we have a very good virologist, Lieutenant Foley. The two of us should be able to find a solution to this disease." Johanna was confident.

Lissa piped in, "We'll get you to Sickbay first. Dr. Takanashi can run some more thorough tests there than what we could do down there," the nurse added.

"Commander Lyngstad, do you want to run ops for me?" Kendri asked as she fired up the engines and closed the shuttle doors. "It'll be a short flight back to the ship.The Captain is happy to hear about everyone's progress."

=/\= OFF =/\=

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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