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Ice, Ice, Party - Part V

Posted on Thu Aug 10th, 2023 @ 12:12pm by Thren ch'Yalorn & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Thu Aug 10th, 2023 @ 12:14pm

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10 Ice
Timeline: Following Part IV

=/\= On =/\=

There was movement from the long tunnel connecting the lounge to the kitchen. Eveza looked towards an arched opening across from the bar.

Three Thalassan Andorians each carry a large tray made of glacial ice towards the table, their movements exuding a sense of elegance and precision. Each dish is presented with utmost care and attention to detail, a testament to their culinary expertise. The group made their way to the table where Lieutenant F’Rar and the others sat.

They place a dish called sohla t'pocowan at the center of the tray. The hearty stew emits a tantalizing aroma, and the tender chunks of iceworm meat glisten under the indigo-tinted soft glow. One Thalassan server carefully pours the stew into individual crystal bowls. There is more than enough food to go go around the guests, including the new arrivals.

Next, the Duuploni are placed alongside the stew. These delicate, bite-sized treats are arranged in an intricate pattern that showcased the craftsmanship of the skilled Andorian bakers. The golden-brown pastries shimmered in the ambient light, sprinkled with fine sea saltt. The stuffed flavors included Rakella meat, Tellaran fire peppers and chilling blue blossom petals.

A large bowl of tuber root salad was elegantly arranged on another tray. The vibrant colors of the winter vegetables, s'lasma roots, and frosty tendrils created a striking contrast against the glacial ice backdrop. The salad's energizing nutrition added a refreshing touch to the meal.

As the servers completed their presentation, they stepped back with a graceful bow, allowing the guests to fully appreciate the food before them. With a sense of pride in their heritage, the Thalassan Andorians awaited the reactions of their guests, eager to share the essence of Andoria with those gathered in the Ice lounge.

Lissa's eyes lit up at the display of exotic food brought out to the table. "Alright, who's eating?" she called out the group around her, which now included Paisley, Ivitha, and Johanna. She thought about grabbing Shan, but he seemed to be in a fairly intense conversation with an Andorian server at the bar, so she decided to not interrupt them.

"Me!" The Andorian stood and began to fill her plate, stacking it with a modest amount of food. Everything smelled and looked so good, and a lot of it brought back memories from her childhood. Oh, how Ivitha missed those times.

Paisley smiled. "DEFINITELY me," she said, digging into the stew. It reminded her a bit of Sem'hal, but with different spices. She ate carefully, though, to avoid spilling food on her dress-normally, she didn't care. She was an Engineer, she couldn't care about getting stuff on her clothes, but this was a bit different.

Johanna's bad luck continued. She had just eaten in the mess hall. "Sorry, I just ate. It smells good though.

Lissa sat down and tried some of the stew. "This is delicious. I'm not sure I've ever had authentic Andorian food before."

"That food looks so tasty", Eveza told Shanir. "I haven't really tried much of it yet." Looking over at the table, she said, "I believe Thren is bringing you something too."

Shan's white eyebrows raised inquisitively, as he lifted his head from his hand. "I don't remember ordering anything. "I'm sure I could just join the others. He doesn't need to go to the trouble," Shan said, his antennae shrinking back a bit uncomfortable with the special attention he was getting.

"I don't know", Eveza said as her antennae twitched in recollection. "That Orion might have accidentally ordered it for you. I remember Mister ch'Yalorn was getting ready to talk about his food.. She asked for a surprise." The server laughed uncomfortably.

"Oh, it's alright," Shan said, looking around the room a bit. "I just don't like a lot of attention drawn to myself is all," he said.

"Nobody is paying you any mind", Eveza said. "Look around." The colorful lighting and intermittent shading seemed to drown out people more than a few feet away. "Everybody here is thinking about a dozen different things. None of their opinions on you matter", she said confidently.

"So what are you plans after the restaurant thing?" Shan asked Eveza?

"Ugh, best case scenario?" Eveza seemed to think for a moment. "I wish I could study art at the Andorian Academy. My mentor says I have real potential. It's tough to find a spot." Her body posture relaxed as she felt more comfortable with Shanir. "So here I am... Waiting it out."

"How do you normally spend your free time?" Eveza looked over at the bar, watching other servers tend to waiting guests. She couldn't pull herself away from this thaan.

"Well, I don't want to admit it after looking at this spread, but I cook a little," Shan said somewhat sheepishly. "I like to check out social scenes like this. Back home I did a lot of mountain climbing and ice swimming. Found some good places when I was at the Academy too. Holodeck's alright, but not the same as the real thing."

"What about you?" Shan asked.

"Me?" Eveza looked down and shrugged. "Lately I've just been working and staying in my room", she said. "I don't know this ship well enough to wander yet. But I like to dance... Honestly? Painting is my favorite way to pass time. Watching sports is also fun. I saw a kochek match in the Dharan Uplands before I left."

Looking back up with a warm smile, Eveza said, "I'm hooked. We should try to get some kochek games together on the holodeck. Would you play?"

The Andorian sport was played between 3 teams at once. The physical matches were played on ice without skates, over three challenging rounds.

Shan laughed softly. "Sure I could try. I think the last time I played was in secondary school, I might be a bit rusty," he admitted.

"Oh man", Eveza said. "It has been awhile." She realized she had watched it more than played. Many of the Starfleet officers were also quite strong. Eveza wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

She turned to see the Lurian raise his hand and ask for a drink. "I should get back to work", she said. "It's been great talking to you. We should chill out after my shift..." Her antennae sensed his hesitation before he could even speak. "Just so we can continue this conversation."

Shan was feeling apprehensive, and a little guilty, but he had been enjoying the conversation. "Yeah, what time are you off? We could meet in ten-forward. I think I'm going to grab a plate and probably head out soon."

"I'll tell Thren to set your plate to go", Eveza replied. I get off at 2100 hours", This was just under two hours and fifteen minutes away. "Would you like to walk me back to my quarters?" Her antennae rose inquisitively, once again opening to reveal a little more of the hot pink shade within.

Shan did that thing again where he scratches his head behind his left antennae when he feels uncomfortable. "Uh, do you think that's wise? I was thinking we'd just hang in the lounge or maybe go for a walk?"

Eveza giggled, teal blush returning to her cheeks. "It's just that I've been working in a lounge all day." She thought for a moment. "We can take a walk in the Arboretum. I heard there's a creek there."

Some color rose to Shan's cheeks as well. "Okay, fair enough. So, I guess, I'll uh pick you up in a couple of hours then?"

"Great", she said. "I'll see you soon." With a look of warmth, she left towards the arched opening into the kitchen. Eveza turned along the glacial blue path and wrapped around out of sight.


Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Eveza zh'Raalresz
Lounge Staff
USS Columbia
(linked to Thren)


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