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Ensigns Only: Guys Night and the Orions Part 1

Posted on Sun Sep 3rd, 2023 @ 4:53pm by

1,434 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Ice Lounge
Timeline: MD 27, After Mutara Crossing

The three ensigns walked into the Ice lounge and grabbed a table. Shan remained standing. "You guys grab a seat, what are you drinking? I'll go order and get us some food too," he offered.

Sar looked up from the crystalline booth, hands folded and planted on the table. "I believe I shall try the Andorian tea... Fridd. Thank you for your assistance."

There were several other Andorian choices. Choices of ale included typical Andorian Ale, Glow-Ale and Golden Ale. Another popular drink with katheka, an Andorian drink similar to coffee.

Unfortunately for Sar, Vulcans did not normally experience effects from stimulants like caffeine.

"Raktajino coffee. Iced." The shy-looking Kelpien that'd reluctantly joined them for the night out requested meekly. He wasn't familiar with the other two, but seeing as going out at all to socialize was good for improving his social circle, he'd agreed to forgo the massive load of legal research he'd have to do over the next few days, just for tonight. He sat at their table nervously flicking through his PADD; thinking about all the work he'd have to do made his ganglia squirm.

"I'll get a Raktajino with Gotaa cream." Edwin nodded.

Shan came back with their drinks balanced between his two hands. "C'mon, Dramin, why'd you even bring that?" he said referring to the PADD. "We're out here to have fun. You have to take some time off work," he urged. "Edwin, help me out here," he chided.

"Please put that away," Edwin grinned. "I've spent the last six hours doing inventory. If I look at another screen my eyes will melt."

"I can't. No, I- I- I really don't know how." The Kelpien admitted with a touch of indignance. "My legal research keeps me busy - my superiors are a demanding lot and expect the absolute best from me, nothing less! Ergo, I must stay on top of things." He insisted. "Whether I like it or not." He was grateful for the cup of iced coffee, which he buried his face in as he sipped from it with a grateful sigh.

Sar quickly chimed in. "I too was tempted with the prospect of bringing my PADD." He took the small Andorian tea cup and leaned closer to sniff it curiously. "However, I hope to achieve intellectual growth through enhanced social participation. This environment appears rife with opportunities for such experimentation."

"Sometimes your brain just needs a break. If you don't give it one you aren't going to think clearly anyway," Shan said. "Put it away for a few hours. Go back to it with fresh eyes later. You'll be better for it. Trust me."

"At least your files are in Fed Standard, the boss made me use the PADD's translator instead of the ship's computer. We'd have had it done in half time, if not for that." Edwin sighed. "Word of advice; when your mates say they're going to prank to the boss. Say no, that man has a wicked sense of humor."

"Is that so?" Dramin cringed hard. He would've hated to slog through hours of translating old legal files from their original language into Standard - cases were lengthy as they were; making reading them an even bigger menace to read was certainly not something he would've enjoyed.

"Oh, Dang!" Shan said. "Sorry bud, that sounds awful."

"Well, um." Dramin glanced at his two companions. "Have either of you had any particularly... interesting... developments at work as of yet? My duties have, unfortunately, been mind-numbingly boring."

Sar's long trimmed eyebrows rose at the query. "Indeed. Engineering is a field which requires constant maintenance. Our team spent approximately thirty-five hours giving the impulse engine's fusion reactor a total diagnostic."

The Vulcan's hand rested on the warm mug, Sar meditating by focusing on the transfer of heat from cup to palm. "We were able to increase impulse efficiency by three point seven percent."

Just as Sar had begun to speak, four Orion woman entered the bar. They seemed to range in age from mid-twenties to early-thirties. Each wore the stark white uniform of the Orion Space Navy.

The oldest woman seemed to sneak a glance at the Ensign's table, turning away just before anyone else looked in their direction. Sar continued to speak, but neither of the other guys likely heard anything he was saying about the impulse drive.

The four Orions sat at a both one table alongside and behind the Ensigns. They seemed to be speaking quietly amongst themselves. The tallest woman spoke the most, hair a dark green. At her side was the shortest and the loudest. She was the only one the others could hear. Her ebony hair swung back and forth as she laughed.

The most easygoing Orion had bright red hair. She sat in a relaxed posture compared to the others. It was her who kept sending glances towards Shanir, quickly snapping her head away any time she saw him start looking towards her.

The fourth officer carried a device in her hand. She only looked up when Eveza arrived from the far corner of the lounge to serve the table.

"It would appear our guests have cleared their medical procedure", Sar said while turning to look obviously in the direction of the Orions. The tallest woman sent a glare his way before realizing he was a Vulcan.

She leaned forward and said something to the others, only to draw a wave of restrained giggling.

Dramin did his very best to seem insignificant, making a valiant attempt to dip his head out of sight - which was kind of impossible, given that he was a tall, gangly bald thing with huge baby blue eyes. At least the Orions would avoid him, and he could avoid trouble that way. He didn't want trouble. If those four started causing havoc he could at least slip away, hopefully admist the chaos.

"I don't recall us having Orion Space Navy personnel on board." He whispered as softly as he could to the other two at his table. "They seem quite... interested... in you, Shan. The red-haired one does, at any rate..."

"No, absolutely not," Shan said shaking his head violently. "Not happening."

The crimson-haired woman said something to the tallest. She could clearly see Shanir look at them and shake his head from her peripheral vision. In response, she threw her green hair behind her shoulders and stood dramatically at about 5'10.

The others flanked her in diamond formation with the precision of the ship's straighter detachment. "Hello... We are junior officers assigned to long term patrols within this nebula.. Forgive us for wanting to speak to a new face. I am Tidari."

The scarlet-haired woman spoke next. "I'm Vehnanneu." Her glance turned from generally looking at the group to locking onto Dramin's eyes. "And who might you all be?"

Vehnanneu reminded Dramin of a human woman of the Mexican ethnicity in appearance - which made reconciling the image of one with red hair and green skin somewhat difficult. He'd met a few in his time at Starfleet Academy. That hardly detracted from her appeal, however; Orion women were famous for their exoticness and she did not disappoint.

Of all the people to look directly up at, she just had to choose the tallest and most definitely least humanoid of the group. Dramin did his best to look her in the eye, which was a little difficult since she wasn't that much taller than her black-haired colleague. "We are just some of the Columbia's junior officers on our off duty time." He replied evenly. "I- I trust your time on board has been pleasant." He offered. It was only polite to ask, after all.

"I think your friend was just about to invite us over", said the short one with black hair as she squeezed between the first two and pushed them out of the way. She slowly walked towards Edwin, smirking playfully.

"Oh, Okay." Edwin blushed. "Have a seat."

Shan looked at Edwin in disbelief as he invited the Orion women to sit down. He also didn't try to hide his irritation as he rolled his eyes before taking a drink of his synthehol. Lissa probably wouldn't speak to any of them for days if she were to walk in right now. Everything about this spelled trouble.

Shan looked around the bar to see if he could spot Eveza again.

Ensign Shanir th'Kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Edwin Veers
Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Waitress/Server Ice Lounge
USS Columbia


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