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Classroom Scuffle: The Conclusion

Posted on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 3:56pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,598 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Timeline: After Classroom Aftermath Part II

The Executive Officer waited a few minutes for Ensign Douglas to clear the Bridge, and then she made her way down to the classrooms, hoping to catch the teacher before the children arrived.

Audrey Wilson was in her classroom setting up for the day, she looked up as Kendri entered the room and smiled. "Hello Commander, what can I do for you?"

"I thought I would check in and see if you had any more issues with the children... and more importantly, with any of my officers?" Kendri asked.

Audrey looked at her assistant, "Vinn, can you receive the children while I have a talk with the Commander?"

"Of course."

"Let's step into my office Commander," Audrey said motioning to the door.

The commander followed Ms. Wilson into her office.

"I assume this is the incident with Keena?" The teacher leaned back in her chair. "I've spoken to all the parents at this point, With you here I'm guessing the issue between Kas and Brian got out of hand."

"Somewhat," Kendri replied. "I have no intention of telling you how to run your classroom. I trust your judgment. And I will handle my officers. And should they become disruptive in any way, I want you to feel like you can come to me with any concerns," Kendri said reassuringly. "Are there any continuing concerns?" she asked pointedly.

"Brian is a hothead, but after I told his wife what was going she said she would handle it. You might want to see about getting her off Delta shift so she can handle more of the school issues." Audrey smiled, "As for Kas he and Keena brought me that."

She pointed to a bowl of fruit, "I think that was meant as a peace offering. He's quite charming when he doesn't have an angry parent in his face. I made a number of assumptions about them that were wrong."

"Well, I won't interrupt your day any longer if it's unnecessary. Ensign Douglas made a comment this morning about Keena needing to be moved to another classroom. I wanted to make sure that you were allowed to do your job undisturbed." Kendri stood up to go. "If you feel that you aren't having any issues, then I will leave you be. Again, feel free to reach out should there be any issues."

"I don't believe I'll have any further issues with Keena," Audrey smiled. "They agreed not to bring any special toys to class with her again. He explained that in their culture teachers receive the same respect as parents, I have the same authority as he does as far as their concerned. Keena has agreed to come to me with any problems. He quite charming when he's not defending his young."

"Very well, thank you for your time, Ms. Wilson." Kendri said, excusing herself.

Chalan went back to her office to look into getting the Douglas family on a more family friendly work schedule. She saw that Ms. Douglas was in the engineering department. Kendri sent a message to Lt. F'Rar explaining that there appeared to be some family issues and inquired if the lieutenant had any room for shift rotations that would put Ms. Douglas on a different shift.

Her meeting with Lt. Razka wasn't until later, but as far as she was concerned, any investigation with him was closed. She tapped her comm badge to see if he would be available to speak sooner.

=^="Commander Chalan to Lt. Razka, is now a good time to talk or would you prefer to wait until our allotted time?" =^= she asked.

=^= I'll be there in a few minutes, Razka out."

A few minutes later Razka was pressing the chime on Kendri's office door.

"Come in, Lieutenant," Kendri stated, prompting the doors to open. She walked around the desk to greet him. "Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked.

"Coffee would do nicely," Kas smiled and took a sit.

Kendri ordered them both beverages and handed Kas his coffee on her way to her seat.

"I spoke with Ensign Douglas and with Ms. Wilson this morning," Kendri began. "It doesn't appear that Ms. Wilson has any issues with Keena remaining in the classroom, and it doesn't appear that she's worried about there being any more issues among the children," Kendri began. "I'm not sure that Ensign Douglas has fully accepted this, so I am keeping a close eye on the situation. If he gives you or your daughter any trouble, please report it to me. I've asked Ms. Wilson to do the same. But as far as you are concerned, I'm considering the matter closed."

"Thank you," Kas said. "I spoke to the teacher apparently she didn't realize I was a single parent. I'm not sure why that mattered, but when my friend Lieutenant Rodriguez was helping me with drop-offs and pick-ups of Keena. I guess people thought she was my mate."

He shrugged and sipped his coffee.

Kendri shrugged as well. "It might not have, it could have just been an observation," Kendri said thinking out loud. "Is Audrey single?" she asked. "She did have an awful lot of nice things to say about you when I stopped by this morning...."

Kas raised an eyebrow, "I don't know. It didn't come up, things are pretty complicated with me right now. I'm not looking for a relationship. However, her attitude did change quite a bit in our last meeting.

Kendri smiled as she took a sip of her tea. "She used the word 'charming' to describe you at least twice," she added.

Kas flashed his pearly white smile, "I've my Mother to thank for that she insisted I learn diplomacy from a young age. She was worried that I'd be judged by my Klingon heritage. Over the years I have, people assume I'll handle things violently. Even on Starfleet vessels," He shook his head. "You should have the look on her face when Douglas confronted me, I think she thought I was going to hurt him."

Kendri shrugged her shoulders. "She probably wouldn't want to start anything while Keena is still in her class anyway, but next year..." she trailed off as she took a sip of her tea. "I'm going to need regular updates on any developments," she said winking at the chief playfully.

"I'll keep that in mind," Kas chuckled. "For the moment I'm just trying to figure the parenting thing out. I've been thinking about what you said about Keena remembering more than I realize..."

Kas sighed, "When she put her doll to bed last night she sang it a Bajoran lullaby. It was one of her mother's favorites. I guess her grandmother could have taught it to her."

"That sounds sweet," Kendri commented. "There are also good memories tucked in there too. She may need help keeping those alive."

"I have some memories I can share," Kas said. "I had a difficult childhood, I'm hoping to give her a better one."

"You are doing a great job, Kas," Kendri assured him. "I know it doesn't feel like it, but you are. And as the two of you spend more time together, I have no doubt that your relationship will continue to grow even stronger."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence," Kas sighed. "I really don't have much to go as father figures. My bio father left when I was younger than Keena is now. My stepfather did his best but that's another story."

"Knowing you don't want to be like them is a good part of the battle. I know I'm not a parent, but I know a thing or two about people, and you're doing good here," Kendri told him.

Kas paused, "Those of us who are born from two worlds have a hard time finding our path."

"That can definitely be true. I think that's why so many of us find ourselves here," Kendri agreed.

"I was taught the language and culture of both sides of my heritage," Kas sighed. "Keena knows little of her Klingon heritage, II guess that will be up to me."

"I would take her lead on that a little. Shes going through a lot right now. And never forget, it takes a village. It'll never be entirely on your shoulders," Kendri reminded him. "I wouldn't be surprised if the teachers worked in units for all the students' backgrounds, including Klingon. I've noticed that on most ships I've served. Even been asked to participate," she noted with a chuckle.

"That sounds good," Kas said. "I'll look into it. 

"Keena does know how to curse in Klingon and a few other languages." He shook his head. "We've had a few conversations about that."

Kendri tried to not choke on her drink as she laughed. She wasn't sure if the tears in her eyes were from the amusement or the hot tea getting stuck in her throat. "Well, kids will be kids. Don't tell me you didn't... at her age?"

"Of course, I did, with my little friends." he laughed. "I don't believe I told a customs officer to fuck himself. He tried to take her doll."

"Well, you did tell me that in your culture possessions and space are respected," Kendri reminded him. "Maybe she's more Klingon than you realized."

"Perhaps," Kas rose from his seat. "I think I've taken enough of your time."

Kendri stood up as well. "I hope this unnecessary stress is over. But if you ever need anything, you know how to find me."

"It's an honor voyaging under your command," Kas said before exiting.



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