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Things went very wrong...

Posted on Sat Sep 16th, 2023 @ 2:00pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Annika Wiseman & Crewman Ki'ana
Edited on on Sat Sep 23rd, 2023 @ 11:52am

2,442 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD (C3) 0355

=^="WISEMAN to Columbia Medical emergency code blue transport to sickbay now now now!"=^= Annika screamed into the combadge. The tricorder signaled cardiac failure as the transporter engaged.

As Annika and Jason materialized the noise of Jason's vitals crashing again filled the room, "I need help in here!"

Annika struggled to tie an additional bandage on the hemorrhaging abdominal wound, "Where the hell is everyone?" she yelled to anyone. Annika removed his backpack to get him laying flat, also to secure the body camera he'd been wearing.

Nurse Daisheless Kerr ran from her station to the biobed where Officer Elliot had materialized. "Doctor, I need a Doctor!" she called out loudly as she examined his wound. She looked at Annika, "He will need surgery, but she should be ok, we'll take good care of him."

Annika's nursing took over "Four stab wounds, one in the abdomen, deep, massive blood loss, one shot of netaline admin'd in the field during crash, secondary wounds in back and arm bandaged. lower femoral wound with tourniquet and bandaging, adrenaline shot during second crash, blood pressured was stabilized for transport , now at eight minutes." Annika was getting irritated "Where the hell is the doctor?"

Checking vitals on the bio bed, Lissa, jumped on a stool and started manually pressing on his chest to resuscitate his cardiac system while she waited for the equipment. "I need a cardiac stimulator and a hypospray with hyperzine," she told the Denobulan medic who was standing by her side. She continued barking out orders to those around her who were on hand to assist, looking at Cadet Ki'ana, "We need a hypospray of plasma ASAP, two doses, he's lost a lot of blood."

The doors of sickbay swished open and Rikka waddled in. She wasn't as fast now being this far into her pregnancy. "Bloody hell," she said as she made her way over.

Someone finally pulled Annika away from the biobed, she saw herself in a nearby mirror, her field uniform was covered in blood, dirt, and grass. her face had a splatter on it. She looked at the floor and saw the backpacks and quickly grabbed them, she saw the two body cams where she'd left them, she stepped back, things became a blur it felt as if time had slowed around her, the sounds of the trauma team working had slowed and she found herself starring at the phaser still strapped too her hip, she never expected to fire a weapon, let alone in anger, she started to shake and feel weak and nauseated, she found a pale next too a desk and collapsed to her knees promptly vomited into it.

"Autosuture, now!" Rikka ordered simply. "And get me bandages from the replicator. We're going to need them!"

"Doctor, his breathing is labored, I recommend we get him started on oxygen, and anesthezine to keep him comfortable during the procedure," Lissa said, looking at Rikka, as she stepped down from the stool as a nurse handed her the cardiac stimulator and the hypospray with hyperzine, a cardiac stimulant.

Lissa held up the tool and the medication. "Should I try one dose of the hyperzine first, Doctor?" she asked, her voice firm and steady. trauma medicine was what she had chosen to specialize in, she was usually at her best in a crisis.

The doctor nodded quickly as she took the bandages. She folded them up and started to apply pressure to the wound in his abdomen. The bleeding needed to be stopped, or at least slowed to give the equipment chance to work.

Annika stood shakily looking at the medical team scrambling to save the Lieutenant, another nurse scrambled past Annika almost knocking her over, she leaned against the wall she looked over and saw an isolinear data device just barely sticking out of Jason's backpack, she pulled it out and examined it, the device would normally be unremarkable in most situations, this one had been removed and she didn't know why.

Annika looked up, it had been now twenty minutes since since they had beamed back and she knew if they didn't have stabilized soon they would have to either put him in stasis or break orbit and get him to a starbase at a near insane warp factor and that was assuming the worst didn't take place.

Rikka looked back at Annika. "Hey. Come here and make yourself useful." She said simply. "Keep applying pressure on his wound, we need all hands now to keep him alive!"

Annika struggled with her own adrenaline as she made her way back too the trauma team.

"I need 25mg of Lectrazine now!" Rikka ordered simply.

The Denobulan nurse on hand responded, "25 mg of Lectrazine, Doctor," he said as he administered the medication.

"Doctor, heartbeat has stabilized," Lissa announced. "He's responding to the medication." She tucked the the cardiac stimulator into her belt, thankful they didn't have to use it.

"Good," Rikka replied simply, not making eye contact as she worked.

"Push down hard, Ensign, count to thirty and then remove the bandages," Rikka told Annika as she picked up a cone shaped device. "Hopefully the blood will have clotted a little. I'll then try and see if the Vascular regenerator had any effect."

Annika moved back in and pressed with all her weight on the bandage. It still felt warm. She looked up at Jason- his face was still pale.

The blood had started to clot, that was at least a good sign. "Ok, here goes nothing" she said as she activated the vascular regenerator. Her hands were stained in red as the blood still bled out. However slowly bit surely it started to slow.

"I'm getting a positive response," Rikka announced as she wiped some sweat off her forehead with her sleeve. Droplets of red blood had splattered on the surgical bed and even as far as some of the surrounding walls.

Next the doctor reached to the equipment tray and with one hand still operating the regenerator and the other working the tricorder started checking his vitals. "He still has brain activity, and we've got his heart rate back down..." she smiled as she removed the regenerator. "I've repaired the interior injuries. He's starting to stabilise."

Annika instinctively looked down, "The one femoral wound is leaking again." She motioned with her free hand to the leg bandage.

Now that the intelligence officer's cardiovascular system had stabilized, Nurse Kerr was free to move positions to assess the leg wound while Dr. Takanashi worked on the more serious abdominal wound. "I need a second vascular regenerator down here," Lissa called out. "Cadet Ki'ana?"

Ki'ana passed her the instrument without delay. The lieutenant looked awful - she knew he'd been beaten up, of course, but by whom and what? What motive had they possessed to brutalize him so?

Lissa worked on repairing repairing the femoral vascular damage, the major bleeding came to a halt. "I do have some muscular damage down here, if I can get a muscular and ligament regenerator please?" Lissa called out, the urgency now gone from her voice as the wounds were no longer life-threatening. Someone quickly handed her the hand held tool, and she began waving over the area where the knife had damaged major muscle and ligaments in the leg. She worked calmly and with precision. The blade had done quite a bit of damage, and she didn't want to miss anything before closing him up.

Rikka wiped her forehead again with her sleeve, she would usually have more stamina than this, however being pregnant wasn't helping. She let out a sigh of relief as they finally got him under their control.

She lifted up his wrist and gripped it tightly. "Pulse is steady, nice and strong," she announced as she placed his arm back down. "Let's get him stitched up people, get me the autosuture and dermal regenerator," she said her voice noticeably tired.

"Cadet, you can come closer to get a better look if you like," Lissa said, talking to Ki'ana without looking up as she continued working on the muscles in Jason's leg. She suctioned the wound so that she herself could see better as she continued to work, getting satisfaction as the blue and white lights of the tool repaired the damaged tissue in front of her eyes.

"I'm finishing up on his sartorius muscle, and then it will be be time to switch to the dermal regenerator," Lissa explained as she worked

Ki'ana nodded. She was typing rapid-fire notes into her PADD meanwhile, making sure not to miss a single detail.

Ryhl stood in a corridor of the large space technically deemed 'Sickbay'. He found himself in more of a waiting room than any facility, kept away from the operation for sanitary reasons.

The Captain had left the planet in the middle of the night to wait here. His antennae froze in anxiety as he shivered. He knew he should have sent a larger team. Although he knew he had the authority to barge into the trauma room, Ryhl waited.

Paisley arrived. Sar had heard from someone, probably Turner, that Jason had been injured. Seriously injured. She was worried, of course, but trying to not appear like she cared as much as she did. They weren't a thing yet, though they were moving towards it, she thought. She would act like this if anyone from the away team had been hurt.


She found the Commander. "How is he doing? Ensign Sar said that Lt. Elliot had been...hurt. Explains why he missed our dinner," she said.

The Captain smiled weakly upon seeing Paisley, spirits momentarily lifted.

"He lost a lot of blood," Ryhl said. "It's taking a lot of work, but we think he should be able to pull through." The spark was gone from the Andorian's voice, sounding defeated and worried.

His only hope was that he didn't lose an officer so soon. Not like this... Not when Ryhl should have assigned more support, he told himself.

Annika saw the captain, she walked over, "We found something, it's all on the body cams." she finished tapping the backpacks.

"I'd like to look at the footage if I can," Ryhl said, nodding to Paisley and pausing briefly. "Along with the Chief Engineer."

In the trauma room Nurse Kerr was finishing up with the dermal regenerator, Jason's leg looking as good as new, though he would be weak for a few days. She noticed his pale coloring, and read his vitals on the biobed scanner, then took out a medical tricorder and scanned his entire body for any other injuries or conditions they might have missed.

"Dr. Takanashi, Commander Elliot's major injuries have all been repaired. He has some minor contusions. I can tend to those after we get him cleaned up for recovery if you like," Lissa offered. "There may be people wishing to see him."

Rikka nodded. "Ok, clean him up and get him onto a biobed. He'll need supervision for the next few days," she ordered as she turned away clearly exhausted.

Lissa nodded, and she began to carefully tend to Jason, cleaning the dried blood off of his skin, taking care of the minor bruising, and getting his clothing and bedding changed so that when visitors were permitted in to see him he would be presentable.

Leaving the small minor work to the other medical staff Rikka stepped out into the waiting area. Her clothes were covered in blood and she was clearly tired. She spotted the Captain and Commander's sat there. "Go home," she said simply. "He's not waking up for a while. It's best you come back tomorrow. There's not a lot you can do right now." She told them simply.

Ryhl looked up anxiously at the doctor's arrival. He blinked slowly as he stood before respectfully bowing to Doctor Takanashi.

Paisley nodded. "Alright. Thank you," she said, to the Doc. She turned to Rhyl. "Coffee? Sleep is not going to happen," she said.

"Thanks for all your work, Doctor," Ryhl said through a forced, nervous smile. Rhyl and Paisley turned and walked away together, both still somewhat stunned.

"Coffee sounds like a great idea," he said as he remembered the time. Alpha shift wasn't far away. "I should introduce you to katheka. It's the caffeinated beverage of Andoria, ground from tuber roots," Ryhl said, grateful for the presence of Lieutenant Commander F'Rar's.

"Sounds delicious. Lead the way. After that, I need to go start my day. I have Turner on the Console, to train. I think it'll be a good fit for him." The young Lt. JG was the computer systems specialist. She didn't know why the Fleet considered that Engineering and not Ops but whatever. She wasn't going to cop to the reason she'd shown up-she suspected that her CO could or would soon figure it out.

The officers moved along the deck, towards the nearest turbolift. "Turner hmm?" Ryhl turned to her and smiled warmly. "I look forward to hearing of his progress."

Ryhl remembered how Jason and Paisley left at the party. He realized that the reason he was so tense about the Ivitha situation was because he supported Jason and Paisley as a couple. But for now Jason's well-being and the day's mission were in focus.

"I'm not sure if I've said it much," Ryhl said with a grunting laugh. "But did you know I too was once an engineer. There are many days when I miss it. There really is solace in the hum of a good warp core."

"I hope your bags are packed for a trip, Miss F'Rar," Ryhl said, slowly warming up. "We could end up spending a lot of time planetside."

Paisley nodded. "Yeah, I am ready," she said. "Feel free to come by and lend a hand, any time you like!" She said.

"Will do," Ryhl said as they made it towards the end of the corridor. "We'll have a lot to look at together during the next few weeks. First the fighter, now Jason? Maybe we need to take a deeper look at the malfunctioning Federation tech. There may be clues buried within." The officers entered the turbolift.

"Ten Forward," Ryhl said as it whirred into action.


Order of Appearance:

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer, USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
Nurse, 2nd Year Medical Student, USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D
Chief Medical Officer, USS Columbia

Crewman Ki'ana
Starfleet Academy Nursing Student, USS Columbia

Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer, USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley (mUra) F'Rar
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Columbia


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