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Klingon Hospital - Part I

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 8:40pm by Ensign Sar & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Sat Sep 30th, 2023 @ 5:30am

1,488 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III
Timeline: MD C4, Following Klingon Medicine


T'Lura made her way down to the Federation medical facility that had been erected; it was a semi-permanent structure that had been set up by Fleet engineers. The Vulcan woman had been assigned here as part of an initiative to provide the Klingon with more comprehensive health care. She was heading up the surgery team that offered a number of surgeries to heal old wounds as well as synthetic limbs and organs. The clinic was the source of a lot of controversy between those who were more traditional and the more progressive youth. She nodded at the guard at the door, ' The aggression she'd been faced with by so many of the people here defied both logic and reason.' As she greeted the man.

"I trust you are well Vorok?" She nodded.

"Yes, Can any of your staff aid with security? There's a shipment of medical supplies that is meant to be split between us and the base facility. If we have a few extra guards that might encourage good behavior." Vorok explained.

"I'll see what I can do," The Vulcan woman raised an eyebrow. "I trust that Starfleet would assign a security deal as well. They have no doubt been informed of the supply thefts."

From the professional tone of their conversation, an observer wouldn't know these two had been friends for years. T'Lura had known this man and his Uncle for many years. The warriors had grown to respect the Vulcan woman and had been instrumental in the success of this program. Whoever was responsible for the thefts hadn't stolen from them. This made even more people regard their operation with even more suspensions. T'Lura theories that was the thieves' intention, to undermine the colony's leadership and it seemed to be working. She had faced more open hostility lately. She arranged for a security detail to meet Vorok at the landing pad and began her shift.


Ensign Veers flew Holana into the atmosphere, he was flattered that Commander Razka was letting him fly ' his lady'. As they came up on the settlement the two Klingon fighters decloaked and flanked their vessel.

=/\=Federation vessel this Lt. Koth we are here to escort you the our landing pad do not deviate from our course or we will fire!=/\=

Kas entered the cockpit and answered COMM. He spoke in Klingon. "This is Commander Razka Kas! We will follow your course without deviation! You will not threaten me or my vessel again! Or I will send you and your comrades to Sto'Vo'Kor and take your medical supplies to those who are more worthy!"

Kas raised his voice and spoke with conviction, which made Veers blink and offer the Klingon the pilot's chair. Kas put a hand on the young man's shoulder and smiled.

=/\=We understand each other, proceed.

Sar looked to Kas, eyes wide with curiosity. It was logical that the Klingon/Bajoran hybrid knew how to handle the interaction. The Vulcan's right hand operated the Holana's sensors. His curiosity wanted to scan and study the Klingon fighters. He knew a scan could be taken the wrong way after an agreement had already been reached.

The scanners were instead focused on the settlement below. Almost all of the life signs he found were Klingon, often spread with some distance between isolated small groups.

He didn't notice anything worth reporting to the Commander.

Feeva followed behind. She was just a counselor, and a junior officer-she wasn't armed. That fact made her feel a little uneasy all of a sudden. She looked to Kas, and then to Lissa. "Is" Her gut was already buzzing...something was wrong, but she couldn't place it. There was a reason she was a Counselor-she had learned to keenly, sharply observe her surroundings-AND the people in them. The Vulcan. She didn't trust the Vulcan.

Kas turned to the Lieutenant and gave her a confident smile, "It was a test of our resolve, we passed. They need the supplies we're carrying and quite frankly this vessel would win in a dogfight with them. If you'll excuse me I need to prepare to meet them on the surface."

Lissa was putting a medical kit over her shoulder and gathering a few other things. After Kas stepped away she looked at her nervous friend. "I wouldn't worry about it. That's just how Klingon's talk to each other. Chalan and Razka aren't going to put us in harm's way. We're medical. We'll be first out if things get heated."

Kendri walked up behind Feeva and handed her a belt with a phaser and tricorder already holstered. "Set to stun, I doubt you'll need it. Like Kas said, Klingons just have a way of show about them, but they know the rules when interacting with Starfleet. They may push, but they won't break them, and you certainly won't offend them by wearing this."

Feeva opened her mouth to protest, but thought better of it. She was a Counselor, not a soldier. She was also going to be a medic if things went south.

"Kas," Kendri called out. "What do you need from me?" she asked.

"Follow my lead, neither of us will have an easy time being accepted due to our mixed heritages," Kas said. "I doubt that's anything new for you."

Kendri scoffed, "What else can you expect when you ask for help from the Federation," she said dryly.

"I didn't say it made sense," Kas shrugged.

The Hybrid paused for a moment, "Commander I need a word with you and the Lieutenant in private."

"Of course, Kas," Kendri responded.

Feeva nodded, and stepped to the side. "What is it?" She looked from Chalan to Razka.

They moved into Kas' quarters and he turned to face them, "Some of the Klingons down there are former Quath' Mar. Some will be allies and some may be hostile. they will some likely have tattoos on their necks, or scars if they've had them removed. To be honest it will be difficult dealing with these men because I am so familiar with them, I asked the Captain to assign you. Commander, having a Fleet Officer who outranks me present will make it easier for me to side with Federation interests and not look weak. This will make you look like the bad guy at times."

"Well this is sounding more fun by the minute," Kendri commented, standing a little taller as if to show she was ready to take her position. "Let's do this then."

Feeva fought the urge to flee. She just nodded. "I was posted once on a battleship in the Dominion War; I have seen what people with the wrong convictions can do. I don't mind defending ours," she said. "Let's go."

Kas began to put a black leather headband with a green jewel in the center and pinned a fur mantel on the shoulders of his uniform. These denoted his status in the Quath'Mar.

"Lieutenant, you will be our observer, I intend to make sure the phaser on your belt is just for show." Kas said in a confident tone. "Having a quiet outsider will give us an air of mystery I can use to our advantage. I also believe your insights will be invaluable."

She nodded. "I can do that," she said. "I'd rather do that," she said. Damn her incessant need to be helpful. She should've stayed on Vissia, like her father wanted, and married Shavi Reno.

"I take it I'm walking out first," Kendri confirmed. "You and Lt. Sava will flank me. Counselor, you can hang back with medical."

"That is wise," Kas said. He buckled a belt with a phaser and a D'k tang. "Our presentation is important."

The shuttle landed and Kas looked at the security detail. "Lt. Sava your with me and the Commander and I have the others hang back with the medical officers,"

He looked her in the eye, "Let me handle any challenges that are put to me, don't interfere."

"That are put to you, sure," Kendri responded. "I know how Klingon honor works. But if they disrespect me, I can hold my own. We've got our roles to play."

Feeva strapped the belt to her waist. She was easily the smallest, shortest person there. An easy target. Perfect. She moved to the back with the medic and the Romulan, and waited.

Knowing this Sava stayed in front of the three of them. She and her tall, lanky figure made for an imposing enough presence (or so she hoped) - which she hoped would be enough to protect them. Kas nodded to Veers and the hatch hissed open, The Hybrid moved a step behind Kendri and the Sava mirrored his movement on the other side of him.



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