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Klingon Hospital II

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 9:32pm by Ensign Sar & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Sat Sep 30th, 2023 @ 5:30am

2,299 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement.
Timeline: MD C4, Following Part I

Three Klingons sent to help guard the shipment approached the Holana. The shortest one's scowl turned into a wide-eyed grin.

"Starfleet? Bah!" He turned to the other two. "Perhaps they will take some of their own back with them." One Klingon grunted and snorted. The other kept quiet, focused on his surroundings.

They curiously watched the runabout and monitored the surrounding area.

An old Klingon made his way to the landing pad, he was still getting used to his new leg. The Federation clinic had been able to clone the limb and it had given Brok'tan a new lease on life. The colony had more older Klingons than usual, Brok'tan was the oldest of the elders on the settlement consul. The man moved up behind the three warriors, his brow furrowed at the short man's remark.

"You will show our allies respect," Brok'tan growled. "They are bringing us the supplies we need to protect children."

The stout little Klingon responded with a mixture of a huff and snort. "My only hope is that our children will remain Klingon." M'Dorvq was a KDF marine who had never gotten used to the outsiders.

To some of the settlement's more close-minded Klingons, the hospital was controversial. The diverse staff spent great effort earning the trust of the community. Many Klingons now had an understanding of the medical center's benefits.

"We shall guard these aliens as if they were our kin", M'Dorvq assured Brok'tan.

That thought reassured Sava. At least they would be safe as they got to work - she knew firsthand how passionate Klingons could be about defending their own kin, and she suspected that this time would be absolutely no exception.

"See that you do!" Another older Klingon said. The man wore light-colored civilian clothes with a Klingon medical insignia on his shoulder.

"My eyes can see just fine, Doctor", M'Dorvq retorted with a growl. He looked towards the new arrival, curling the corner of his upper lip to reveal sharp teeth.

Feeva looked around. She tried to look confident. She looked to Sava and then Kendri. "Should we tell them I am a counselor?" She said, in a stage whisper. "It might help if they know someone amongst us is neutral," she said. "Maybe..."

Kas shook his head and motioned for silence before turning his attention back to the Klingons. Brok'tan was an old friend and mentor, he didn't know the other elder. It was clear that there was animosity between the two men.

Brok'tan moved to the Klingon Doctor. "Hepka, I'm here to see our agreement is enforced. the vaccines will be split equally between our two medical facilities."

Brok'tan moved toward the Federation officers and nodded to Vorok who was approaching the two other Klingons and three Federation officers. They had an anti-grav sled for the supplies. T'Lura hung back from the others stoically watching the proceedings.

"Greetings Commander, welcome to our settlement," Brok'tan said leaning on his staff. "We will need to scan and catalog everything as it is unloaded."

"Security measures." one of the three guards said.

"Certainly, and you won't mind if we watch," Kendri responded firmly.

"Of course," Brok'tan smiled

"Who is this?" a warrior said pointing at Kas.

"I am Razka Kas! Son of Toq! of the clan of Yo'uhee born on the vessel Yangteeze!" Kas spoke boldly and looked the warrior in the eye.

"There is no House of Yo'uhee'! Who are you?!"

Before Kas could answer Vorok moved between them, "This is my comrade and brother in arms, we fought together among his people during the Dominion War. We shed blood at the battle of Omoga, this man answers the cry of the warrior!"

Vorok then stepped forward and delivered a headbutt to Kas before embracing his old friend. "Forget nothing, He whispered into Kas' ear.

M'Dorvq studied Kas for a moment before turning his gaze toward the horizon. He could tell the man was not like other Klingons. The jeweled headband especially seemed to give LCDR Razka an air of mystique in the eyes of the short warrior.

"Kas! it's been a long time Quath'Bo!" Brok'tan said. "Introduce me to beautiful comrades."

"Of course," Kas laughed. "this is Commander Chalan the Columbia's first officer. This is Lieutenant Sava she'll be overseeing and Lieutenant Drylo she is here to aid in our mediation efforts."

Feeva simply nodded.

"I am Brok'tan Lieutenant Governor, this is Hepka the Chief Physician of the settlement Infirmary." Brok'tan turned to the Warrior who challenged Kas. "This Kerth our Security Cheif."

As the Elder spoke Kas's nostrils flared, he caught the scent of someone he hadn't seen in years. He missed the next that was said as looked the the edge of the landing pad and saw… T'Lura… Brok'tan was introducing the rest of the warriors…

"Sir." Sava nudged the man on the shoulder. She could most certainly see what he was looking at; the Vulcan woman was beautiful, yes, but right now wasn't exactly the time to be making calf eyes at people. "With all due respect, focus. You'll be working with these people - at least listen to what elder Brok'tan has to say."

"That will do Lieutenant," Kas said with a smile.

Brok'tan let out a belly laugh, "I think you remember Commander T'Lura"

"Yes," Kas nodded. Kas hadn't seen T'Lura in years, and even though her Storic demeanor he could tell she was as surprised as he was. He could feel everyone's eyes on him. This wasn't the place for this sort of reunion. The Vulcan approached Kas and he stepped forward she put a hand on his shoulder and the Hybrid bowed forward and touched his forehead to hers. He breathed a few words in his language that only she could hear. They stepped away from each other.

"It's good to see that you have returned to Starfleet Commander," T'Lura said. She raised an eyebrow looking at one of the ornate tattoos on Kas' neck. "We will need to… palaver as your people say."

Feeva looked around. What the HELL was happening?! She already didn't much trust these people, and now? Not a chance. Besides, she was uncomfortable with public shows of affection, besides the ones from parents to children, and even that could sometimes be too much. Eoin had always just chuckled at her, and shook his head.

"Maybe it's time to see these hospitals?! At least meet the chiselers," she said. "Excuse me, the children," she said. The UTs would understand Vissian, but still. She thought it polite to use Standard.

"Yes, Lieutenant." Kas nodded, grateful to Drylo for getting things back on track. He looked at T'Lura. "We are prepared to transport the equipment you requested. Ensign Sar will see that it gets installed properly. Lieutenant Drylo why don't you accompany them."

Lissa adjusted the medical kit on her shoulder, and picked up the second one that she had placed on the ground. She looked to see who she should be following.

Sar approached the group, leaving from the Holana's side hatch. He checked on the cargo, ensuring it was still prepared for transport.

He joined Lissa and Feeva, a curious expression on his face. His attention went from monitoring Lieutenant Commander Razka and Commander Kendri to noticing M'Dorvq.

Feeva watched the interactions with interest. "I can do that," she said. "Ensign Sar, please lead the way," she said, her accented Standard muddling her words through the unsureness she felt.

The Vulcan's eyebrow raised as he noticed the stout warrior. M'Dorvq grinned to expose sharp, amber teeth. The two stared at each other in silence until Sar lifted both eyebrows and turned to stand alongside Lissa. His expression normalized as his curiosity with the Klingon subsided.

Fee fingered the phaser, prepared for danger. She was actually, secretly, an excellent shot-at least at range practice. She'd never had to apply those skills to a real-life situation, however. She raised an eyebrow to the Klingon, as well. Vissia may be a neutral planet, but they WERE in Romulan territory, and since she wanted them to stay neutral, she would side with them if ever necessary. As a general rule, Feeva was a peacekeeper, but something was wrong. Her gut was sending off warnings, but she still couldn't place it. Still, she calmed down after a moment, and turned around with the Vulcan. "Sar?" She said, in her "Mom" voice.

M'Dorvq also smiled at Feeva, quietly respecting the fact that she would reach for her phaser. Somehow he saw this as a sign of respect. He turned to face away from the officers, watching the surroundings with them. His back being shown to them represented trust.

"It would appear we were both curious, counselor", Sar said calmly. "Klingons and Vulcans simply express ourselves in different ways."

"Nurse Kerr, please go with Dr Hepka. We should learn what we can from Klingon Medicine." Kas in a sincere tone, he looked to Hepka. "It's important to learn from our allies."

"Understood Commander," Lissa responded dutifully, though she doubted there was much to be taken from Klingon medicine not already gleaned from her work with the interspecies medical exchange. Dying honorably was a code among Klingons, something that was in conflict with Federation medicine.

Engines could hear in the distance. Three Klingon fightercraft could be seen on the horizon. As they flew it was clear one of the fighters was moving in a strange pattern. An alarm sounded and Kas could smell a familiar chemical smell. One of the fighters had the damaged fighter in a tractor beam but they were still coming in low and fast.

"TAKE COVER!"Kas shouted in Klingon.

Sar decided to grab more equipment from the runabout. He signaled for Counselor Drylo to follow. They hadn't gotten past LCDR Razka when he sounded the alarm.

There was a bright flash and everyone the heat as one of the crippled vessel's engines blew off. Shrapnel hailed down on the landing platform, Kas jumped and shielded Feeva from the blast.

M'Dorvq stood tall as he watched the three ships streak by and lose control of the third. As the explosion rattled him, he closed his eyes and threw his fists back. A roaring howl bellowed from within his three lungs. Other Klingons joined in the mourning cry, one by one.

A moment after she and Sar had started back to the shuttle, she felt the explosion, and before she could think, something was on top of her. What was happening?! After a moment, her eyes opened. "I am ok, thank you. Are you alright?" It was Kas. He was HEAVY. "You're heavy," she said. She sighed. "Sorry. I am ok. Let's check the others," she said. "My tricorder is here," she said, getting to her feet, extracting it from her pocket. Her ears rang. She wanted to vomit. Still, she looked around, her mothering instincts-and training-taking over. "Is everyone ok?" She bent over to Sar, who was close by, scanning him quickly.

Sar stood, having leaped alongside Kas and Feeva. He brushed himself off, pushing off of one knee to stand. "The concussive force of the blast seems to have disrupted my equilibrium." He looked shaky as he got to his feet, moving to lean against the shuttle. "It will only take a moment", he said as he fought the urge to rest his head in his palms. Slowly he fought to straighten his torso.

"I'm alright." Kas flashed his pearly white teeth as he grinned at the small woman's remark regarding his size, then looked up. The explosion caused the other two fighters to barrel roll in opposite directions and the crippled vessel exploded in the woods behind the settlement. Starting a fire, the smoke began to rise and darken the sky.

"Alright," said Feeva, helping Sar to his feet. "If you're sure, I won't force you to go to Medical." She said. She looked at Kas. "Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you're...anything terrible. Just larger than me, and I've forgotten what it feels like to have a body on top of mine that isn't four years old," she said. She didn't realize the words she'd said until it was too late, and she blushed. "I mean, I am only used to my daughter running into me full speed, not grown men." She better stop talking.

Gathering himself, Sar stared at the fire. He analyzed wind patterns and nearby infrastructure in an effort to determine if there was a fire risk.

Kendri hadn't had the time to respond to try to protect her crew members, the explosion came in so quickly. Seeing Kas was looking after Feeva and Sar, the First Officer checked on Lissa, who had dropped her medical gear but otherwise seemed fine.

"I'm good, Commander," Lissa said firmly. Little rattled the trauma nurse, adrenaline only helped her focus.

Sar already seemed somewhat recovered. He held his tricorder in his extended hand, scanning towards the smoldering wreckage.

"We were able to transport two of the pilots to the clinic, I need to see to their care," T'Lara explained. She then walked toward the facility.

"I'll come with you," Lissa offered, grabbing her medical gear quickly and jogging to catch up.

"Commander, we need to get that fire out!" Kas called out as he ran to the Holana. "Lieutenant Sava, you're with me."

Sava wasted no time charging after them. When lives were at stake, there was no time to be wasted.

Kendri watched Lissa leave toward the hospital and turned to follow Kas and Sava to the Holana, running quickly behind them.

Kas entered the shuttle, "Veers fire up the engines!" Holana rose quickly toward the smoke and fire.


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