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Ensigns Only: Ladies Night (Kinda) Part 2

Posted on Sun Sep 3rd, 2023 @ 6:48pm by Ensign Annika Wiseman & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

2,068 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19 Restaurants
Timeline: MD 27 - After Part 1

Alex's ivory skin flushed slightly at Ivitha's forwardness. "Probably because I've been deep in the biology labs since I arrived. The science departments on these Odyssey classes are huge. What do they have you working on?" he asked,

"There's a study on one of the newest members of the Federation. An entire species of humanlike aliens nearly identical in culture to humans that lived in Ancient Egypt. They're a recent member, so we've only barely begun to work with their archaeologists and anthropologists to discover their ins and outs. What about you? I imagine the biology labs must have rather fascinating things within them, hm? Perhaps a new species of plant?" The Andorian's antennae twitched expectantly as she looked on at him with clear blue eyes.

"There is a separate botany department," Alex nodded. "I've been working on a vaccine for these animals on Jinara, they are kind of a cross between an Earth equine and canine if you know what those are. There is currently a viral outbreak that has a 67% mortality rate. It's research I brought with me from my last assignment."

"But what about you? Isn't it kind of awkward studying a crew mate for anthropological reasons?" Alex asked her.

"Hmm?" Ivitha's antennae twisted into question marks - clearly what Alex had just said confused her. "There's one of them on board? That's news to me, really. I didn't know that!" She remarked. "I suppose I'll have to talk to them sometime, assuming I get to meet them. I wonder what they're like..."

Lissa leaned back in her chair and looked at Sarah. She mouthed to her. "That was exhausting."

Sarah nodded. "Sorry, it comes out sometimes-we call it "Jewish Mother guilt," she said. "I just like to see people happy." Sarah sat back, listening to the conversations. It was how she'd learned more conversational Standard. She mimicked others' speech patterns. "Ivitha, do you want something to drink? I am going to get something." She said. She would leave the two other ladies to flirt.

"Andorian ale, please, sweetie." Ivitha smiled at her before turning her attention back to Kelson. "Well then. Tell us a bit more about yourself, handsome. We'd simply love to get to know you..."

Annika signaled for a refill on her drink, then looked over too the security officer.

"I'll come with you," Lissa said, hopping up to join Sarah at the bar.

Sarah nodded at Annika, then went to the bar, Lissa on her tail. Sarah got herself a glass of Earth wine, the Andorian ale for Ivitha, and another cocktail for Annika.

"I'll have an apple cider seltzer, a large basket of cheese sticks, honey barbecue boneless wings, and ---"

"You said you can eat chicken right?" Lissa asked turning to Sarah, "It's from the replicator."

Sarah nodded. "That should be fine, thank you. Can I also try the brisket?" She asked the man behind the counter.

"And some regular buffalo wings - large basket of that too," Lissa ordered.

Lissa grabbed the baskets of food and her own drink and made her way back to her seat at the table. Sarah carried the drinks back carefully, settling back in next to Annika and Kelson. "Here you go," she said, passing out the drinks and placing the tray at the end of the table. "So, I missed the intros. What does everyone do? I am Ops myself."

Annika looked up "Intelligence, by way of Starfleet medical."

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Interesting," she drawled. "How did that happen?"

Annika looked up from her drink "I applied for a posting that I thought was a nursing position, when I got the orders I thought it was a mistake, then when I arrived even the Lieutenant was confused, but I have to admit the work is intriguing, but the secrecy and the weird reports plus the black hole that the Lieutenants biography is makes for an interesting job."

"There are rumors about that in Security," Kelson said, acknowledging what Annika just said. "Which is where I work."

Annika shot a quick glance over at Kelson, "I know, we did a small arms class together." pausing to take a drink "I think it adds some mystery too being in that department."

Sarah shook her head. How did that even happen? How do you confuse a nursing posting for one that is security?! "I don't think I could ever do that. I'd have asked for a transfer immediately..." She said, sipping her drink. "I just...I'd panic, I think."

"I had my reservations, and I'd still like to be a nurse but I'll give this a chance and try to get a transfer after this mission is over." Annika said followed by downing her glass.

"And leave us behind? Come on now, there has to be a way for you to go back to just being a nurse. If you don't enjoy the intel work then I think it's best you say something before it's too late." Ivitha remarked.

"I'm going to give things a chance, a real one, the lieutenant has said he'd honor my request if I wanted too, he's actually quite interesting to work for, if you can get past that personality wall he seems to have up, I get to help with the weekly intel reporting which so far has been intense, but way easier than a packed emergency room." Annika said followed by her slamming back her drink in one gulp.

"Well, I really am a nurse. I didn't make that up earlier. I'm in medical school though, taking classes remotely, but I should be able to do all my clinicals and practical exams from here," Lissa said excitedly. "May be CMO of my own ship someday."

"That seems intense," Alex commented. "Where do you find time to do all of that?"

"Oh here and there," Lissa shrugged. "Who needs that much sleep anyway," she added playfully.

Annika smiled "I'm kind of looking forward too this resupply mission, I've never been to a new colony."

"Me either, actually," Lissa chimed in. "What about you guys?"

Sarah shook her head. "No, this is my first real Fleet assignment. My cadet ship was actually a medical ship; I was there just to make sure the system ran correctly," she said.

"I have, but none with the security issues we're expecting on Mutara III," Kelson responded. "It's also unusual that they are so spread out so new into the development. If they had stayed tight and worked their perimeter out slowly, it would be easier to provide security. For everyone."

"I noticed that too," Alex commented. "But we don't want to bore these lovely ladies with work. Where did you say you were from, Sarah?" Alex asked. "Your accent is unusual, I've never heard it before.

Sarah smiled. "I am Romanian. From Earth. It used to be a part of the European Union," she said. "And before that, part of Communist Russia," she said, "the USSR. When it broke up in the 20th century, my family settled in Romania and we didn't leave," she said.

Annika spoke up next, "Most of my family is from, the Gaspe Peninsula in northeastern North America, but I spent a large part of my life in San Jose."

Sarah smiled. "I've always wanted to go to America-I mean, outside of San Francisco when I was in the Academy-but there wasn't a lot of time to see it. I studied a lot..." She trailed off.

"I think we lived closer to Burbank to be honest, I didn't venture too far from home most days, During the summer we'd go back too the peninsula, watch the whales come and go, beach parties, explore the old city in Montreal, I miss all that now, but I wouldn't trade it." Annika said flagging down the server.

Sarah smiled as she listened. "Romania is very old, and there is much history," she said. "What wasn't destroyed by wars before was then when Earth was invaded," she said. "Still, we mostly kept our culture and languages. Romanian is actually a Romance or Latin language, instead of Slavic," she said. She realized she was rambling out of nerves, and sipped her drink instead.

Lissa shrugged, "I grew up on Starships. Saw a little of everywhere I guess. Starfleet brat." She took a buffalo wing wing out of the basket and bit into it careful not to get sauce on her face.

"Another one, huh?" Kelson asked. "Same here. My parents were both from Indiana though, and I had grandparents there and in Kentucky, so we'd come back when we could and visit them. My grandparents in Kentucky are still there, they have so much land, horses. It's beautiful. I love going back," he said nostalgically.

She looked over at Kelson "That sounds like a lot of fun, what about you Ivitha?"

"I'm from Duo III. Fun fact, the colony's made up of mostly Deltans, though a lot of humans and Andorians live there, too. My parents were way too busy with the business way too often, so I sort of just did whatever." Ivitha commented before looking towards Alex, antennae settling into a relaxed heart shape atop her head. "And what about you? Surely someone with your looks must hail from somewhere quite amazing." She inquired, flirtatiously meeting his eyes.

"Also another Starfleet brat," he said raising his hands as if he were being accused of a crime. "My parents were from Archer IV, so I have some family there, some on Earth still."

"Oh, Archer IV is gorgeous. I've been there once during the Academy vacation period. It's like paradise. Strange if you recall that the flowers there used to make people go crazy, or so I've heard." Ivitha muaed cheerfully. "But that's all behind the planet now! I had such a good time there. Have you ever been to The Washouts? That amazing restaurant by Malimba Bay? Mmm, best food I've ever eaten."

"My ancestors were some of the first to populate after they found the cure for the pollen," Alex told her. He shook his head. "No, I've never been there. When we went back we didn't go out a whole lot, it was usually to see family."

"Shame. It's a lovely planet. I'll take you round if you'd like." Ivitha offered. "We spent a week there, I got to see plenty of the sights. Never too late to learn something new, am I right?"

Sarah watched the interactions with interest. The Andorian seemed to be flirty with EVERYONE. How strange. She looked to Lissa. "You all are lucky to have grown up already seeing the Universe. I'm late to the show. My father works for the Government and my mother teaches music. I can play both the piano and violin," she said.

"Oh? What kind of music?" Lissa asked.

Sarah smiled. "Mostly classical, but I've been learning some Romulan opera, too. And a little bit of rock music," she said. "Of course, it sounds a bit different on the Earth instruments, but it's fun! Maybe I will play for everyone some day," she said.

"We should totally do that!" Lissa exclaimed. "I bet there isn't anything going on in ten-forward for like, anytime. Let's get you on the schedule. What do you say guys?" Lissa said looking at the others for support, but realizing that Annika and Kelson were engrossed in their own conversation, while Ivitha seemed to have drawn all of Alex's attention.

Lissa looked to Sarah. "So this is weird. Wanna dip out and go for a walk or something?" She asked, gesturing to the four that seemed to be coupling off.

Sarah nodded. "Sure, I think we' do you say it? Third fiddle? No...Third wheel." She said. "Let them have some fun. I was going to go to the Mess Hall for dinner. Do you want to finish it out there?" She asked.

Lissa put an arm around Sarah's shoulders as she led her away from the restaurant. "The mess hall is dead this time of night. It's good for breakfast and lunch. But it's not fun, if that's what you are after. Let me introduce to you 10-Forward," she said as the girls walked off.

Ensign Daisheless Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Science Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia


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