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The worst case scenario

Posted on Sat Sep 16th, 2023 @ 10:17am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Annika Wiseman

692 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor 3 - Weather station near Duveek
Timeline: MD C3 0335


Through a bit of creative subterfuge Jason and Annika materialized, "That was fun." Annika said with some excitement.

They had beamed down off hours, while it was what would be considered twilight hours planet side, it was actually closer too dawn for those planet side, Jason looked over to Annika, "Bodycams on."

"If anyone finds out we did this with only marginal knowledge of the Captain it'll ruffle some feathers, but we had orders." Jason said as he pulled out a flashlight.

"So why are we here, and why all the extra cloak and dagger?" Annika asked.

Jason paused, dropping too one knee as he saw people walking by along an adjacent pathway. He waited several seconds before speaking, "The short version is several infrastructure have been damaged has raised a few red flags, this weather station missed a storm warning for some reason recently, which is odd even too me so we're starting here."

"So it missed a storm, what's the big deal?" Annika said slightly ignorant of where she was.

"The storm did some major damage to several crops, and didn't provide any warning resulting in some homes being damaged as well, and this is a new weather station." Jason said as they walked the short distance.

"Okay, so you think there's something or someone up to no good?"

"That ensign is right, The mainly federation citizens may not like the idea of the Romulans being here, it could also be a case of some of the infighting I've seen reports about between loyalists too the old empire and those who've wanted to break away from the old ways." Jason said as he pulled out his tricorder.

Annika followed suit and pulled hers out and they began to scan the damaged structure, they walked a slow meticulous scan of the weather station, "What should I look for?"

"Look for both obvious and less that obvious signs of tampering, start with any tool marks on access panels, then look over specific systems." Jason said as he opened the one panel on his side "I'll look at the power system and we'll go from there."

Annika opened the panel on her side and saw something on the very obvious side, "Sir, someone took an energy weapon too this sensor module." she said as he removed the damaged module holding it out.

Annika froze, "Sir?"

No reply, "Sir?" She looked around the open door, she saw a black clad figure standing over Jason a blood soaked knife clearly visible in his hand, the dull glisten of blood and metal was obvious, Annika pulled her phaser out and fired missing the assailant the first shot and winging him the second time in the left arm.

The figure ducked and scrambled away as she fired a third time the figure kept running hard off into the brush and trees dropping the blade along the way, Annika fired another volley at the figure striking a tree instead of the attacker, she let out a scream then ran back too the fallen officer.

Tears falling from her eyes she grabbed the tricorder she had dropped in the chaos of scaring off the attacker and began to scan Jason, he been violently stabbed four times. Annika had packed a basic medic kit out of habit, she pulled it out of the backpack, breaking the seal she pulled out pressure bandages and began to deal with the more critical wounds, wrapping the bandage as tight as she could, the tricorder started to chirp and make various noises as Jason's vitals began to fall.

Jason continued to bleed out, his hand rose Annika fought to keep him down to stabilize him, she pressed a hypospray too his neck to reduce the pain, "Come on Lieutenant Stay with me!" she exclaimed, to Jason, to the air around her as she scrambled to dress the larger wound again Jason was hemorrhaging.

"WISEMAN to Columbia Medical emergency code blue transport to sickbay now now now!" Annika screamed into the combadge. The tricorder signaled cardiac failure as the transporter engaged.


Lieutenant Jason Elliot
CIO USS Columbia

Ens Annika Wiseman
Intelligence USS Columbia


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