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A little music for morale, Part 3: Learning to dance

Posted on Sat Oct 7th, 2023 @ 8:17am by Ensign Sar

1,807 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD C8 2100 hours, After Part 2

Sarah didn't see Lissa and Annika leave. She finished playing and then spoke again. "Do you want one more?" The crowd agreed, and so, she went into another song.

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standin' there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say, "Hello"
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwin' pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was cryin' on the staircase
Beggin' you, "Please don't go, "...

Sar watched as the song continued. There was a connection he felt building with Sarah, one which added new dynamics to his life. He had to caution himself, not wanting to rush into anything. He noticed the way Sarah seemed to keep looking to him, as if he were her intended audience.

Zeke smiled at the song. If music nights were going to be a regular thing, he could think of a few songs they could do together that would be crowd pleasers.

Zeke was standing around Kas, Bella, and Sava. "What do you guys think of this kind of music?" he asked.

"I think it's sweet." Sava sighed wistfully. "The things people do for their special others. Well, if not, the songs are incredibly sweet and I think they're lovely to listen to. If only I had someone who'd do that for me..."

"We've both been playing old Earth style genres. I picked up the guitar, and the same instrument that Sarah's playing now at the Academy. The guitar is where I really like to challenge myself. I play a lot more than what you heard tonight, but they said it was for morale, so I chose the more upbeat ones I know that I thought the crew might be familiar with," Zeke explained. "Sarah's got quite a voice though," Zeke remarked.

She finished her set, and then left the stage. She needed to get a drink and rest her brain a bit. The crowds were good while she was performing. They were overwhelming otherwise. She made her way back to the now-empty table.
"Where did Lissa and Annika go?" She asked Sar.

"It appears Ensign Wiseman became unwell", Sar replied. "It was unclear if she felt physically ill, or if she became overcome with emotion. Ensign Kerr left with her."

Sarah nodded. "I see. I hope she'll be ok," she said. She sat down for a moment, resting.

Rodriguez sat listening to the music, She turned to Razka. "I think it's your turn Kas."

There was a twinkle in her eye as she spoke with a wicked grin.

"I think not," Kas said and tried to go back to his drink.

"Come on Kas if this were a Quath’Mar event you'd of the sung three sets by now," Bella said, grabbing his arm.

He didn't resist as he found himself being pulled into the performance area. He could see the eyes of the crowd were now on him. Bella spoke up " Computer accompaniment 'Paper Moon."

Bella quickly moved back to the bar as the music began. She'd only heard him sing earth music once, but she knew they were in for a surprise. Kas began a queue.

Say it's only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me

Sarah smiled as Kas took the stage. "Look, it's Commander Razka! You want to dance with me to the music? We're the only ones, might be fun," she said, suddenly, to Sar. She looked at him. "If you want to," she lowered her gaze a bit-it was the most forward she'd been with him since Star Point. She was trying to be a bit more...warm with him but it was hard for her to open up.

"Certainly", he said as he stood, offering to take her hand. He had never danced much outside of Vulcan ceremonies. The song had a quick tempo and catchy beat. Sar was surprised at LCDR Razka's singing voice, raising an eyebrow as they made their way towards an open space.

Bella began dancing her way toward the crowd looking for a partner, her eyes moved to Lt. Ligan. She smiled, "How about some exercise Zeke is it?"

"Exercise?" Zeke asked. "Oh dancing," He laughed at himself and put his drink down. "Yeah sure." He held his hand out to her palm up, and gave her a deferential bow of his head. "It would be an honor if I could have this dance, actually," he said executing a rather traditional method of taking a woman onto the dance floor, broken up only by the playful wink he gave her as he waited for her to take his hand.

Bella took his and let him lead, she nodded to Kas "That man has an amazing voice when he's not giving orders, people find him intimidating."

"I don't find him that intimidating. Commanding's what he is. He likes to get things done once and once well." Sava remarked.

Bella didn't respond to Sava's comment and made eye contact with Zeke. "You good at this."

"I know a thing or two," Zeke began matching the tempo of the song, and leading Bella to the basic steps of a dance called East Coast Swing. Once he saw she could follow his lead, he used his arms to guide her across the floor, starting with simple turns, and slowly building to some of the more complex steps. Bella reacted enthusiastically to the complex dance steps.

"Have you done this before?" Zeke asked, taking her hands and bringing their arms up, leading them to walk under each other's arms, so that they were standing side by side. As they let go, their hands slid down one another's shoulders' until they touched hands again, where he pushed her into a spin, where they ended back into the basic position again.

"I had to make a deal with my mother that I would take dance classes before she'd agree to let me learn martial arts." Bella laughed. It wasn't a gender thing, she did the same thing to my brothers. So we all know how to move."

"We'll step it up a notch then," Zeke replied, moving into more complicated moves, and giving her plenty of send-outs to show her own creativity with.

Yes, it's only a canvas sky
Hanging over a muslin tree
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Without your love
It's a honky tonk parade
Without your love
It's a melody played in a penny arcade

Humans and their metaphors. Not once had Sava ever understood why they felt the need to include them in every song. Maybe it appealed to their emotions, kept things a little mysterious and fun. Nonetheless she wasn't here to judge - and besides, she quite liked human love songs. She settled down in her seat and watched the rest dance, content - for now.

Sar couldn't help but notice Zeke and Bella's fluid dance. He timed his steps to their own, first starting with space between himself and Sarah. He lifted his arms and attempted to lead her closer and around. His shoulders felt stiff and his footsteps felt forced.

Sar tried to adapt, focusing less on timing and trying more to let the music speak to his inner thoughts. The pair danced close momentarily, until one spun away from the other.

Not as familiar with the style, Sar eventually settled to move closer to Sarah. His pale khaki eyes locked onto hers as the song continued.

It's a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Say, it's only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me

Sarah went along with the dancing-she realized that Sar had no idea what to do. She hadn't factored in that he hadn't been asked to dance like this before. The Academy had had dances-usually two per semester. He must not have been asked. She wished they'd met then. It would've been easier.

She also realized he was trying to match Ligan/Rodriguez's moves, and so she did, too. Until he fell into his own rhythm. Finally, it slowed down, and she moved closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. She looked him in the eyes, and then smiled. "Are you having a good time?" She closed her eyes a moment, and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. It was the most she felt comfortable with for now, though when they were in private, they had already gotten into the heavy kissing. She had planned to escalate things soon, but not yet. She would let him in to her head first. She knew that Vulcans, once connected, would mate for life. She had planned to, too. She wasn't a girl who dated around.

Love was hard to navigate.

Sar leaned his head against hers as she kissed him. They moved to the music, the world seeming to come to a stop around them. "Tonight has been a fulfilling experience", he said as he held her. "My care for you develops with each moment." Sar also took the relationship seriously. She already meant a lot to him. The entire environment of dancing, dating and socialization was new to him. He was grateful for Sarah's presence.

"Mine, too," Sarah said. She was happy here, and for now, it was just she and him. "I am sorry I didn't admit to dating earlier. It's still hard for me to open up to the others, even the women," she said. "I promise to work on that. Also, in human customs, it's normally a thing where you discuss who you will tell and who you won't and I forget that you don't know that sometimes," she said. "Are you having a good time? We should go soon...find somewhere a little more...private."

"Tonight's experience has been enlightening. A fine evening.." Sar spent time thinking about what Sarah had said. "Not announcing our relationship is logical when we are still in the process of defining our status ourselves," Sar said cooly. "Sharing information with those closest to us could be for the best. However, I would feel uncomfortable trying to keep our relationship a secret."

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Zeke Ligan
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Isabella Rodriguez
Chief Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia


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