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Posted on Tue Sep 12th, 2023 @ 3:34am by Crewman Ki'ana
Edited on on Tue Sep 12th, 2023 @ 3:35am

1,629 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 59

No one really questioned the sight of a lanky Kelpien cadet in Medical teal with all her belongings enthusiastically pushing her way through the crowd to get to sickbay. It was unusual, yes, but in space (and in Starfleet especially), unusual was the usual occurrence. Only a few minutes ago had her shuttle docked, and she exited the small craft with equal zeal, for there was someone in sickbay she really, really wanted to see. She only hoped they were on duty - if not, it'd be a little embarrassing to say the least.

She spotted her all the way from the entrance. She wasn't hard to pick out, the color of her skin being the verdant green it was. As much as Ki'ana wanted to bounce over and give her a hug, Lissa was on duty, and she on the other hand had her place in the pecking order, so to speak. Hence she set her bags down by the door where they wouldn't obstruct entrance and egress, and approached the nurse shyly. "Hey. It's me. I just got here." She said with her typical sweet, craggy smile.

Lissa turned and saw Ki'ana. She'd met Ki'ana when Lissa was about to start her senior year at the Academy and Ki'ana was an incoming first year. "Welcome aboard! I wasn't expecting to see you until later. I assume travel here went okay. That's crazy you were assigned to the Columbia, it'll be like the Academy all over again a little huh?" Lissa asked as she greeted the cadet warmly.

"My journey here was uneventful. I'm just glad to be here." Ki'ana replied, stretching her lanky arms. "If you don't mind, would you be so kind as to do my onboarding physical? I can't start work without being certified to start work, can I?" Smiling she settled down on a biobed, legs swinging from the side.

Lissa laughed almost sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Girl you have no idea. I mean, it would be my pleasure, but the first month this ship was in operation it was like herding cats getting everyone in here to get their physicals done. Everyone was skipping appointments and not rescheduling," Lissa shook her head at the memories. "It's funny now, but at the time I was so annoyed. So, no I don't think there is any rule about being certified to start work, but sure let's get that out of the way."

"People don't want to be asked questions. What they've been eating, how much they sleep, whether or not they have sex with protection and so on. Uncomfy topics as you know." Ki'ana replied nonchalantly. She'd faced that much difficulty just interning in the Academy's infirmary, and Lissa knew that from their exchanges via PADD. "I hope they aren't quite as difficult now that you've hopefully shown them that being seen isn't so bad?"

"Oh they know. It's the senior officers that are the worst about it. It's just inconvenient." Lissa grabbed a medical tricorder and a PADD. "Well lets get you on a biobed, the equipment does most of the work anyway."

"Already on one, unless there's something wrong with this one that makes it not count." Ki'ana smirked and patted the biobed she was already seated upon. "So, tell me more about this ship - who should we start going after to come in for checkups, what research is going on, whether or not I should look out for any more cute Orion guys like the one I told you about? The one who was studying to be an attorney? Oh, and the best food to eat..."

Lissa turned around and saw that Ki'ana had indeed already jumped onto a biobed. "Well in Sickbay there is a duty roster, though our shifts are fairly regular, unless someone is having sleep issues or childcare issues, they are assigned to alpha, beta, or delta shifts and stay there. Injured patients go to first available, but if anyone has a chronic need they are typically assigned to a specialist."

"As for research, I've been pretty focused on my studies to be a medical officer, and I'm specializing in trauma medicine, so I'll need to pick a project soon. Our CMO is about to have a baby. And I know science is doing some virology work," Lissa explained.

"And, I think I'm the only Orion on board. We do have a JAG officer, he is Kelpian, and we have a Kelpian security officer also, she's really nice - athletic. A lot of Andorians. I don't know if that's because the Captain is, so maybe more requested to serve here?"

"You? A doctor? You know, I can see it." Ki'ana remarked. "I think your patients would love you - you have the right personality for it, I do think. If you could help a nervous little girl like me through the Academy, you can help anyone." She glanced around sickbay, at the now familiar instruments and equipment surrounding them. "Well, are you gonna start asking questions, or?" She asked playfully.

"Well sure, you could probably ask them yourself at this point, Lissa remarked. Vitals look good. No remarkable changes in height and weight since your last baseline physical. Any changes in appetite, sleep, or mood lately?" Lissa asked.

"I could barely sleep with excitement yesterday, I woke up and rushed out the door stuffing a sandwich in my mouth, and I've been on a high on being here since... a few moments ago." Ki'ana answered with a smile. She leaned towards Lissa, blinking her large lilac eyes. "Is there a problem, doctor?"

Lissa laughed, "Not yet, it'll take a while since I'm trying to do it while I'm working full time. I've been at it two years, and just submitted the last of my first years exams. Waiting on scores now." Lissa gave her a look that was both nervous and excited.

"I might be a feeling a little of what your feeling right now. So, other than the rush of the last few days, you've been keeping to a healthy schedule then? Do you have any health concerns that you think your doctor should be aware of?" Lissa asked.

'"Not at all. Though I do wonder when my vahar'ai is coming. We talked about it, remember?" Ki'ana mentioned. "What was it about, with the hormone and chemical changes? Reckon you could help me scan for those, somehow? Even though you've already said that my vitals are nominal?"

"They're normal, no significant changes since your last physical," Lissa said giving her a sympathetic look. "As you know there is no real way to tell if will happen two weeks from now or ten years from now, the age of onset varies so widely. If you do start to feel different we can always scan for fluctuations that might indicate it's starting... or their might be another way...."

"And that way is...?" Ki'ana tilted her head and blinked large, round lilac eyes. "Have you learned something new that I haven't yet in my training?" Well, of course she hae - the Kelpien might have just wanted to hear it from her.

"It's nothing Starfleet is working on, so you wouldn't have come across it at the Academy," Lissa explained, "In the interspecies medical exchange program a three medical doctors all with additional PhD's in genetics, xenobiology, well you don't care about all of that, anyway, there is a Kelpian, a Denobulan, and Vulcan working on an experimental theory to basically trigger vahar'ai at a person's desired time using sound waves."

"Well in my internship it was in the theoretical phases, but that was three years ago. I haven't kept up on it. Might be worth taking a look if it's something you would be interested in?" Lissa said the last line like a question.

"No!" Ki'ana squeaked, a faint orange flush rising briefly to her cheeks. Only then did she realize how shrill her reply had come out, and her cheeks warmed further. "I mean- no. I'm not interested. I want vahar'ai to come for me when it will. Naturally. I-" She swallowed thickly. "Can I confide something in you, Lissa? I- I'm actually a little scared of vahar'ai. Mother said it will be as painful as lava through your veins, so hot even painkiller medicine is only so effective."

"I think being afraid is natural," Lissa said sympathetically. "It's a major life event, you know it will be an unpleasant process, and life will be different after. It's a lot of unknowns to process," Lissa said nodding her head.

"Yeah, but... some Kelpiens turn out totally different after vahar'ai." Ki'ana whispered. "Personality wise. Mother says it depends on the hormonal changes. It's random for all of us, apparently." She was silent for a good few minutes before adding, "I'm not sure how I feel about that. I like me as... me."

"Obviously, you know more Kelpians than I do," Lissa conceded. "But, I've never heard of anyone being unhappy with how they felt after the change."

"Well, the medical cases I've read do match that. Most turn out for the better." Ki'ana shrugged. "I guess I'm overthinking, then! Yeah. That's it." She sighed and allowed her shoulders to relax. "Anyway, um. If everything's fine, I suppose I can head off to my bunk to get settled in?"

"Of course, everything looks great," Lissa said, stepping away from the bed. "Glad to have you aboard," she added with a bright smile.

"Glad to see you too, Lissa. See you tomorrow for my shift." Ki'ana smiled and began to make her way out of sickbay, carrying her bags with her.

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia

Cadet Ki'ana
Academy Nursing Program
USS Columbia


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