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Ensigns Only Club - Part II

Posted on Fri Aug 18th, 2023 @ 12:17pm by Ensign Sar & Ensign Annika Wiseman & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

1,478 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: Following Part I

=/\= On =/\=

"Tough crowd," Shan said, raising his eyebrows, and tilting his head toward Sar. "I don't want to know what they say about us when we aren't around," he added, taking a drink of his Andorian ale.

"Indeed", Sar said with the sort of determination in his expression seen during his extended shifts. "It would appear we may be dealing with some of the ship's more aggressive females", he said matter of factly.

Shan swallowed his ale a little too quickly, catching a burn in his throat that caused his eyes to water as he put a hand on Sar's shoulder. He coughed to clear his throat, "I don't think you meant that," Shan nodded his head very slowly up and down, while making eye contact with Sar. "You were joking, right, buddy?" he said, trying to coach the Vulcan out of the awkward situation.

Lissa watched Sar and Shan with amusement as she played with the fruit that adorned her drink as she waited to see what Sar would say next.

The Vulcan slowly cocked his head back towards the women, eyes creeping towards them with caution.

"I did not mean to make assumptions", Sar said as he reoriented himself forward. "The term was meant in regards to dating interest and socialization.."

Annika looked up suddenly, "Shit!"

"Lieutenant Elliot just walked in, whose that he's with?" Annika turned back too the table.

"I shall inquire information on her name and position", Sar said tersely, slowly starting to stand.

Shan who still had a hand on Sar's shoulder grabbed his shirt pulling him back.

"No!" Shan and Lissa almost yelled in unison.

"Don't do that," Lissa added, shaking her head emphatically.

"Hey, Sar. Let's not do that - besides, do you want him and his date to join us here?" Ivitha hissed, patting his shoulder to get him to sit down. "Besides, what goes on in his personal life isn't exactly our business unless he tells us about it, hm? It's only polite."

"Very well", Sar replied while flopping back into his seat. His well-trimmed eyebrows raised somewhat in surprise at their unison.

Annika looked over "It's weird not seeing him in uniform, but he seems happy."

Sar could only assume work was the cause of his happiness. "The Lieutenant's expression is likely a reflection of satisfaction in his profession" The Vulcan's deadpan words seemed to rhyme.

Lissa looked at Sar and shook her head softly. "I'd say it is more likely his companion for the evening that has him looking so chipper," she said with a knowing smile.

"We should leave things alone, plus I wouldn't mind paying a visit Kelson Neil." Annika said giggling at the end of her sentence, "I could use some help with my phaser technique."

Lissa shrugged her shoulders in an exaggerated manner. "I mean, that's not the worst excuse to talk to him more," she said. "You should do it."

As Sar listened, he wished he’d brought his PADD. The fascination of the other officers with members of the opposite gender was really interesting. He thought about sharing great holodeck programs which could help with her technique. Sar had an inkling that such words would only fall flat. He quietly sipped his tea.

Turning to Shanir, Sar said, "I hear the Captain is organizing athletic activities. Do you plan on participating in any matches?"

"Athletic activities? I'm no sporte girl, but I'm down for it." Ivy quipped. "The Captain's organizing them? Sounds like a pretty good way to meet new people to me!" She leaned forward, antennae swivelling to face the Vulcan. "Tell me more! Where'd you hear of this?"

"Lieutenant Zinn shared this information with the junior staff. Apparently Commander th'Zeles has petitioned the crew for ideas in order to find the most popular sports among the crew."

Sar didn't realize that the idea was also based on suggestions like those from Lieutenant Lyngstad and others. Ryhl put word out among senior and junior officers to search for ideas.

Shan scratched his head behind his left ear, a nervous habit, and his right antennae twitched. "Eveza asked about getting kochek games going on the holodeck, and I told her I would play. Not sure if that came from the Captain or not, but it's a three team sport, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him there."

"It could be fun, I'm not the most coordinated for sports but I'm interested." Annika said with a smile.

Edwin entered the room quietly and ordered a drink, he listened to the people talking about sports. He'd didn't know anything about Kochek, but was sure his boss would encourage him to play.

"Greetings". Sar welcomed Edwin with a curt nod.

"Racquetball or badminton are my games and there's a court in the gym so we don't ever need the holodeck." Edwin smiled.

"Good of you to finally join us, Ed," Shan said with a nod. "We were a little outnumbered there for a while."

"Playing a sport would be a new experience for me". Sar had spent much of his life focused on Academic studies. "However, I do believe that proper instruction and rigorous study would provide adequate results." The closest thing Sar had been to a team sport was relay racing. He had wrestled, but that was almost seen as ceremonial.

"Vulcans are naturally athletic," Lissa added encouragingly. "I'm sure you'd pick whatever you decided to play up pretty quickly."

"It's just hand-eye coordination and teamwork," Edwin shrugged. "I'd be glad to show how."

Annika started to get a little excited "So are we doing this?"

“It would appear that we will put together a team”, Sar said calmly. He was truthfully looking forward to it.

"I'm in!" Lissa said enthusiastically. "Do we know what sport we're putting together a team for yet?" she asked.

"Basketball might be the most logical team sport to initially focus on. The Andorian sport of Kochek features three players per team. This presents the opportunity for us to field two teams". Sar looked each officer from eye to eye.

"I've been to good at basketball," Edwin shrugged.

"We should try and practice, I could use it." Annika commented.

"Okay, let me know when and I'll be there," Lissa stated as she stood up from the table. "I hate to run, but I've got to do some studying tonight before I turn in. These final exams aren't going to take themselves," she said excusing herself.

"See ya, Liss. Good luck," Shan said holding his hand up in a casual wave as she left.

"Farewell", Sar said to Lissa. "I wish you exemplary marks with your exams."

"I played a little at the academy. Nothing serious, but if it's just for fun, it'll be alright," Shan said turning back to the table.

"Perhaps the less experienced members can learn from those who are more skilled", Sar suggested. "It is likely that athletic events will take place in a rotating schedule. There will surely be sports available to suit every interest."

"I've always considered myself a pretty good runner. Maybe there'll be track sports." Ivitha suggested. "Speaking of runs I've not done one in forever, wow..."

"I heard someone say there's a great cross country course on the holodeck that's popular with security and the Marines, we could try it out, hopefully it's not too difficult." Annika commented.

"I like the half-G parkour Course, it's a lot of fun with the safeties on," Edwin added.

"Adding such diverse running events to our physical regimen would be highly stimulating", Sar said while looking amongst the group.

"Running when something isn't chasing me?" Shan asked dubiously. "You all lost me. The half-G course sounds interesting. Remind me not to eat first."

Annika cringed "I only have basic zero-G and low-G training so I'm at a serious disadvantage there, I should go I'm learning some intelligence stuff tomorrow and I need to have a clear head for some of the more analytical stuff." She said standing, "Keep me posted on what we've talked about."

"I must take leave as well", Sar said, standing alongside Annika. "Farewell compatriots. I look forward to our next collaboration." A warm glimmer deep within his pale khaki eyes hinted at hidden emotion.

"I guess the party is dying down, and alpha shift isn't going to run itself," Shan said standing up. "Good catching up." He patted Sar on the bicep a couple of times on his way out.

It wasn't long until the group had splintered off to get on with the morning's duty. The refreshing gathering helped each officer start the day grounded with shared camaraderie.

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
USS Columbia



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