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Posted on Sun Oct 8th, 2023 @ 7:06am by Lieutenant Sava

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD 26

The Arboretum's light was simulating dusk as Edwin entered with Chaala. The young man smiled at the woman's reaction to seeing this nature preserve in the middle of a space vessel. He had a similar reaction the first time he'd seen it.

"It's like a slice of nature paradise in the middle of a technological marvel." Edwin smiled.

Chaala's eyes were wide and full of wonder as she gazed around them. She had never quite seen a room of this size used for this purpose before; hell, she hadn't even thought it possible until the Starfleet guys had mentioned it. "Oh, it's beautiful." She murmured as she bent down to examine a delicate blue flower with petals that almost glowed with their vibrancy. She ran her fingers through the soft grass once before looking back at him. "Thank you so much for bringing me here." She said. "I could stay all day - but we're only going to be here a few hours. It's such a shame, isn't it?"

"Could we sit down? I'd love to appreciate the beauty of this lovely place - while getting to know you a little more intimately." Her smile turned mischievous as she stood and looked around for a bench or any kind of seating arrangements.

"There's a quiet spot with bench up the path," Edwin smiled. He offered the woman his hand as they walked. "This is where I come when I miss earth,"

"Such a gentleman." The young Orion slipped her hand into his and walked with him, humming a soft, melodious tune as she did. "Is Earth really this beautiful? This place is better than anything I ever got to see on the homeworld." She said.

"This doesn't do the Keweenaw justice, Edwin smiled. "I'm from a place called Michigan. My family used the go up to Copper Harbor every year. We always went right when the leaves on the trees were changing colors, it was so beautiful."

"Kweenaw? Michigan? Are these places on Earth?" Chaala seemed curious, scooting closer to him so that she was almost pressed up against his shoulder. "We don't have autumn on Orion, not in the way you describe it. The leaves on our trees don't change color. They sort of stay the same color. What a shame." She met his eyes, briefly and a little shyly. "I would love to visit Earth one day. But you know, it's not easy being in the navy."

"Yes, we spent a lot of time in space," Edwin smiled. "I'm looking forward to being planetside on our mission. So what's the most beautiful place on Orion?"

"There's a valley in the midlands of the main continent. My family lived there." Chaala smiled. Every day the sun rises and paints everything orange. It's lovely to look at. You have a holodeck, don't you? I can show it to you if you like."

Edwin took her hand, "Let's sit here for a little bit." He moved his face closer to hers their lips were millimeters apart.

Chaala smirked at him and brought her hand further up his arm, drawing circles into his skin. "Just saying, handsome. I don't go halfway when it comes to kisses." She said, voice almost a purr. "Don't be scared. I like it when my men take the first step..."

Edwin kissed the woman while caressing her neck, he leaned in in little further and put his other arm on her back

"Good boy..." Chaala leaned in too, pressing her lips firmly against his as she snuggled up against him, one hand on his chest. When they both broke away at last she sighed contentedly and stared into his eyes. "You know, I wish I could stay and come with you lot. But I have duties back on my ship . The men there aren't nearly as gentlemanly as you've been with me so far..."

"Perhaps we could get you into an officer exchange program," Edwin teased.

"You could do that?" Chaala's eyes widened. "I'd love that. Maybe someday, huh?" She quipped. "For now, since we have a few hours together... is there anything you might like to do?" There was a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Edwin looked at her for a moment, "There's a nice place by the brook up ahead if we continue in peace."

"Continue in peace? I've never heard that expression before. Why don't you explain it to me as we go there." Chaala smiled, stood and offered him her hand to take.

He took her hand and rose to his feet, "we won't be interrupted."


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