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Gossip, Girl. Part 1, Everyone wants to know....

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 6:55pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,839 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Officer's Mess
Timeline: MD: 77 18:30 Hours Before Part 1

Paisley had invited Kendri to have a quick meal and drink with her. Mostly, she liked the woman, but also. She was nosy as hell, and wanted to bug her about her "friendship" with the (admittedly) intriguing Trill. And also maybe get advice. She wasn't sure. They weren't that kind of friend yet.

Since it was post-work, she was dressed casually, in a pair of well-fitting jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt that read "Bajoran Baseball League" across the bust. She'd replicated it on purpose when she was an Ensign on shore leave to SB16-for the express purpose of annoying Legate F'rar-daddy dearest. Luckily, she had matured past that now, but she just liked it and hadn't done any laundry, anyway, so it was this or her workout gear and that was a bit too showy for the Mess Hall. With your XO, anyway. All of her dresses were far too formal for this kind of thing, or too "clubby".

She sat at a table, waiting for the other Carjoran female, sipping idly at some iced tea, and scrolling through her PADD, double checking the days' work tickets. All of them had been completed to the asker's satisfaction. Great. She had a really good team here, and she was pleased. She nodded, making a note to say something motivating to them in the morning, and looked around. It was already packed. She assumed that Kendri had a few things to handle after her shift, so she wasn't worried or impatient. Paisley didn't worry often. She was far too plucky for that.

Kendri showed up shortly after, a pair of casual olive green pants and a red Columbia t-shirt, her hair pulled into an easy pony-tail. "Hi Paisley, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long. How was your day?"

Paisley smiled. "No, I haven't been here that long. It was good. We got a lot done; somehow, we were fully updated and ready to go on launch day. A few weeks later, we have people already over-circuiting their replicators, a biobed on the fritz, and a panel coming unhinged," she sighed. "I am so glad I picked a career that keeps me bored," she joked. "Can I go get you something to drink?" She asked. She put her PADD aside. "When I get back, you're gonna tell me what you know about...well. A certain Trill. And also a certain Human," she said, a sly smile on her lips. She headed for the replicator, pretending, that she couldn't hear the objections.

"Chai iced tea, please," Kendri said waiting for Paisley to get back to the table to continue their conversation. "I've been hoping to get an opportunity to ask you about Jason, is that who you mean? But which Trill are you talking about? Lt. Ligan or Kobi?" Kendri asked. The pair had ran into her engineering officer with a bottle of Orion liquor a while back and had given him a pass.

Paisley returned with the woman's iced Chai, and then continued. "Yeah. That's the human. And which Trill? The one you've been making moon eyes over," she said. She pulled up the menu on her PADD. "Anything in particular you want? The replicators have the usual but I heard there was a lamb burger special," she said. "Maybe some Sem'hal stew..." she said. "Spill," Paisley said, indicating with her hands that the woman should speak.

Kendri looked around to make sure no one had heard Paisley's accusations. "I haven't been making moon eyes over anyone, Paisley," she protested. "Every officer on board this ship, aside from the Captain, is under my direct chain of command. That could be seen as in appropriate." Kendri leaned in. "Are people talking? Do I need to change how I'm acting somehow? I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression," she asked, a worried expression on her face.

Paisley snorted. "No one would think that," she said. "Only a few people. Myself, Ivy, Shan," she said. "I only know Shan does because I had lunch with him and Ivy the other day," she said. "Listen. No one cares that much; it's not like you're an Admiral with a Petty Officer. You're close enough in rank and time in service. It's fine, Kendri," she said. "How much of this is you worrying for nothing, and how much of it is our upbringing?" She mused. They were brought up differently, sure, but Cardassian fathers were Cardassian, whether they raised you on Cardassia Prime, Bajor, or wherever. "I have heard that one of my team has a small crush on me. He's an Ensign. THAT would be inappropriate. That's too much of a rank difference, and in my own department? No. That's not the case here," she said. "And yes. Moon Eyes. It's cute, though," she said, sipping her tea. "Did you decide?" She asked, casually changing the subject.

"I'll have whatever you're having," Kendri responded, too flustered to make a decision. "And it would be inappropriate, to start a relationship with any Starfleet Officer commissioned to this ship. I'm second in command, and if something happens to the Captain, it's me. I can't put myself in a position... we've only known one another three months. You know the paperwork I'd have to file to even THINK about dating anyone on this ship?" She shook her head emphatically. "No, it's not going to happen, and if you hear any more officers discussing it, I'd appreciate it if you could help put those rumors to rest. Please?" Kendri looked at Paisley almost helplessly.

Paisley raised an eyebrow. "These are all excuses, Kendri, but...if I hear it, I'll shut it down," she said. It wouldn't stop her from believing it, but she definitely wouldn't let anyone else say anything. "Paperwork is just paperwork. I'll even distract the Captain awhile!! He's one I haven't spent much time with, yet," she said. Paisley wouldn't ever sleep with a CO but the double-entendre was fun.

"I'll grab food, what do you want?" Kendri asked. "And then, I would love to change the subject and hear what been going on with you and a certain intelligence officer you left my party with," Kendri said, her voice taking on a more lively, playful tone.

"A Reuben, on dark rye. Thanks!!" She smiled. SHE didn't mind discussing her love life. She didn't kiss and tell but she would explain that it was still a really casual thing, that they weren't even "dating" per se, and that there was a lot of backstory. She was seeing other folks in the meantime, and if he wanted to, she wouldn't care.

When Kendri returned a bit later, she smiled wickedly. "SO, which Intelligence officer was it you wanted to know about? Jason? Or Annika?" She asked, then smiled innocently.

"Well, only one of them was even at my party, Jason was looking for ways to be near you all night, and then you conveniently left at the same time. Sooo...." Kendri said drawing it out as she set their food down. "Are two still hanging out?" she asked, sitting down across from Paisley.

Paisley shrugged. "Kind of. We decided to keep it really casual. He's still dealing with the loss of his wife, and I am...not quite ready to settle down. I have options. I am only twenty-eight; I have plenty of time," she said. Unlike some women, Paisley never had the urge to get married, and have children. If it happened to her, great. If not, no sweat. "I mean...we've had a couple of meals and a lot of sex, but that's mostly what it is for now," she said, honestly. "Besides, I like keeping my options open, but I'm telling you what, if he looked at me like Kobi Tomm looks at you, I'd marry him yesterday," she said. She dug into her sandwich.

Kendri reached her her arms back, massaging her own shoulder blades as if she suddenly had a pain in her neck. "I'm not sure what you are talking about, but maybe you haven't noticed the way Jason looks at you," Kendri pointed out recovering. "He wasn't exactly subtle at the party. And when I've seen the two of you in the same place," Kendri shrugged and smiled. "Well some might call it moon eyes, when he steals a glance your way."

Paisley laughed. "Perhaps. Still. It's tougher for us-me. He's got his late wife and all the combat he's seen. Not that I haven't, I think I just process it differently. And I am extremely extroverted. He isn't. It's a lot of work to blend personalities. Plus, we haven't really seen each other much since the party. Just once or twice for coffee or a quick dinner, and a few rendezvous," she said. "I'm probably the fourth busiest person on the ship, after you, the Captain, and the helmsman," she said. "At least the first few months, until we get into a routine." She sighed deeply. She didn't mind the work load, but she did mind the extra responsibilities that came with department heading. She wasn't used to paperwork and meetings and deadlines. She just liked to take things apart and put them back together. If she had her way, she'd just let her people show up whenever, so long as they did their work. "But I'll keep that in mind..." She said. Sometimes, for as smart as she was, she was a bit dumb in the love department.

"Well, I'm definitely out of the loop. No one really tells the first officer much of anything unless it's an official request or complaint," Kendri lamented. "What else is there to know?" she asked.

"All kinds of things. What do you want to know?" She asked. "I generally stay out of other people's business, but I hear things. The two ladies in my department are gossipy, and sometimes...I overhear, even if I don't mean to," she said. "I always shut it down if it gets too far into TMI territory.. But I know that Ensign Sar might be sweet on that cute little Ensign in Ops, the one with black hair," Paisley reported. She ate a bit more of her sandwich, looking like the cat who ate the Canary.

"Ensign bet Ira?" Kendri asked, "I haven't seen those two together. Are they hanging out?"

Paisley shrugged. "I think that's what it is; they're both young, and a bit stodgy. Well. Sar is Vulcan, but she is a bit stodgy. Seems nice enough, though, I've had to work with her once on a panel," she said. "A bit quiet, but works hard." Paisley was looking directly at Kendri. "What about you? SURELY, you've heard or seen things," she said. By now, she'd deconstructed the sandwich, popping individual pieces of the roast beef into her mouth after breaking it up with her fingers. She popped the last piece in her mouth, and smiled.

Lt. Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Paisley M'Frar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia


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