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Bugs! - Part I

Posted on Thu Aug 17th, 2023 @ 4:31pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Thu Aug 17th, 2023 @ 4:32pm

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 11, Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD 15 - 1322 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Under the soft glow of the holodeck's moonlight, Ryhl stood just outside the entrance of a rocky tunnel on the simulated planet's surface. The craggy terrain seemed to stretch on forever, with jagged formations casting elongated shadows across the landscape. The air was still, the only sounds being the distant echo of wind rustling through rocky canyons. Ryhl was armed with a sleek and modern Type 3G phaser rifle, its matte black finish caught glimmers of the moon's light.

As the team gathered around him, Ryhl's cerulean skin seemed to fade into the dark surroundings. His white hair was neatly pulled back, and his antennae twitched slightly as he surveyed the officers before him. They were a diverse group, each brought together for this holodeck exercise.

Ryhl's dark-golden eyes scanned the faces of the team, expression composed yet focused. "Alright, everyone," he began, voice calm and commanding. "We're about to enter this tunnel, and you all know the drill. Stick to your training. Let's move as a team. Communicate effectively, and don't hesitate to call for backup if necessary."

He glanced at the holographic display embedded on his phaser rifle, a brief flash of information confirming the exercise parameters. The mission was simple enough: navigate through the tunnel, secure the designated objectives, and emerge on the other side.

Ryhl knew that the rugged terrain and the element of surprise could make even the simplest mission challenging.

"Remember, this isn't about perfection," he continued, his tone steady. "It's about cohesion and adaptability. Keep your wits about you, trust your instincts, and rely on each other. We'll face unknown variables in there, but that's where our training shines. Let's work together, and we'll get through this."

"Are there any questions?" The Andorian looked each officer from eye to eye. They were all kitted out for a simulated away mission and told to check out a phaser rifle of their choice from the Columbia's extensive armory.

Jason looked around, his first thoughts were this would be interesting, he picked up a newer compression phaser rifle and looked around.

A wide variety of phaser rifles sat on an armory rack rendered by the holodeck. After the officers made their selections, it would disappear.

Ryhl's antennae twitched in the darkness. His smile reflected the moonlight as he looked to Jason. "I'll be relying on you, Mister Elliot. I want you to watch the rear. I'll be first in. If we hit open ground, we'll spread into a wide wedge."

The Andorian looked around to see if his general instructions brought questions.

Jason released the safety on the rifle, "Too bad there aren't any flashbangs, it'll slow down any opposition."

Ryhl nodded as he looked over his rifle. "We don't have them for this scenario.. But you can bring stun grenades if an away mission calls for it."

The Chief Engineer shook her head. "No, sir, no questions. Let's go," she said. She was ready to go. She set her phaser to "medium stun". "I am ready!"

"Right", Ryhl said as he slapped the side of his Type 3G. "Let's do this", he said as he turned towards the cavernous entrance. He had to get low, squatting as he walked to get through the extremely low ceiling.

The group had to make their way through a dark tunnel of about 4.5 feet high. Ryhl turned on the flashlight attached to his phaser carbine and pointed it down the dark shaft.

After looking back, he whispered, "Spread out, just a little." The Commander's hushed voice was magnified just enough by their commbadges.

A chittering-chattering sound could be heard in the distance. "Set your phasers to low disruption", Ryhl whispered as they crept closer to a bend in the short tunnel.

Jason crouched slightly, sweeping left to right, he adjusted his power settings, then looked toward an opening "Movement my 11." Jason said into the comms.

Lieutenant Tomm was following the action closely. This scenario made for a good security drill. He promised himself to make mental notes and make recommendations to the Commander.

“Alright, people,” Tomm said. “Pay attention, watch each other’s backs. This is still important despite it being a Holodeck exercise. Stay alert. That’s an order.”

The Engineer had little problem navigating the dark tunnel ahead-after all, she did it on a regular basis, though she usually had at least a headlamp. Still, she kept herself tightly closed in-no need to get bitten, even by a hologram.

*Movement at my 11*

She moved her body to turn that way, and aimed. "Shall I take the shot? Can you see it?" Her eyes had long since adjusted to the darkness, and her half-lizard vision and eidetic memory helped a LOT in this kind of scenario. "I could also just catch it for further scientific endeavors," she joked.

"Steady", Ryhl called out as he lead the team forward. After they came around the bend, the space had opened up. Commander th'Zeles, "Move to wedge", he called out, his light one of the few ones shining into the dark.

Jason looked at the creature through the sight on his rifle, "These things look like a beetle, six legs, pincers, thick shell, anyone pack stun grenades?"

“Roger that, Jason. Got a sixer in my pack. Unless Commander Rhyl has any objections, fire at will. Make sure you have a clear line of sight. We don’t want to give them any reason to retaliate if we miss.”

"Steady!" Ryhl's whisper became a little louder. The insects hadn't spotted them yet. Ryhl was leading the group towards a raised section against the cavern wall.

Each officer still had to keep a watchful eye on the insects. They each likely felt the tension to fire their weapons. This was part of the test. They had to carefully choose their area of fires.

Paisley aimed downward and to the left, but careful to not include Tomm's feet in her line of fire. Her weapon of choice was a handheld phaser-set to full power. Because she might be an engineer, but she was also half-Cardassian.

"We'll set up a firing position there", Ryhl said, the sound of insects chattering to each other almost drowning out his voice. As the group spread out, Ryhl added, "Keep your heads on a swivel. They might still fly after us. Stay low", he called out as they crept up the incline.

It didn't take long for the group to move tactically into a spread firing position. Ryhl took a spot in the middle of the formation, turned halfway towards the rocky ramp while also looking over the cavern below.

Even more large, iridescent beetles clambered over distant stalagmites. "Ready... Aim", Ryhl paced, giving each officer time to lock onto their target."

"Fire!" Ryhl's crisp voice crackled loudly over the commbadges. His Type 3G fired first, a plasma pulse different from older phasers. His first two or three shots missed the distant object he aimed for. The modern carbine had faster follow up speed, bright pulses chasing down a green-red beetle until the blasts cracked apart its shell and splattered it.

Jason tracked his target then squeezed the trigger, it exploded in a hail of shell and plasma, aiming the rifle down the corridor where the bugs came from he fired hearing the same splash, "More coming!" he called out.

The officers knelt as they fired, staying low and improving their aim.


Commander Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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