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Springball: Second Half

Posted on Mon Sep 11th, 2023 @ 4:23am by Commander Chalan Kendri

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Springball Court: Deck 11
Timeline: MD 62

When Kendri smugly told Kobi she'd played in tougher matches, he made a sound that sounded like a gleeful grunt. “Is that so, Commander? Care to make a wager on the match? Nothing too exorbitant-loser has to serve up dinner for the other. Quarters of their choice.”

Tomm stood there, racket and ball in hand, eagerly awaiting Kendri’s response.

"I don't even know if you can cook," Kendri chided. "Why would I want to take that bet?"

“Then you’ll just have to finish the game and find out,” Kobi said as he got into position to serve.

Tomm’s serve just to the left of the center oval and reached Kendri on one bounce. She had to react quickly, choosing a forehand return over backhand. The ball returned to the opposite end of the court again, sending Kobi running, but Kendri let him go this time, choosing instead to try to wear him out.

He did the same to her, sending the ball to the opposite side of the court from her position. Kobi went to check her, but she faked right, and went left, rolling off his back as she made it to the far corner returning the ball and sending it right back to herself.

Kendri positioned herself squarely in his way, so that when he checked her coming back for the return she fell backward onto the ball. "My point," she said coyly, as she stood up, ball in hand and tossing it in the air.

"That might have been a foul," Kobi started to protest.

Kendri shook her head. "Should have gone around me," she said with a shrug squaring up for the next serve.

The two continued to play dirty - as springball should be played. Before long the score was 14-13, with Kobi in the lead, Kendri's serve.

She gave him a sideways stare as she chose her next serve. He'd had the most difficult with her drive serves, low and fast. Swiftly she hit the ball, nailing the serve and stood light on her feet waiting for the return.

Tomm was ready this time. He’d had trouble reacting to the fast and low serves, but he settled himself and got into position. It may have looked odd to a non-player and seasoned athlete alike, but Kobi was low to the ground, almost on his knees. The ball came at him practically at shoe level, but Kobi corrected himself to return the ball from his dominant, right side. He hit it hard sending it smashing against the left wall. It bounced back at an odd angle the other way, catching Kendri off guard. Kobi roared in defiance as he watched her react.

The ball was moving fast now, and wouldn't slow down for a while, it was back at her in less than a second and hit the ball just as quickly hitting the ball against the oval and back to Kobi.

Then she heard him yell, scream? Her concentration was broken as she turned to watch him pump his fists in victory before hitting the ball she'd just returned. She was stifling a laugh as she ran for the ball her awkward return hitting the corner and missing the oval. Game point to Kobi.

"That was not even fair," she said laughing now so hard that tears threatened to come out of her eyes. "Did you just roar like an animal in the middle of a game?" she asked incredulously, still laughing.

“I did what? Oh, that…I, uh, get carried away sometimes. There were moments there when you were getting the best of me. Even though I had the lead, I was frustrated. I take this shit too seriously sometimes. Sorry. Good game, though, right?”

He sat on the floor, looking at Kendri and catching his breath. She was covering her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hide her laughing. It didn’t matter, anyway, because Kobi joined in and started laughing as well.

He got up from the floor and wrapped Kendri in a friendly hug. “Nice going, Chalan. Listen, you don’t have to cook anything if you don’t want to. But I’d still like to have dinner with you. If you’re up for it.”

"Sure," Kendri shrugged, somewhat nonchalantly. "You know some of the junior officers were talking about this wings and barbecue place on Deck 19. Some kind sports bar? Supposed to be an old Earth thing. Do you want to check it out?"

“Sounds like fun. I can meet you at say 1930 hours. Where do you want to meet?”

"Deck 19? Where the promenade through the restaurants starts?" Kendri suggested.

“Perfect. It’s a date, then, or whatever you want to call it. I’ll see you then. Thanks for the game, Kendri. You’re a talented player. Maybe doubles next time… know anybody we can team up against?”

Kendri froze for a second. Definitely not a date. He knew that, right? "JUST dinner at 1930," Kendri said picking up her gear, trying not to give off the wrong impression. She was his commanding officer, and couldn't take the idea of dating another officer as lightly as most of the other senior staff could.

She changed the subject, "I'm happy to play anytime. I'm having trouble finding springball players. A lot of people prefer racquetball. They don't like the full contact of it," she said turning around as she held the door open. "If you know of anyone though."

Kobi smiled at Kendri as he took the door from her and let her walk through. "I'll ask around. See you tonight."

"Yeah, and uh, good game," Kendri added as she raised her hand in an awkward wave as she turned to go the opposite way down the hall.

Lt. Commander Kendri Chalan
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Kobi Tomm
Chief of Security
USS Columbia


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