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The Commander's Confidence

Posted on Sat Oct 7th, 2023 @ 9:31pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,002 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD C11 2130 hours

Kendri and Kobi were sitting at the helm and ops stations of the parked shuttle watching the crew of the away team wind down for the evening. The Columbia had found the water source for them, but given the hour, and the long day the crew had put in, the senior staff had jointly decided that it was best to start fresh in the morning.

“I hope the Ferengi pull through and actually get us the information we’re looking for about the synthesized water being the link that keeps some healthy. It would be even better if they find us some people who are immune. I know that would speed Alex’s work up quite a bit,” Kendri commented.

“How do you think today went?” she asked.

“It was all about the timing of us being here, really. If Lissa and I hadn’t found that decrepit tower and you hadn’t made the connection with the matter synthesizer, things certainly could have been a whole lot worse. The immunity factors are an interesting prospect. Maybe some kind of water treatment protocol or vaccinations can come out of it? Imagine that, Kendri. We’d have helped an entire community.”

"Ideally, that's why Alex is here. He's a very accomplished virologist, passionate about it. But I don't know that we're giving him the support he needs to really do his thing," Kendri confessed. "Today was a weird day. I mean with our team," she confided to him in a low voice. "I mean Lissa seems focused, she did a lot before we left, and she must have went straight for that tower. But..."

“But——what are you getting at? I was there, too. I also suggested that we dig deeper into the possibility that the tower was the root cause of all the illness here. But she did most of the initial analysis. I just moved things along.”

Kendri leaned in, "In the market, Ensign Ivitha barely spoke to me, or any of the Ferengi. I don't think she took her tricorder out once. The only reason we got any information there was that after Lissa's announcement on comm's I paid a Ferengi to tell me about his water habits. You know me, I was encouraging her to be more involved, we were there to look for information."

Kendri took a deep breath. "Then when we reconnected with Johanna and Sarah, I think all they did was shop. I know Sarah is out of her element here, she's really just so we have computer and equipment support on hand. But did Johanna and I have a complete misunderstanding of why were coming to the market in the first place?" Kendri seemed flustered as she asked the question. "We had been here half a day with no answers, why would we go shopping?" Irritation spread across Kendri's face as she recalled the day.

“You are mission commander, Kendri. Maybe you should make some judgement calls and do something about it. You’re right to be irritated. I can tell by the expression on your face. I’m not sure why they were not taking this seriously or acting without urgency. Put this in your mission report to the Captain; I’ll back you up on this. But this has to be addressed,” Tomm said as he placed his hand on her shoulder in a show of support.

“If there’s anything you need, Kendri….anything.”

Kendri's face went from irritated to crestfallen. "Maybe this is all my fault. I've been a first officer for 3 months? Maybe I'm not doing it right. If I don't know how to put together a team and communicate our goals to them," she looked up at him and shook her head. "Maybe I don't deserve this position."

“Don’t you dare. No self doubt. What happened to that cocky, confident woman I played against in Springball? That’s not the woman I’m proud to call my friend. You very much deserve to be in this job. You absolutely know what you’re doing.”

Kobi took her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I don’t want to hear anything more about it. Is that clear, Commander?” Tomm released her hand and pulled her in, shoulder to shoulder.

“You should be proud of yourself, Kendri. Consider where you came from and how you started. You’ve come a long way, Chalan. I’m proud of you. I’m sure Captain Th’Zeles is as well.”

Kendri took a deep breath. "That's kind of you to say, but I haven't done anything to show for it, this is my first actual mission since coming aboard. Hopefully tomorrow everyone's a little more focused. If the Ferengi don't bring us more information, I may need a whole other team to canvas the neighborhoods." She leaned her arm a little against his, it was a comforting gesture that he had made.

“Let’s wait things out. If it comes down to adding a team to who’s already here, we can do that. Don’t jump to conclusions yet. I have an idea. Come on. Walk with me. Clear your head. We have the time, so let’s use it.”

Kobi reached his hand out, urging Kendri to take it. It was awkward and a bit uncomfortable for her, but Kendri returned the gesture and they walked off the shuttle together. She let it go when she saw Alex and Brad locking up the lab.

"You guys have everything you need for that night," Kendri asked. "I'm staying here to make sure things are secure, but you're more than welcome to beam back and sleep in your beds for the night."

"We were just saying we like the idea of roughing it down here. We were going to play some cards, you guys want in?" Alex asked.

Kendri looked over at Kobi and shrugged. "Yeah sure."

"Awesome," Bread commented pulling up a table while Kobi dragged the chairs over.


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