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Posted on Tue Oct 3rd, 2023 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,264 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Auxiliary Sickbay
Timeline: Simultaneously to the Music gathering

Paisley had heard that there was a small get-together in the lounge. NORMALLY, this was her thing. She was a very social creature, and she loved the attention.

But today? She had to do something else. She was dressed casually-for her-in leggings, a tank top, and a button-down over that-one that belonged to the very person she was headed to see. She made her way to Medical, black hair flying as she hurried, and showed herself in, ignoring the "ma'am's" from the poor nurse as she did so. She was a lady on a mission, and she had to do it before she lost confidence-contrary to popular belief, she sometimes did.

She found the room that Jason was recovering in, and knocked as she entered.

"You idiot. At least you're alive," she said. She sighed. "Next time you try to get yourself killed, can you tell me first, please?! I'm starting to kind of like you, and it would not be cool if you died without hearing that." She settled down in a chair that she assumed was the one that the doctors used. She pulled off her shoes. "So...what was so important that you had to sneak around at 0 dark hundred without an escort? At least take Annika next time," she said. She stood up again. She crossed to the biobed and peered over. "Well. You don't look good, but damn it, I can't help it," she said, bending over to kiss him gently.

Jason smiled, then winced in pain. "From what little I've been told, it sounds like I shouldn't be alive without her, how come every time I go on a mission and there's a pretty girl waiting for me I end up in sickbay?"

Paisley shrugged. "Move over," she said, as she climbed carefully into the bed next to him. "I don't know, but I'd appreciate it if you stopped." She was careful to not bump him-this was probably against some kind of protocol, but she didn't care. "Maybe...we should be a thing now. You know?" She said. "When can you get out of here?" She asked. "We can't talk like we should with all these machines," she said.

Jason lifted his arm, pulling her close, "This doesn't happen all the time, some times I actually get to go home in one piece, I owe Annika a bottle when I get out of here."

"You owe her a lot more than that. So do I, actually," she said. She would speak the woman separately, later. "Well. I am glad you're at least in SOME pieces," she said, jokingly. "Once, my father told me that any man that I marry better be deaf and blind, or else really tolerant, but I am starting to think it's ME who needs that," she said. She brushed some of his hair back. "How'd you do it?" She asked. She meant-how'd he break through her outer demeanor? She thought her heart had learned a lesson but...maybe it was still in there, under the lizard blood and scales.

Jason looked at Paisley, "I felt worse after the Gorn thing, besides you work around a warp reactor, what's more dangerous?" he took her hand.

She laughed. "It'll kill me quickly, it won't torture me first," she said. "Wait...what Gorn thing?" Did she want to know?! "And I did you get to me, anyway?! I usually...don't let people in quickly. In case you didn't notice that." Something she needed to work on, really.

Jason tried to smile, "I didn't try, I let you just feel that you could be safe with me." he shifted cringing in pain, "Yeah, I'd rather get into a fist fight with a Gorn next time."

"Do you need me to move?" She said. "Yeah. I guess you did," she said. "Please don't do that," she said. She kissed his face again. "Like I said, I kinda like you and I want you to stick around, ok?" She looked around. "Maybe more than just kinda..." She said.

Jason looked at her, "I'm not going anywhere just yet." followed by a kiss.

She smiled and kissed him back. "Good. Hopefully, you will tomorrow, though," she said.

Jason looked at her, "I'll know in the morning how much longer I'm in here."

Paisley nodded. "Think I'll get in trouble if I stay? If you want me to..." she said. "I will leave you to sleep, otherwise. I am ok-Turner's taking over for me tomorrow; I put myself on Beta shift," she explained.

"Stay as long as you can, I've only had a couple of visitors and I got the impression it's desk duty for me for a couple of weeks if I get out of here soon." Jason said.

She settled in for the evening, as close as she could without further irritating his injuries. "Alright. If I fall asleep, I am sorry. I've had a DAY," she said. "You need to sleep. I'll get a hypospray if you need me to. Trust me, the mood I am in, none of these nurses will fight me," she said.

Jason shifted over, "If you end going back to your quarters, I know you'll be here." he said touching his chest, near his heart.

She smiled. "Aww. Well. I can also bust you out of here, if you'd like," she said. "Trust me, my father was a Legate basically my whole life. I learned to sneak out when I was about twelve," she said. "Besides, as Chief Engineer, I know all the back ways," she said.

Jason tried not to laugh, "I have a feeling I'm going to see more of you when I'm out of here." he shifted slightly "Another reason to behave myself for now."

She laughed. "Well. That is the plan," she said. "OK, so no busting you out. I guess we'll just have to cuddle some more. I brought my PADD, if you want to watch a holomovie. I have a few...old Earth stuff, and a few Cardassian specials," she said. She rested her head carefully on his chest, making sure that most of her weight was off of him.

“You pick first, I’m pretty open minded.” He moved his arm to pull her closer.

She smiled. She pulled up an old movie on her PADD-a film called Vertigo by a famous, old Earth director called Alfred Hitchcock. Paisley liked the easy thrills that came from thriller and horror movies. It made her feel alive. "Have you ever heard of Hitchcock?" She asked him. "I like it. It's good, for how quaint it was," she said.

"That sounds good." Jason said as he slid his arm down to her hip to hold her close. He didn't know all of the details of that nights events, Just that has lucky to be alive.

Several hours later, her blue eyes opened. Wow, her neck hurt. Where was she?! She sat up and looked around. She was in the Sick bay. But why?! Next to her, Jason's body lay, silently breathing. She let out a breath. Oh, yeah. She moved to get up, but not before the EMH appeared.

*You're up, ma'am. I won't report you to the Command team this time, but please don't let it happen again* Paisley made a face. Was she really being dressed down by a damn HOLOGRAM?!
"Yeah, yeah," she said, as the EMH disappeared again. She bent again, to kiss Jason once more and then get up before they got caught for REAL.


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