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The Aftermath

Posted on Sat Sep 30th, 2023 @ 7:04am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D.
Edited on on Sat Sep 30th, 2023 @ 7:05am

753 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD (C3) 0655

=/\= On =/\=

Last night had been exhausting. However the medical staff had managed to save the life of Lieutenant Jason Elliot. The Lieutenant was now recovering on one of the biobeds under supervision from the nursing staff.

Rikka had spent the night in sickbay, and had managed to get a couple of hours sleep herself on one of the spare biobeds. However now that morning shift was due to start she knew that the proper channels must be followed. No doubt that the Captain and Chief of Security would know by now about the Lieutenant. Luckily she had also made sure that the Ensign who was with him stayed under supervision in sickbay as well.

She grabbed a strong coffee from the replicator and some rice balls. Then she began to write up the full report on the surgery and work on his care plan in her office. As she worked she munched on the rice balls using one hand whilst the other typed away. Now she waited for the arrival of the Captain and Chief of Security she had summoned.

Ryhl walked quickly through the Medical deck, searching for the particular ward where Lieutenant Elliot was being treated. It was still early in the day, the Captain fresh from getting the morning's bridge shift started.

Ensign Wiseman had updated Ryhl and he'd hoped to visit soon after she left. However time dragged on while he coordinated away teams on the surface.

Doctor Takanashi's message over his commbadge had reminded him to check in. "Doctor Takanashi.. Nurse Kerr.. Thank you both again for everything you've done. Please provide me with a thorough update."

Rikka looked up and swallowed the bit of rice ball she had been eating. "Well he's alive. He's still in critical condition," she replied simply. "What happened to him exactly? We don't see wounds like that everyday."

"Annika filled me in a little on what happened. I had time to review the body cam footage as well." Ryhl looked away as he thought of the gruesome footage. "I gather that someone spotted them, trailed them and waited to catch them off guard. I caught a glimpse of an attacker with a long... barbaric blade. Security is off looking for the weapon."

"Lieutenant Elliot was on a mission investigating some suspicious activity", said Ryhl through a look of concern. "Ensign Wiseman and himself likely stumbled onto the attacker while he was up to something."

"Will Jason be alright", Ryhl asked in a sincere tone. The military bearing dropped from his voice. "How much longer do you think he'll need to recover?" His antennae leaned towards each other, stiffening with anxiety.

Rikka nodded. "Eventually yes. But he'll be off duty for at least three weeks." She replied. "He lost a lot of blood and his body needs time yo heal properly. He'll be under observation here for at least a week." She paused. "Those injuries were severe, they were clearly done under the intention to kill."

"I see", Ryhl said with a deep breath. He was caught off guard by the recovery time, hoping Jason would heal sooner. "We're very lucky that he's still with us. The Columbia and myself are grateful to you for saving him.. And all the work you do."

"Let's hope this next week goes without incident." Looking deeper into her eyes, Ryhl added, "And doctor. How are things coming with your pregnancy? When the time comes for you to take your leave.. Please don't hesitate."

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," Rikka replied with a smile. "Thanks for asking, but he/she hasn't shown any signs of gracing us with his/her presence yet."

"I'm sure time will pass sooner than you realize", he said as he looked off into the distance momentarily. I remember when my both of my children were born. Now they've grown beyond the need for me", Ryhl said before a quick chuckle. "I guess nineteen years passes by just as quickly."

Both officers talked for a few moments about family. Ryhl knew this had been a stressful time. Ryhl needed the calming conversation, as thoughts of his crew being attacked had been troubling.

It wasn't long until the two officers said their goodbyes. Ryhl rushed back to the bridge to check the status of several operations on the surface. One ongoing mission was the start of repairs at Star Point.


Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia


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