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The Story no one knows

Posted on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,225 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Various
Timeline: 2392 through prior to Jason's arrival


==Earth 2392, San Francisco==

The last seventy-four hours were a sluggish blur. Jason was sitting at the small metal table in the interrogation room, several different investigators had continuously questioned him about the previous events, and the answer was always the same, that he didn't know anything, he had been off world when things happened, he'd provided the proof that seemed to be even more insufficient to the lead investigator.

About four hours previously Spacedock's chief of security had arrived providing additional proof of Jason's whereabouts' only for it to be met with additional skeptical reception.

Jason was alone for the first time in hours, the lead investigator had been called away for some reason, Jason staired at the table top trying to figure out what had happened on his own. The door opened, Jason jumped too attention as Rear Admiral Cooley walked in, the older man in an ill-fitting uniform walked in and made a motion for Jason to sit back down.

"This local cop is being a jackass, even with the transporter logs and the records of you being on Spacedock they don't want to release you, I finally pulled some rank with the locals and your going to be released, I strongly suggest you stick to the narrative here, I'm also taking the investigation away from them, mostly because of the sensitive nature of your work at times." he paused "For the official record it was a botched robbery, you were away on duties for the office when it took place, you don't know anything."

Jason nodded and looked up his eyes were sunken from fatigue, "What else sir?"

"No, I've got a team emptying out the townhouse, you're going to stay in Officers' quarters for now, I'm going to recommend a short term reassignment, maybe a space station far enough away that the locals will loose interest in you until this is closed." Admiral Cooley said in a gruff voice

Jason stood and before he could come too attention "After the standard leave report too deep space three, they're hosting a conference with some Romulans and I think you should be there."

Jason nodded again, he shook the admirals' hand and walked out the admiral in close formation, a grey uniformed ensign with a phaser on his hip was waiting to escort him too the hopper.

==12 lightyears from Deep Space 3 last known location==

Jason was slumped over at the controls of the damaged shuttle, his face was covered with streaks of blood, his unform was covered in soot, and grease from the small explosions that rattled the shuttle hours earlier, Jason shook off the side effects of a head injury, but he couldn't shake off the throbbing headache, he attempted too turn on the emergency beacon with uncertain results. He peeled off the stained and dirty uniform coat tossing it on the bench seat of the shuttle, "This is Lieutenant Elliot to any starfleet or allied ships, there's been an incident at DS three I'm unaware of survivors."

After twenty hours the noise of a tractor beam locking onto the hull of his shuttle woke him, he tapped his communicator.

=^="Lieutenant this is USS Asia, we're securing your shuttle and bringing you aboard, please acknowledge."=^=

"This is Elliot, I'm here." Jason said unable to hide his excitement and fatigue.

Jason found himself in sickbay aboard the ship that he didn't recognize, the doctor said he'd suffered a concussion but would recover, a figure that had intelligence grey walked in, then he saw the admiralty rank.

"At ease lieutenant, we were surprised to find you."

"Sir I was on my way too meet with a contact concerning an upcoming conference when there was a flash and the station was gone." Jason said almost in shock.

"We know, someone detonated a device that caused massive damage, we believe it was a faction that didn't want to have the meetings go ahead, because of where we found you this is the extent of the investigation for you, once your cleared you are returning to earth, consider yourself on leave." The Admiral said.

"Thank you sir, one question where am I? I've never seen a sickbay like this." Jason said still confused.

"This is my ship, USS Asia." He said walking away

A nurse came over to do a final evaluation "Looks like Admiral Wallace got the information he needed,"

"That was admiral Jarred Wallace!" Jason snapped into the moment, "War hero, intelligence legend, I'm confused."

"He's generally soft spoken, and this is his ship a completely rebuilt and refurbished Ambassador class, this was the Admirals first posting during the early hours of the Dominion war and when she was about to be decommissioned he saved her from the scrap yard and had her turned into what you see." The Nurse said.

Jason just sat there for a few more minutes before being cleared to go to a quarters.

==2394, Earth, North America, Calgary==

Jason stood in front of the house he'd just acquired, it had been sitting empty for about five years as the old inner city neighborhood had become less desirable, not because of any crime or other concerns, just not a modern area too live in, and the area itself had only marginally changed since the beginnings of the millennium, he opened the doors for the first time too see what he called potential, it was a place away from Starfleet intelligence where he could start to rebuild his complicated life.

He'd returned to earth, reassigned to an office away from the main headquarters, his new boss was the still enigmatic Admiral Wallace, he'd met the man a number of times, his main assignments were too study tactics used by all sides in the Dominion war, proper study and break downs of new technologies used during the war.

The house itself didn't have what Jason thought to be the best kitchen, it was small, the antiquated stove needed some work and the replicator looked like it had been salvaged off of a Constitution class.

One afternoon Jason returned from exploring the nearby businesses to find a box with a note on the door step.

Hey kid;

Happy birthday


Jason sat the box on the dining room table and opened it, inside was a bottle of whiskey, a simple label identified it as Parallel Seven, circa 2370. Jason put the bottle in a cupboard for later.

Several weeks passed, Jason started to get the house to his liking, he'd managed to secure several cases of the whiskey that the admiral had gifted him, although he didn't drink it in large amounts but had found it enjoyable in small amounts.

Days passed with little change in the routine, he'd started to become social with many of the locals, many were ex starfleet or just life long residents.

As the weeks moved on he started to wonder if this was it for him, that changed one afternoon, Jason had been summoned to the Admirals office.

"How do you feel about going back out there?"

"Where too?" Jason asked

"Starbase sierra to meet up with USS Columbia." The Admiral said

"Sounds like fun, when do I ship out?" Jason said with a vague smile

"Seventy two hours, The transport Unity will take you there."

The Admiral stood extending his scarred hand "Good luck kid."



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